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published in(发表于) 2016/4/7 6:24:57
NET exposes corporate donation fraud awarded the China charity award, officially donated 20 million



NET exposes corporate donation fraud awarded the China charity award officials said donated 20 thousands | | donation fraud _ China charity Award News
Confirmed violations Gets the China charity award of the enterprises concerned. Photographer: Chen Wei

Original title: network exposure, Jiangsu corporate donation fraud awarded the China charity award official: pledged for 20

Depth method night rates (sections overall depth reporter Zhu Shunzhong Chen Wei) net exposure of a private enterprises in Jiangsu Province in recent days, in the 2008 rankings "China charity Award" in the process, do not meet the "one-time contribution more than 10 million" appraisal requirements, donation fraud Act violations was "China charity award--the most loving domestic enterprises".

At this point, integrated enterprise concerned Jiangsu xingyuan real estate development limited (hereinafter referred to as the star company) legal representative Jiang Hui told the legal evening news said: "2008 donation of 10 million Yuan, the pledge is not a one-time contribution, but companies and charities have signed pledges of 20, donated 500,000 a year contribution agreement. "Charitable foundation, Tongzhou district, Nantong city, Jiangsu Province, and then to act later confirmed:" the corporate contributions pledged for 20 that year, not one-time donations. ”

  NET exposes illegal access of private enterprises in Jiangsu Province "China charity Award"

Yesterday afternoon, the article "getting ' the China charity award Jiang Guangquan is truly the" philanthropist "and compliments?" Post circulated on the Internet.

Internet post says, in Jiangsu Province, and the country is "prominent" philanthropists "Jiang Guangquan, and dominated by the law of the Jiangsu xingyuan real estate development company, in 2008 and 2010 respectively People's Republic of China's Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a" China charity award--the most loving domestic enterprises "issued by the Jiangsu provincial Department of Civil Affairs and 2010" Jiangsu Charity Awards--most charity donation ". Former request donations should be in 10 million yuan in the year (including material discount), and verified to account or to implement. Request donations at 2 million Yuan (including material discount), and verified to have into account.

This network is widely known in post also said in February this year, poster on behalf of individuals, charitable foundations, to understand the contributions of Tongzhou district, Nantong, Jiangsu Province. Tongzhou district charitable foundation was the reply given is: Star company in 2008, signed a pledge agreement with the charitable foundation, Tongzhou district, pledged a total of 10 million Yuan, 20 paid $ 500,000 each year. Every year from 2011 to 2014 500,000 2015 donated NT $ 200,000, plus 2008-2010 years, which today we received 3.7 million.

Last night, later contacted the post by listeners, he later confirmed to law Internet post for yourself. Mr TING, Jiang Guangquan xingyuan real estate company and its Chairman was "China charity Award", "Jiangsu Charity Awards" failing to contribute enough to run at all when conditions called for in the minimum number of donations. Through the review of how? is the lax Department or the information provided by the candidates?

  The charity said: for pledging not to declare any charitable Awards

Subsequently, the reporter learned from the Ministry of civil affairs official website for related information found says prizes and participating in the post request anything.

Charity ratings, a star source current corporate Jiang Hui told the legal evening news reporter (micro-ID:fzwb_52165216 legal evening news) said in an interview, "the 2008 donation of 10 million Yuan, the pledge is our company and charity contributions pledged 20 years agreements have been signed and donated 500,000 a year. "Jiang Hui also told reporters," our company has never declared Charity Awards, charity awards also doesn't make any sense to us, how much we donate, also bear a responsibility to society. ”

  Official response: thousands of contributions pledged for 20, charity Award for enterprise reporting

"Star source real estate in 2008 charity signed a pledge agreement with us $ 500,000 each year, donating 20 years. Jiangsu charity award 2010 competition requires from 2008 to 2010, a total of 2 million, he should also have contributions in other places, material can be counted, I only look to the charity's accounts in Tongzhou district, from 2008 to 2014 500,000 a year, 200,000 last year, a total of 3.7 million. 2008 China charity award competitions, xingyuan real estate is oneself. "Cheng Hongmei Tongzhou Charitable Foundation staff responded to the law late journalists.

Journalist's "why does not meet the award requirements, enterprise has won the China charity Award?" Problems, Tongzhou, charitable foundations, Cheng Hongmei said: "I don't have to work at that time, circumstances unclear. ”

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
China charity award donation fraud

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网曝企业诈捐获评中华慈善奖 官方称20年捐千万|中华慈善奖|诈捐_新闻资讯

  原标题:网曝江苏企业诈捐获评中华慈善奖 官方:确为20年认捐行为

  法晚深度即时(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 深度记者 陈威) 近日网曝一江苏民营企业,在2008年评比“中华慈善奖”的过程中,不符合“一次性捐款1000万以上”的评比规定要求,存在诈捐行为,违规获得“中华慈善奖——最具爱心内资企业”。




  网帖称,在江苏省乃至全国都“声名显赫的“慈善家”姜广泉,以及其所主导注册成立的江苏星 源房地产综合开发有限公司, 2008年和2010年分别获得中华人民共和国民政部颁发的“中华慈善奖——最具爱心内资企业”和2010年江苏省民政厅颁发的“江苏慈善奖--最具爱心 慈善捐赠楷模”。前者要求年度内捐赠额应当在1000万元(含物资折价)以上,并经核实到账或落实。后者要求捐赠额在200万元(含物资折价)以上,并经 核实已经到账。

  这篇在网络流传很广的帖子还表述称,今年2月份,发帖人曾以个人的名义,去江苏省南通市通 州区慈善基金会了解捐款情况。通州区慈善基金会给出的答复是:星源公司曾于2008年和通州区慈善基金会签订了一份认捐协议,总共认捐1000万元,分 20年缴纳,每年50万。2011年到2014年每年50万,2015年只捐了20万,加上2008到2010年的,到目前我们累计收到370万。

  昨天晚上,法晚记者联系到了发帖人丁先生,他向法晚记者证实网帖确为自己所发。丁先生认为,姜广泉和其任董事长的星源房产公司在获得 “中华慈善奖”、“江苏慈善奖”时根本就没有捐足参选条件中要求的最低捐赠数。是如何通过审核的?是相关部门审核不严,还是参选人提供的资料有假?





  “星源房产在2008年跟我们慈善会签订了认捐协议,每年50万,捐赠20年。2010年评比的江苏慈善奖要求是2008年至2010年共200万,他在其他地方应该也有捐款,物资也是可以算的,我这只能查询到通州区慈善会的账目,2008年 至2014年每年50万,去年20万,一共370万。2008中华慈善奖的评比情况,是星源房产自己申报的。”南通市通州区慈善基金会工作人员成红梅向法 晚记者回应称。


责任编辑:张淳 SN182

中华慈善奖 诈捐


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