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published in(发表于) 2016/4/7 6:25:11
Report of the Ministry of Education issued the quality of higher education: scale the world



Report of the Ministry of Education issued the quality of higher education: the size of the world's first _ | | | quality of higher education of Ministry of education report news

China Youth online Beijing, April 7 (reporter for the China Youth Daily ? Green online Ya Han) at this morning's Press Conference of Ministry of education, Ministry of higher education teaching evaluation Center Director Wu issued a series of Chinese higher education quality report (hereinafter "series of quality reports"). ? Youth online reporter of China Youth daily, one of the General report on the implementation of the report on the quality of higher education in China has two "first" is published for the first time in China, is also published for the first time in the world the quality of higher education "national report".

Wu Yan introduced, starting in 2012, the Ministry of higher education teaching evaluation Center to report on China's higher education quality research and exploration work. This launch series of quality reports, including 1 the General report and 3 thematic reports. 4 this report combines unified and separated, have different emphases. China higher education quality report tries to full answered, and full show China higher education overall quality status, China engineering education quality report panorama show China engineering education quality status, and problem and way, national new undergraduate college teaching quality monitoring report with "big data" precision monitoring new undergraduate school of "three basic" achieved situation, new University new achievements--hundred by new College qualified assessment performance report Objective show nearly 170 qualified assessment of the quality of education in newly-built undergraduate colleges.

Series of quality reports, jumped above the average of the world level of China's higher education, in the service of national strategies, to lead the economic and social development, hierarchical classification, cultivate diverse talent has played an increasingly active role.

Data show that China's higher education in "volume" the world's largest, and training of personnel for businesses provides a strong foundation. Since entering the new century and realize leap-forward development of higher education in China, 2015 total 36.47 million (which College specialist 26.25 million), ranking first in the world; various universities 2852, second highest in the world; the gross 40%, higher than the global average and high income countries in the global average. Higher education development and development of the national economy basic synchronization and moderate lead.

Series quality report shows that China's higher education quality "soft power" chopsticks enhanced features are robust; the quality of "hard" high growth section 985 University hardware world-class quality "security system" began to enter the world advanced level.

Data show that China's higher education in "hardware" construction quantity growth spurt, all types of landscape in colleges and universities. Compared with 2003, the 2013 national total income increased 3.6 times higher education funding. From 2010 to the end of 2014, national gross value of fixed assets in colleges and universities increased 42.15%, teaching, scientific research instrument and equipment total assets increased by 57% full-time teachers in colleges and universities nationwide increased more than twice, and the majority of the full-time teachers have graduate degrees, young teachers under 45 years of age accounted for two-thirds of the total number of full-time teachers.

Meanwhile, various types of infrastructure and the teaching and living environment in colleges and universities, such as the overall increase is large, in terms of student growth increase investment in personnel, resources and institutions, students ' learning experiences in school and higher life satisfaction. Survey of the Ministry of education learning network: on the whole, national college students ' College satisfaction score is 4.09 (5-point scale). 579 College sampling results showed that students of teachers ' teaching level of recognition, of University students ' evaluation of teaching "better than" more than 70%. Employer for graduates overall qualities and professional competence recognized, quality employment services provided satisfied on the institutions.

According to reports, series report highlights data and facts speak for themselves. Reference more than more than 4,000 valuation experts in the development of the quality of evaluation reports, more than 700 universities quality report, based on higher education quality monitoring national data 40duowange data platform, and 20duowanfen special questionnaires, hundreds of in-depth interviews carried out a systematic analysis and statistics.

Success in domestic and international certification on the basis of practice, quality report has launched a new series of quality standards in higher education. Regardless of is full caliber higher education quality of "five a degrees" quality dimension degrees, also is engineering education quality of "three a oriented", or new College "three basic, and two highlight", are based on China higher education actual, reference international education quality evaluation advanced experience, established has himself set has "China features, and world level" of quality new standard new system, as China quality standard field of new exploration, get United Nations UNESCO organization, and OECD, and EU, and International organizations like the International Union of higher education quality assurance and highly appraised by experts. In terms of engineering education quality evaluation, it is emphasized that the international fully equivalent in real terms, highlight the Union of international engineering organizations to student-centered, results-oriented, continuous quality improvement, got the Washington agreement organizations to highly recognized China expert.

Series quality report, from an overall perspective, realizing leap-forward development of higher education in China in the new century, "hard" grow exponentially, "soft power" significantly enhanced China's higher education is by "powers" to "power" March forward, our country should have full confidence in higher education. Series report also points out that the quality, optimization of curriculum setup in higher education still exists in China, insufficient training is inadequate, a high level of innovation teachers and innovative team, quality awareness and quality culture enough not enough, not high correlation between employment and professional issues.

Wu said that at present, volume and quality of higher education in China has aroused great concern of international peer, United States Massachusetts Institute of technology President participate in the Ministry of education this year will be to assess the expert assessments of higher education evaluation Center of Chinese colleges and universities. October 2015-in December, the Center invited teams for the first time Russia evaluation, higher education quality assessment official out of the country, "China model", "China" is receiving international recognition and acceptance. (Edit: yuanchunlin)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Report of the Ministry of education quality of higher education

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  中 青在线北京4月7日电 (中国青年报·中青在线记者 诸葛亚寒) 在今天上午举行的教育部新闻发布会上,教育部高等教育教学评估中心主任吴岩发布了中国高等教育系列质量报告(以下简称“系列质量报告”)。中国 青年报·中青在线记者了解到,其中的总报告《中国高等教育质量报告》实现了两个“首次”,既是中国首次发布,也是世界上首次发布高等教育质量的“国家报 告”。

  吴研介绍,从2012年开始,教育部高等教育教学评估中心着手中国高等教育质量报告研制探索工作。此次发布的系列质量报告,包括1本总报告 和3本专题报告。4本报告统分结合、各有侧重。《中国高等教育质量报告》力图全面回答、全方位展现中国高等教育整体质量状况,《中国工程教育质量报告》全 景展示中国工程教育质量现状、问题与出路,《全国新建本科院校教学质量监测报告》用“大数据”精准监测新建本科学校的“三基本”实现情况,《新型大学新成 就——百所新建院校合格评估绩效报告》客观展现近170所经过合格评估的新建本科院校的教育质量。


  数据显示,中国高等教育“体量”世界最大,人才培养为各行各业提供了强有力基础支撑。新世纪以来,中国高等教育实现跨越式发展,2015年 在学总规模3647万人(其中普通高校本专科2625万人),位居世界第一;各类高校2852所,位居世界第二;毛入学率40%,高于全球平均水平以及全 球中高收入国家平均水平。高等教育发展与国民经济发展基本同步,并适度超前。


  数据显示,中国高等教育“硬件”建设数量上井喷式增长,各级各类高校面貌焕然一新。与2003年相比,2013年全国高校教育经费总收入增 加了3.6倍。从2010年到2014年底,全国高校固定资产总值增加42.15%,教学、科研仪器设备资产总值增加57%;全国高校专任教师数增加2倍 多,且过半数专任教师具有研究生学位,45岁以下的青年教师占到专任教师总数的三分之二。

  与此同时,各类高校基础设施和教学、生活环境等整体提升幅度较大,在学生成长成才方面加大人员、资源投入和制度保障,学生的在校学习体验和 生活环境的满意度较高。教育部学信网的相关调查显示:总体上看,全国高校的学生院校满意度分值为4.09(5分制)。579所普通高校的抽样结果显示:学 生对教师教学水平总体认可,高校学生评教的“优占比”达70%以上。用人单位对毕业生综合素质和专业能力表示认可,对院校提供的就业服务质量满意度较高。


  在国内评估和国际认证的成功实践基础上,系列质量报告推出全新的高等教育质量标准。无论是全口径高等教育质量的“五个度”质量维度,还是工 程教育质量的“三个面向”,或者新建院校“三基本、两突出”,都基于中国高等教育实际,借鉴国际教育质量评价先进经验,建立了自己一整套具有“中国特色、 世界水平”的质量新标准新体系,作为中国质量标准领域的新探索,得到联合国教科文组织、经合组织、欧盟、国际高等教育质量保障联盟等国际组织与专家的高度 评价。在工程教育质量评价方面,更是强调国际完全实质等效,突出了国际工程联盟组织提出的以学生为中心、成果导向、质量持续改进,得到了《华盛顿协议》组 织来华考察专家的高度认可。

  系列质量报告认为,从总体上看,进入新世纪中国高等教育实现跨越式发展,“硬指标”成倍增长,“软实力”显著增强,中国高等教育正由“大 国”向“强国”大踏步迈进,我国理应具有充分的高等教育自信。但系列质量报告同时指出,中国高等教育仍存在学科专业设置优化不够、创新人才培养力度不够、 高水平教师和创新团队不够、质量意识和质量文化不够、就业与专业相关性不高等问题。

  吴岩介绍说,当前,中国高等教育体量和质量已引起国际同行的高度关注,美国麻省理工学院校长今年将以评估专家的身份参加教育部高等教育评估 中心对中国高校的评估。2015年10月-12月,该中心首次受邀分赴俄罗斯评估,中国高等教育质量评估正式走出国门,“中国模式”、“中国标准”正受到 国际认同和采纳。(编辑:原春琳)

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

教育部 高等教育 质量报告


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