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published in(发表于) 2016/4/7 6:25:15
Report of the Ministry of education: higher education scale in China ranked first in the world



Report of the Ministry of education: higher education scale in China ranked first in the world

In 2015, Chinese College students reached 37 million people, ranking first in the world; various universities 2852, second highest in the world; the gross 40%, higher than the global average. Expected by 2019, the gross enrollment rate of higher education will reach more than 50%, will enter the stage of higher education popularization in China.

The figures are reported in the report on the quality of higher education in China. The morning of April 7, the Ministry of education released the report on the quality of higher education in China for the first time, the world's first higher education quality "country report".

The Ministry of education also issued 3 reports on the topic, namely, the quality of engineering education in China report, the national teaching quality monitoring reports of newly-built undergraduate colleges and the new achievement – best new University new College eligibility assessment performance report.

Series report highlights data and facts speak for themselves. Reference more than more than 4,000 valuation experts in the development of the quality of evaluation reports, more than 700 universities quality report, based on higher education quality monitoring national data 40duowange data platform, and 20duowanfen special questionnaires, hundreds of in-depth interviews carried out a systematic analysis and statistics.

Wu said the Ministry of higher education teaching evaluation Center Director, compared with when the new China was founded, grew over 310 times times the size of China's higher education, ranking first in the world. At present, the world average in 5 college students, at least one study in Chinese universities.

  "New College" accounted for half of

Higher education society of Qu Zhenyuan, China introduced from 2000 to 2015, China's newly-built undergraduate colleges (including College) received 678, total undergraduate Institute of 55.6%. Referring to the newly-established universities since 2000 the Ministry of education approved the establishment of the University.

In terms of layout, newly-built undergraduate colleges and universities mainly in the non-capital cities, regional distribution of China's higher education reasonable. Reports show that as of May 2015, the Chinese capital city in Africa point 208 new University, 51.6% of the total newly-built undergraduate colleges. National currently has 339 and above the city, newly-built undergraduate colleges had 196 cities in which distribution, distribution rate of 57.8%.

And the control of data is that the 1998 National University has 591, one-tenth in Beijing, the one-second concentrated in the 20 largest cities, below ground level and few colleges of the city.

  Innovation education in colleges and universities is "weakness"

Compared with the power of higher education in the world, problems still exist in Chinese higher education. Wu introduced, mainly for the "four, one is not high enough."

First, the disciplines set the tuning is not enough, scientific research level and the transfer rate is not high, "short Board" remains a serious problem.

Secondly, innovation personnel training is inadequate, innovation and enterprise education in colleges and universities is "weakness".

Third, high level and creative team of teachers is not enough, lack of educational and practical resources, realize the new spanning from quantity to quality remains a problem.

The four, quality awareness and quality culture is not enough, lack of performance evaluation, many colleges "to" very serious, the teacher evaluation "heavy light teaching and research".

The five, correlation between employment and study is not high, different types of college students ' learning experience and job satisfaction there is imbalance, "differential" is obvious.

, President of the Chinese society of education delivered by Zhong Bing-a former headmaster of Beijing Normal University, he is surging in response to news (www.thepaper.CN) relating to "the gap between Chinese universities and world-class universities," also said that this gap is significant, primarily domestic colleges and universities at the undergraduate level, the spirit of innovation, innovation, innovation is not enough.

Delivered by Zhong bing said, colleges, connotation and do make the school better, this is the most important. He argues that colleges and universities should make efforts in several ways: first, you need to have advanced views on education with the idea of running second, need advanced personnel training model; and, third, need to have excellent human resources; IV, needs to be advanced, the internal governance structure of science; v, needs a good culture, social environment to support.

"These are long, thick product sends thinly. "Delivered by Zhong bing said, whether it's excellent team building and school spirit is an excellent education, studying, are unlikely to gather up the money.

Delivered by Zhong Bing expressed optimism: "all work together. Believe that soon we will have a first-class University stand out. ”

  Problems out of touch with social needs speciality in colleges and universities

Correlation between employment and study is not high, it is a big problem in China's higher education. It's one of the reasons, whether it is College when applying for a professional program was too complex for too long, resulting in major lags behind social demands?

Wu answered journalists questions, said the surging, ownership of the speciality in Chinese universities, does not require approval, but some professional record.

He said that professional is basic part of personnel training of colleges and universities, professional, scientific or not is very important for a student job in the future, it is imperative to reform and optimization.

"Learned from the eldest 985, 211 new University, exists in professional settings and social requirements, current situation less closely, disjointed or lag issues. "Wu said," we want resolved through three ways: first, the professional evaluation of the Basic, basic, basic, basic management of teachers. That's the bottom line. Secondly, the Ministry of education in the speciality of national quality standards, hope 80% more professional to be able to reach the national standard in most schools. Third, the focus on the world. If we can make China the 20% of more than more than 50,000 Professional, can reach the world level, on the protection of all our China training quality of talents with international standards in terms of quality. If you can do this three-point, this problem will be greatly improved. ”

  "Peking University and Tsinghua University Grants are more reasonable"

With the expansion of higher education in China, the University "hardware" construction and investment also showed growth spurt. Reports indicate that in 2013 compared with 2003, the national total income increased 3.6 times higher education funding, public budget expenditure on education increased by 4.9 times times, college students budget expenditure on education has increased 1.7 times.

However, in terms of financial investment, gap between each school are considerable. During the two sessions this year, President of the national people's Congress, Guizhou University Zheng Qiang said, from 1949 until 2012, 63, received financial support of Guizhou University, but arrived in Zhejiang University 3 months of financial inputs.

Wu said, the University in charge of the subject are not the same, strength is not the same for each province, the gap does exist. "But based on Guizhou University deserves and Zhejiang University, the same amount of funding, first of all, do not, second, it is impossible to do, is not realistic. ”

But Wu believes that Zheng Qiang called on the issue of reasonable. "Our local universities, particularly in remote or underdeveloped areas of the University, to give enough support. It is the responsibility of State and local governments. ”

Journalists say the surging Wu, such as Peking University and Tsinghua University, the Ministry of education affiliated colleges, the Ministry of education has legal responsibility and obligation to provide the funding for education, which are central to funding, to whom is not the Ministry of education, but we should look at who is in charge, who voted and more.

"Peking University and Tsinghua University each year for more, the school also bears a different responsibility, the money gap, which is normal. United States and the United Kingdom universities, universities around the world that not all schools have invested as much. (Peking University and Tsinghua University) assume the strategic responsibility of the State, give more money, is reasonable. "Wu said.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-04-07 17:14:19







  中国高等教育学会会长瞿振元介绍,在2000 年至2015 年间,中国新建本科院校(含独立学院)共678 所,占全国普通本科院校的55.6%。新建本科院校指的是教育部2000年以后批准设立的本科院校。


























(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-04-07 17:14:19

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