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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/4/7 6:25:18
Sand mining boats sank near the Xiamen-Kinmen route, 1 man rescued 1 man still missing



Sand mining boats sank near the Xiamen-Kinmen route 1 rescued 1 still missing | |-Kinmen route sand mining boats _ news

Original title: a sinking dredge near Xiamen-Kinmen route people were rescued and one was missing

CNS, Xiamen, April 7 (reporter Liu Shaohui)-7th from the Xiamen Maritime Bureau was informed that the 6th night has a sand ship "sand-006 c Chau" doubt sank in Kinmen to Xiamen-Kinmen routes five-way Terminal near the waterway. As of press time, two crew members on one of the crewmen rescued, one still in search.

On-site verification by the maritime sector it was determined that the wreck did not affect the Golden Gate to the five-way Terminal channel.

6th 22:36 P.M., marine search and rescue Center Office (Xiamen Maritime Bureau command center) police said sand mining boats sunk in Tongan Bay head South.

With the reporter (the owner Mr Chen) links, the command center learned, owner of sand inform other crossings, "sand-006 c Chau" suspected of sinking the gold transportation road near JT20 buoy, two crew members on Board on the phone contact is not.

It is understood that the two crew members are in Sichuan, born male, is 34 years old and about 50 years old, they can swim.

Command center after receiving the alarm, immediately dispatched "haixun 08175" Donghai rescue Bureau mobilized a coordinated "Huaying 391", marine police boats, fishing boats and other forces to the waters of the sea, while VHF broadcast Tong warned of navigation, coordination around the ship involved in the search.

About 24 o'clock, a drowning person holding buckets floating past the ship "Xin da Yu 2013" rescue. At present, the other missing personnel in the marine searching work is still going on. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
The Xiamen-Kinmen route sand mining boats

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厦金航线附近采砂船沉没 1人获救1人仍失踪|厦金航线|采砂船_新闻资讯

  原标题:厦金航线附近一采砂船沉没 一人获救一人仍失踪

  中新网厦门4月7日电 (刘少辉)记者7日从厦门海事局获悉,6日夜有一艘采砂船“丙洲砂006”怀疑沉没在厦金航线金门到五通码头航道附近。截至记者发稿时,两名船员已有一名获救,一名仍在搜寻中。







责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

厦金航线 采砂船


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