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published in(发表于) 2016/4/9 7:21:29
April 2016 TIOBE programming language list: Visual,Basic is gone,



Top April 2016 TIOBE programming language: Visual Basic is gone-a programming language, Visual Basic,VB-IT information

COBOL, BASIC, and FORTRAN for a long time was used as the main development language. There are lot of software written in the language, and to develop extremely. However, after many years of development, COBOL and FORTRAN were gradually abandoned, benefited from the presence of Microsoft, BASIC has been enduring. First of all, to say that Visual Basic 6, this is the most classic version, is a model of success. So in VB.NET for over 10 years, to ensure compatibility and Microsoft Visual Basic. NET.


But such efforts have failed, and Visual Basic are not quickly replaced that Visual Basic and VB.NET as the two languages to be developed. Visual Basic now is no longer as once so brilliant, and VB.NET to lose in a top 10 position. In the top 10 no BASIC language now? We are pessimistic, looking around PureBasic (43), thinBasic (77), BBC Basic (79), these are not enough to make up for the decline in Visual Basic.

Classical languages trends:

21-50 name:

2016年4月TIOBE编程语言排行榜:Visual Basic正远去 - 编程语言,Visual Basic,VB - IT资讯

COBOL, BASIC和FORTRAN很长一段时间作为主力开发语言被使用。有很多软件使用这些语言来编写,并且发展的不亦乐乎。然而经过多年的发展,COBOL和FORTRAN逐渐被抛弃,而得益于微软的存在,BASIC一直经久不衰。首先要说Visual Basic 6,这是最经典的版本,是成功的典范。以至于VB.NET在长达10年的时间里,来保证兼容Visual Basic和微软的.NET。


但是这样的努力似乎并不成功, Visual Basic并没有被很快的取代,以至于 Visual Basic和VB.NET作为两种语言被发展下去。现在Visual Basic已经不再像曾经那么辉煌,而且VB.NET也要失去在前10名的位置。难道在排行榜的前10不会再有BASIC语言了吗?我们是悲观的,放眼望去PureBasic(43),thinBasic(77),BBC Basic(79),这些都不足以弥补 Visual Basic的衰落。



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