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published in(发表于) 2016/4/9 7:22:51
Unmanned aerial vehicle lighting: photographers dream night



Unmanned aerial vehicle lighting: photographers dream night-drone, photography-IT information

Now, no machine has was widely as airlines took, but on photographer Reuben Wu for, no machine seems to became important of night playing light weapon, Reuben Wu recently created a items name for "Lux Noctis" shooting plans, he put power LED lamp fixed in 3DR Solo no machine Shang, using GPS positioning to on shooting subject for air playing light, shooting has large North America scenic of night works.

Realization of unmanned aerial vehicle lighting is not an easy thing, the lighting of each painting is the result of careful planning in the early and accurate positioning to achieve through the GSP drone illuminate the scene at a particular location, isolating excess of disturbing elements, have a reasonable contrast, creating a variety of dramatic and creative effects.

Reuben Wu of filming equipment used includes: Freescale XF 100MP, Leica and Canon 5D M-P 240 Mark III.

Here is part of Wu creative works:

无人机打光:摄影师拍摄梦幻夜景 - 无人机,摄影 - IT资讯

现如今,无人机已被广泛用作航拍,但对摄影师Reuben Wu来说,无人机俨然成为重要的夜间打光利器,Reuben Wu最近创建一项名为“Lux Noctis”拍摄计划,他把大功率LED灯固定在3DR Solo无人机上,利用GPS定位来对拍摄主体进行空中打光,拍摄了大量北美景区的夜景作品。


Reuben Wu使用的拍摄器材包括:飞思XF 100MP、徕卡M-P 240和佳能5D Mark III。


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