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published in(发表于) 2016/4/10 8:04:25
Hebei thriving spice factory of fire 4 dead, 3 injured



Hebei thriving spice factory of fire 4 dead, 3 injured (photo) | | fire in Hebei _barcode news

Original title: a perfume factory fire, Xinglong, Hebei 4 dead, 3 injured (picture)

Accident Tianli sea flavors and fragrances company production plant doors fan photo

Tianli sea flavors and fragrances company limited office area fan photo

CNS, Chengde, April 10 (reporter Zhang Fan)-10th of Xinglong County of Chengde city, Hebei province propaganda reported that the night of April 9, Xinglong Tianli sea flavors and fragrances company limited workshop hydrolysis reactor ruptured, fire fire caused the death of 2 workers on site, 5 persons were injured. The morning of April 10, 2 people died.

After the incident, immediately set up emergency headquarters, Xinglong, activate contingency plans, remedial work in full swing, the cause of the accident is under investigation. (End)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Fire in Hebei

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China News Network

  原标题:河北兴隆县一香料厂发生火灾 致4死3伤(图)

发生事故的天利海香精香料公司生产车间厂区大门紧闭 张帆 摄

天利海香精香料有限公司办公区 张帆 摄

  中新网承德4月10日电(记者 张帆)河北省承德市兴隆县委宣传部10日通报称,4月9日晚,兴隆县天利海香精香料有限公司生产车间水解釜破裂引发火灾,火灾造成现场工人2人死亡,5人受伤。4月10日凌晨,其中2名伤者经抢救无效死亡。


责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

河北 火灾


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