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published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:34:47
Media: US 6 aircraft flying over China’s huangyan Island,



Media: US 6 aircraft flew over China's huangyan Island | Scarborough _ news

Information: United States Air Force A-10C lightning strike

[World Wide Web reporter Wu Yuanchun] the Japan Times reported on April 23, United States Air Force has recently taken reconnaissance operations in the South China Sea area. United States Pacific command 22nd local time said in a statement, four United States Air Force A-10C Lightning II strike fighter (A-10C Thunderbolt II) and two HH-60G "pave Hawk" helicopter (HH-60G Pave Hawk) on Tuesday (19th) in the vicinity of China's huangyan island "international airspace" mission.

United States Air Force Commander La Rica (Larry Kard) Colonel says, "our mission is in accordance with international law to ensure that high seas and international airspace open, which is very important. International economy depend on it – free trade depends on our ability to transport goods. "

On the US side says "in international law will continue to allow freedom of navigation and overflight operations anywhere" Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China 22nd pointed out that China always respects and supports States in accordance with international law in the South China Sea to the freedom of navigation and overflight, but strongly oppose the national banner of "freedom of navigation and overflight," threaten and harm the sovereignty of the coastal State and in the name of security. Hua Chunying, said, the US said that all vessels in accordance with international law of the freedom of navigation is normal freedom of navigation, is a United States military ships exclusively for American "rampant freedom"?

Hua Chunying, said the United States not parties to the South China Sea issue, should be careful, for direct parties to peaceful settlement of disputes through consultations and negotiations to create a good atmosphere, to play a constructive and responsible role in regional peace and stability, not the other way around.

Source: World Wide Web

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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China NET
日媒:美军6架战机飞越中国黄岩岛上空 |黄岩岛_新闻资讯


  [环球网报道 记者 乌元春]《日本时报》4月23日报道称,美国空军战机日前在中国南海地区采取了侦察行动。美国太平洋司令部当地时间22日发布声明称,四架美国空军A-10C雷电二式攻击机(A-10C Thunderbolt II)和两架HH-60G“铺路鹰”直升机(HH-60G Pave Hawk)本周二(19日)在中国黄岩岛附近的“国际空域”进行了飞行任务。

  美国空军指挥官拉里卡(Larry Kard)上校声称,“我们的任务是根据国际法确保国际空域和公海开放,这是十分重要的。国际经济取决于此——自由贸易取决于我们运输货物的能力”。

  关于美方称“将继续在国际法允许的任何地方开展航行和飞越自由行动”,中国外交部发言人华春莹22日指出,中方一贯尊重和支持各国依国际法在南海享有 的航行和飞越自由,但坚决反对有关国家打着“航行和飞越自由”的旗号威胁和损害沿海国的主权和安全。华春莹说,美方声称的航行自由究竟是各国船只依据国际 法享有的正常的航行自由,还是美国军机军舰专享的美式“横行自由”?



责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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