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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/4/25 8:37:11
30 anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: remains the world’s gigantic question mark,



30 anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: remains the world's gigantic question mark-Chernobyl, nuclear power plant-IT information

Chernobyl, in many people's minds, is already a very long term. That is called "the worst nuclear disaster in history", in the memory of the world seems to be slowly fading, the victim seems to have become a historical figure. But, really, is that right?

30 anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Phoenix news reporter visited had tragic nuclear disaster area. When you see those deserted "ghost town", when you see those radiation variation of child, when you see the people who are still struggling, found out 30 long, still short to cover all the tragedy could not be bridged the pain suffered by the innocent people. Alarm bells still buzz, if not the self-deception of the world.

For a nuclear disaster caused by factors, has in the past talked enough, such as nuclear reactor design flaws, operator procedural violations, and so on. But in hindsight compared the fall of highly visible layers, numerous expert judgement--the plant is absolutely safe in advance. This confidence is reflected not only in Chernobyl, Japan Fukushima nuclear power plant before the accident, was also believed to be absolutely safe.

This is the tragedy of the most profound lessons, there is no "absolute security" is such a thing, if you want to develop nuclear power, is to remember Chernobyl, is to remember human nature cannot be eradicated by negligence paralysis and can make stupid mistakes, and do everything possible to prevent it.

Compare with blind confidence, Chernobyl exposed humans more stupid mistakes that cannot be forgiven – lie to cover up mistakes, with silence, with bureaucracy, disguised safe. Review all details of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, in addition to the shocking accident, is sent to the rehabilitation of concealment and lies.

In 2015, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature of Belarus writer Alekseevich, in his masterpiece the memory of Chernobyl: the oral history of a nuclear disaster in, for the information blockade after a nuclear accident, has a lot of impressive revelations: "silence, doctors are also silent. Waiting for directives from the State in various regions, States waiting for instructions from Minsk, Moscow, Minsk, wait commands. This is a very, very long chain, the one end of the chain is connected to one of the few policy makers. ”

In order to safeguard stability, once kept secret the news of a nuclear accident, not only that, but all about radiation, the first few days the library books about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even books about x-ray are gone. This black humor, like the plot, not only through, now it seems does not seem unfamiliar. As long as the system is not transparent, as long as the authority is strictly controlled at the hands of the few, that more major accidents that may shock, the message may be blocked. More blockades, the consequences may be more serious.

The aftermath of Chernobyl, allegedly took the former Soviet Union cost of 18 billion rupees (current rubles per dollar). This is the cost that can be monetized, heart loss due to their inappropriate response to how are incalculable. How many of these are caused by the accident itself, and how much of it is caused by the Government's information blockade to hide the truth, will not calculate. Some people say that the Chernobyl nuclear accident, sounded the first sound the death knell of the former Soviet Union. Combing the whole process of the Chernobyl accident, can indeed looming risks were found buried under the Soviet system, determines the logical path of rehabilitation, and huge mistakes and finally become the unbearable weight of the system.

"The biggest disaster in Chernobyl, not radiation, but lie. "Each memory node to Chernobyl, this sentence will be widely disseminated. It is the most realistic of the Chernobyl accident instructive lessons. To ensure "absolute security" can only ever be an idealized premise, guarantee this premise the choice, only through the system killing lies. For any country to develop nuclear power, the basic premise is to ensure transparency, let everyone know how for the first time to deal with the possible risks.

Chernobyl was not the only cause catastrophic consequences of nuclear accident, nuclear power plants are not the only possible destructive effects of science and technology. Today, Chernobyl and into the forgotten area, touch the struggles of life, listening to complaints of seemingly unable to, for those who are arrogant and confident human or country, is yet another alarm and questioning-the Chernobyl accident had happened in those individual or system errors, today, is confident that will not recur?

Chernobyl is leaving a huge question mark in the world. "Absolute security" since the legacy of nuclear power plants is a step by step how to become catastrophe, if the clock, is it possible to avoid all this? For any country to promote similar projects, introspection is necessary in this huge question mark under notes. This is the maximum value for the future of history.

切尔诺贝利核灾30周年:仍是世界巨大问号 - 切尔诺贝利,核电站 - IT资讯












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