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published in(发表于) 2016/4/26 8:26:11
Lujiazui in North Ordos planned 8 years ago, some villagers nowadays still drinking sewage



Ordos planned 8 years ago Lujiazui, some villagers nowadays still drinking water in the North Ordos | | real estate collapse _ news

Original title: ruins, residents biting dogs, drink water, here is the planned 8 years ago in Ordos "in Lujiazui in the North"

(Article published in the China economic weekly, 2016, 16th)

Three station tenants of dilapidated buildings

The China economic weekly reporter Zhu Riling | Inner Mongolia reported

Tall fencing the entire "three bases" surrounded, formed both inside and outside world, inside walls, outside is a neat city. Starting from 2011, this pieces of the dongsheng district, Ordos city, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, areas to be demolished has maintained this form. A place identified as squatter settlements as early as 2008, but did not complete the tasks were transformed, a puzzle of the three base into the city.

  Three base more than 1000 households move

  "Peng changed" Tin House dog bites

Three base is located in the "China coal first city" South of dongsheng district of Ordos, East, South and West is surrounded by water on three sides, immediately to the North of dongsheng City got its name, due to the special position, dongsheng district was once considered to be one of the most business value. Starting from 2008, will focus on three base as a shanty, dongsheng district, and to turn the region into "Lujiazui in the North".

Three pedestal dongsheng district is representative of one of the old town, 670 Mills when obvious signs of the last century, tenants are mostly woollen mill workers. According to a copy of the data displayed, except for Erdos cashmere group residential, household 2041 three bases, including the 1996 five rows of six buildings built 233 households.

In 2009, the three shanty towns started demolition of the base area, but the relocation does not seem smooth. According to local residents, San Tai Ji, now there are more than 1000 households did not move.

On March 20, 2016, the China economic weekly reporter walk from the Southeast into the three base and found that most of the houses in this area have been hooked off the roof, three base village center, two rows of says "slum redevelopment Office" Tin House has been broken, more than 10 dog bite in it. Streets seems to be three base on the north side of main street, open door someone squelch it two houses away from playing mahjong. Reporter inquiries found here are mostly temporary tenants, and almost all years before renting. A cleaning cleaning told reporters: no demolition of most have been let out, only the East and west sides have the original tenants, most of these original tenants are elderly.

Why not fully removed, an indigenous people surnamed Zhang told reporters: "Dong Sheng real estate boom, the original tenants price (compensation), and both sides wrong, the results have dragged, and finally caught up with the real estate downturn, developers drying up, so into this mess! ”

Reporters from the relevant material found in: 2006, dongsheng district development business 40, but a year later reached 214, house prices also soared to 3100 Yuan less than 2000 Yuan, followed by annual price increase to 2000 the growth rate by 2009, some high-end property prices have been above the million. Dongsheng District 4-year housing sales from 2006-2009 with a total area of 8.058 million square meters in 2009, when the new construction area of 15.225 million square meters. Local people said: "public data of the real estate Board is handling a full range of real estate data, in fact, not of first house built more than this. ”

But then came the real estate information directly into a frenzy.

Erdos a resounding slogan cheer all developers feel: a double hundred cities, namely century Ordos, the urban core (dongsheng, and incredible building bonanza) reached millions of people. Slogan of this strategy led directly to the development and construction of a larger area. Dongsheng District real estate's "Twelve-Five" program, according to the double hundred. Dongsheng district development and reform Bureau in early 2010 a material has "millions of people" account planning specific to "the end of 2010, dongsheng district population reached 1 million".

Two years later, the Ordos real estate is down. Developer Description: 440,000 residents, 230,000 residents, nearly 4 years removal of 2.45 million square meters of land in suburbs, about 80,000 people to become members of the public, they each now holds more than a House. Includes three base households, mostly in his hand more than a House. Difficulty demolition is huge, many street as long as the cash not to House, relocation negotiations were very tough, this time in dongsheng real estate were planted in three bases on the ruins.

Three pedestal source of drinking water for residents of old people

  More than 60 families are not residents drink water

  City leaders want to solve the draught problem

When reporters entered the eastern region saw three base, in front of the walls of several uncompleted, "shanty Advisory Service" message, but the project has been unattended along vocals through pieces of housing found in the past, finally found the tenants here. 78 years old and has lived here for more than 20 years, from this year on new year's day since the suspension, she cannot remember exactly what the Mayor of gives the number of a telephone hotline. Chusi North of the first month, heavy snow, snowfall in Ordos area in particular, is this snow solve the draught problem of old horses for more than 20 days.

After more than 20 days, water still does not pass. In 5 years of life, three bases East area residents are used to draw water into an abandoned well in water to drink. Ma old, but couldn't go, she 5 homes in and around together in front of a ditch with rocks and an old bathtub plug into a small dam, with a small bucket to carry drinking water in the ditch!

Reporters this morning, chenpeilin House a pipe burst a stream of water, several neighbors are pleased to pick up, but a few minutes later and didn't. Chenpeilin is the first Ordos woollen mill laid off workers aged 54, the House is not opened, can only watch. He said: "we drink here is water! "Subsequently led the reporter to view, old block's water comes from its upper reaches 50 meters digging up real estate Foundation, Foundation under the inner product of the ice and snow melt water flows down.

74 age of Liu Xingfa hope reporter can with they to find city led put draft of problem solution has, he think three base East District more than 60 more households not split residents eat of are is sewage, that mouth water of waste well in should is Lake of seepage, and Lake of source is industrial factories with had of wastewater after processing back released of in the water, as landscape or also can, but as drinking on not too right has!

Here is no longer suitable for living, three bases without then getting stuck waiting for the coming of the demolition.

Three station residents most of the houses have been broken
5 years ago, the sign at the site of the shanty command, is now abandoned.
With walls of three enclosed base

  The real estate sector:

  The new district leader declined to intervene in the mess

Three base seems to have become a difficult, interview with reporter in dongsheng district, visited the sector almost entirely silent, even once the demolition transformed a handful of firms is to keep secret.

Press query relevant information revealed, according to the current "Government leadership, market operation" slum redevelopment policies, attract the participation of developers of slum, dongsheng district to ease the funding pressure on the Government. Golden Eagle vanguard, Vanguard real estate, Wan Hengyuan 3 development companies involved in reconstruction, plans to sign removed 2041 actual sign removed less than 1000, there are more than 1000 families did not sign removed. The end of 2011, three bases together with the Ordos real estate as a whole was "frozen", all 3 companies will stop, only Golden Eagle 7 24-story building Vanguard into a Department of community, has been staying.

Local real estate professionals view: market factors are the main, but also with the developers involved. 3 developers each invested billions of dollars, or even more, although is slum redevelopment project, but the new district leader declined to intervene in the mess, in fact every year back to the shed project, dongsheng district, thousands of families, addressing 1000 is not a problem, but because of the above reasons, new securing shanty town renovation funds are not willing to put into this project. In this environment, developers will not go into, or may have not got the capability to put on.

The China economic weekly reporters found that in 2014, has promulgated the shantytown in dongsheng district, dongsheng district implementation of the reform programme. Programme clearly: to ensure that this year (2014) completed renovation of 8000, but then it turns, three bases are not in scope.

"Three base people within the enclosure should be dealt with properly at an early stage of life, cannot let this become a reality version of" District 13 "(Note: from film France movie, quarantined behind). "Says an interviewed passers-by.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
The Ordos real estate collapse

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China economic weekly
鄂尔多斯8年前规划北方陆家嘴 仍有村民喝污水|鄂尔多斯|房地产崩盘_新闻资讯




  《中国经济周刊》 记者 朱日岭 | 内蒙古报道

  高高的围栏将整个“三台基”围住,形成内外两个世界,里面是断壁残垣,外面是整洁的城市。从2011年开始,内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市东胜区的这片待 拆区就一直保持着这样的形态。一个早在2008年就确定为棚户区的地方,却一直没有完成被改造的任务,三台基成了这个城市的一个谜题。






  2016年3月20日,《中国经济周刊》记者从东南侧徒步进入三台基,发现这一带的大部分房子已被钩掉屋顶,在三台基村的中心地带,两排写着“棚户 区改造办公室”字样的铁皮房子已经残破不堪,十几只野狗在里面撕咬。北面的街道似乎是三台基的主街道,敞开着门的两个临街的房子里有人正在哗啦哗啦地打麻 将。记者问询后发现,这里大多为临时租户,并且几乎都是年后才租住的。一位打扫卫生的清洁工告诉记者:没有拆迁的大多都已出租,只有东西两侧才有原住户, 这些原住户大多是老弱病残。


  记者从相关材料中发现:2006年东胜区有开发企业40家,但一年后便达到了214家,房屋均价也由2000元以下飞涨到3100元,随后每年均价 以2000元的增长幅度递增,到2009年,某些高端楼盘售价已到万元之上。东胜区从2006到2009年4年房屋销售总面积805.8万平米,但 2009年当年新开工面积就达1522.5万平米。当地人士透露:“房产局的公开数据只是手续齐全的地产数据,事实上未批先建的房子可能比这还多。”


  鄂尔多斯市一个响亮的口号让所有开发商感觉振奋:打造双百城市,即百年鄂尔多斯、城市核心区(东胜、康巴什)达到百万人口。这一战略口号直接导致了 更大面积的开发与建设。东胜区房地产的“十二五”规划,以双百为依据。东胜区发展改革局在2010年初的一份材料已将“百万人口”的计规划明确到 “2010年底东胜区人口达到100万”。

  两年之后,鄂尔多斯房地产即陷入低谷。一位开发商这样描述:44万常住人口,23万城镇居民,城郊近4年拆迁了245万平米土地,使大约8万人变成 市民,他们每户手里都握着不止一套住宅。包括三台基的住户,大多手里不止一套房子。拆迁的难度巨大,很多拆迁户只要现金不要房子,拆迁谈判进行得十分艰 难,这个时期在东胜搞房地产的都栽了进去,三台基也就此成为一片废墟。




  当记者进入三台基东部区域时看到,在几栋烂尾楼的围挡前,“棚户区改造咨询处”的字样还在,但项目部已无人看管,顺着人声穿过拆得七零八落的房屋寻 过去,终于找到了这里的住户。78岁的马老太,住在这里已有20多年,从今年大年初一停水以来,她已记不清楚给市长热线打了多少个电话。但正月初四北方普 降了一场大雪,鄂尔多斯地区降雪量尤其大,正是这场大雪解决了马老太20多天的吃水难题。


  记者采访的上午,陈培林的屋侧一根水管突然冒出一股水,几个邻居高兴地去接,但几分钟之后便又没了。54岁的陈培林是鄂尔多斯第一毛纺厂下岗职工, 房子未拆,只能守着。他说:“我们这里的人喝的都是污水!”随后领着记者查看,原来马老太们挡住的水来源于其上游不过50米处的挖开的楼盘地基,地基内积 下的冰雪融化成水向下流去。







  记者查询相关资料发现,根据当年“政府主导、市场运作” 的棚户区改造政策,东胜区吸引开发企业参与棚户区改造以缓解政府筹资压力。金鹰万佳、万佳置业、万恒元3家开发企业介入改造,计划征拆的2041户实际征 拆不到1000户,尚有1000多户没有征拆。2011年底,三台基与整个鄂尔多斯地产一起被“速冻”,3家企业便全部停下,当时只有金鹰万佳建成一处7 幢24层楼的小区,目前已经入住。

  当地一位地产界人士认为:市场因素是主要的,但也与开发商的介入有关。3家开发商每家投入资金都过亿,甚至更多,虽然是棚户区改造项目,但新任区领 导不愿介入这个烂摊子,其实东胜区每年争取回的棚改项目也有数千户,解决1000户本来不是问题,但由于以上原因,新争取到的棚户区改造资金自然也不愿意 投入这个项目。这种环境下,开发商肯定不会再去投入,或者可能也已经没有能力再投入了。



责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

鄂尔多斯 房地产崩盘


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