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published in(发表于) 2016/4/26 8:26:15
Media: Arctic, North Pole! Why shoot the Arctic waterways



Media: Arctic, North Pole! Why shoot the Arctic waterway _ | | documentary Arctic news

Channel ice

Russia nuclear icebreaker

On June 27, 2015, the Arctic and the North Pole! Canada filmed b group, came to is located in Canada most North of nunawute province of capital Iqaluit, to here has most main of two a shooting plans, one, is on Canada Coast Guard team of interview shooting, main understand Arctic Northwest channel of related situation, second, zhiqian in domestic of research, we found a name for NEAS of shipping company, this for Newt people of company has more than 60 years of history, main for Canada Arctic all community of shipping. Before know the Iqaluit Arctic ice will melt at the end of June to the end of July, a busy shipping season begins, we plan to take some of the Northwest Passage part segment of commercial traffic. Yet all plans are better than change, ultimately we have no commercial ship to arrive. This also proves Canada Coast Guard officials? Lehnert's description of the Northwest Passage, the entire Northwest Passage numerous islands such as the maze, changing weather, most notably icebergs and ice floes, many ship's scheduled arrival. Filming the Arctic waterways there are many uncertain factors, there are many unimaginable difficulties, we in the Arctic and the North Pole! Documentary film why shoot the Arctic waterways?

Iqaluit Arctic scenery

From location Shang view, from Nordic to Asia, and North America to Asia has two article very near of water Shang channel, this two article water Shang channel is today we by know of, Arctic Northeast channel and Arctic Northwest channel, human found and go pass this two article waterways with has hundreds of years of time, many great of polar adventure home put life dedicated to has, exploration this two article channel of journey, because first exploration this two article channel of adventure home are is European people, so today Northeast channel and Northwest channel of named, are is to European people of azimuth to determine of.

Arctic Northeast passage and comparison with traditional channels

Arctic Northeast channel is refers to Nordic national by Arctic coast to East, way Russia Arctic coastal, arrived Bering Sea Gorge and Pacific of route, if from China of port to North sailing, on can by Bering Sea Gorge had Northeast channel arrived Nordic, such on can greatly shortened by Suez Canal arrived Nordic of voyage, save time and fuel, 2013 and 2015 COSCO Group of Yong Sheng round, on do has two times by Northeast channel of transport sailing, than original save 22 days of time arrived Nordic port.

Northwest Passage and comparison with traditional channels

The Northwest Passage is from Greenland to the Canada Northern Islands, reached the Bering Strait and Pacific routes, this route than the traditional Panama Canal one-third distance and time savings, so commercial navigation will be in if the route to North America and Asia Trade convenience.

Near for decades years global climate variable warm, Arctic sea ice melting of speed in speed up, now in summer, Russia Arctic coastal is it called North Sea channel of ice, also in large reduced, Yong Sheng round 2015 summer from Nordic port return Shi, way North HNA road even didn't encountered what ice, in not with icebreaker pilot of conditions Xia, smooth reached Tianjin Port, not only save has shipping time, and save has fuel and broken ice pilot costs, whole voyage save near million Yuan.

Northeast channel and Northwest channel compared, Northeast channel currently has reached commercial navigation of conditions, reality also showed that, has some Nordic national of ship roundtrip Yu Northeast channel, Russia has aimed at Northeast channel commercial navigation of opportunities, and to development Arctic Yamal Peninsula of oil and gas resources for opportunity, in Northeast channel Shang established up has new port sub don't Tower, future Russia Arctic of oil and gas or will from here shipped out.

Northwest channel whole after Canada North Islands, this channel than up Northeast channel not easily navigation, because it has up to more than 10 article different of route, and caused this status of reasons is here island many, like maze, ship is easy lost direction, and Arctic sea more fog, weather varied, most key of is, ice will let ship blocked, effect shipment, this is I in articles beginning said of suffered. July 2015 early of that days, we almost daily are to Canada Coast Guard team Iqaluit Office, asked carriers of situation, began guard team of players told we said, carriers in from South to of road has, estimated two or three days on to, later and said carriers suffered to bad weather, stopped in Midway, days variable good, days variable good of when, carriers and encountered ice was stranded has, waiting for Coast Guard team icebreaker of rescue, these message let we crew is caught crazy, Until one day we in finished a interview shooting Hou, go in back hotel of road, suddenly a very big of helicopter ROAR sound came, I found has helicopter in Beach yard discharge, we arrived Beach yard shooting has discharge process, and run to coast guard team asked, they told we said has a ship Coast Guard team of icebreaker in Wan Li broken ice, for is arrived of carriers broken ice, crew quickly taxi to Iqaluit near, distance Wan Li recently of mountain Shang for shooting. Fortunately, Iqaluit is a small place with only 6000 people, as long as there are cars everywhere, we captured hills icebreakers break ice between helicopter round trips and icebreaker and Coast yard, loading and unloading of oil barrels. These pictures are we waiting until only a few days.

Canada Coast Guard helicopter handling gasoline can

Canada nunawute northern communities are almost always on the island, either by aircraft or by ship between these communities for transportation of goods. Bulky goods such as construction materials and automobiles, are transported by ship. Far North are tundra, bad weather, no tree cover, build local government planning for mending houses, residents want to build housing applications for several years in advance, while the timber shipped only in the summer when our schedule. Here is a special factor affecting the shipment of ice, nunawute NEAS shipping Iqaluit, Marketing Manager, Jimmy tells us that a delay in the 2015 summer sailing schedule for the first time, that is mentioned earlier in the article the coast guard ship, the situation for local residents, seems to have become commonplace.

Iqaluit Canada's far north communities, residents of 6000 people, also Chinese, they are scientists, civil servants, small store owners, China Chinese restaurant owners, and some of these people even live here for more than 10 years, refers to the carriage of goods by sea they feel here quite a lot.

Chinese Liu, Jet in Iqaluit Government method works sector work, he of lover in local business with a China commodity store, she early in a years Qian on from China Yiwu Xia has orders, but this list to until next year summer to shipped to, we visit she of when, she said last year of this when, she of goods container has to has, but this year (July 2015) goods is delay not to, she daily are call to shipping company determine goods shipped to of date.

In Canada very North area, crew insight to has ice love of changes, that is in BA fen Island Northeast Community Pang have for Wright, we to of when has is evening, but July is this area of journeyed, almost on no dark of when, Sun no completely falls on again rises, we in Beach took to has large of ice, however second days early in the we again arrived Beach shooting of when, sea Shang has see not to ice has, just several hours, ice like to huge of black hole sucking go has as, Waves on the sea sparkled.

There is a waterway in the Arctic: wear a channel, it is from Iceland and Greenland waters across the North Pole, reached the Bering Sea lanes, some say this is Iceland's genius idea. More Arctic waterway ice stories, please pay attention to the financial channel of large 8-episode documentary, Arctic, North Pole! The fifth episode of the channel of ice.

(Financial channel eight-episode television documentary, Arctic, North Pole! , Will premiere April 22-April 29, 9:15 P.M., 23 o'clock, 12:30 the replay. )

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Documentary Arctic

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  2015年6月27日,《北极,北极!》加拿大摄制B组,来到位于加拿大最北部的努那武特省的首府伊卡卢伊特,来这里有最主要的两个拍摄计划, 其一,是对加拿大海岸警卫队的采访拍摄,主要了解北极西北航道的相关情况,其二,之前在国内的调研,我们找到一家名为NEAS的航运公司,这家因纽特人的公司有60多年的历史,主要进行加拿大北极地区各个社区的航运。来之前也了解到伊卡卢伊特北冰洋沿岸的冰,会在6月底到7月中下旬融化,繁忙的航运季就开始了,我们计划拍摄一些经过西北航道部分航段的商业运输。然而一切计划的美好都赶不上变化,我们最终也没等来商业船舶的到达。这也印证了加拿大海岸警卫队 官员让?莱纳特对西北航道的描述,整个西北航道岛屿众多如迷宫,天气变化多端,最主要的是有冰山和浮冰,很多时候船舶无法按期到达。拍摄北极航道有很多不确定的因素,有很多无法想像的困难,我们《北极,北极!》纪录片为什么要拍摄北极航道呢?


  从地理位置上来看,从北欧到亚洲、北美洲到亚洲有两条非常近的水上通道,这两条水上通道就是今天我们所知道的,北极东北航道和北极西北航道,人 类发现并走通这两条水道用了几百年的时间,很多伟大的极地探险家把生命献给了,探索这两条航道的征程, 因为首先探索这两条航道的探险家都是欧洲人,所以今天东北航道和西北航道的命名,都是以欧洲人的方位来确定的。


  北极东北航道是指北欧国家经北冰洋沿岸往东,途径俄罗斯北冰洋沿海,到达白令海峡和太平洋的航线,如果从我国的港口往北航行,就可以经白令海峡 过东北航道到达北欧,这样就可以大大缩短经苏伊士运河到达北欧的航程,节省时间和燃油,2013年和2015年中远集团的永盛轮,就做了两次经东北航道的 运输航行,比原来节约22天的时间到达北欧港口。



  近几十年全球气候变暖,北冰洋海冰融化的速度在加快,如今在夏季,俄罗斯北冰洋沿海也就是它称之为北方海航道的浮冰,也在大量减少,永盛轮 2015年夏季从北欧港口返航时,途径北方海航道甚至没遇到什么浮冰,在不借助破冰船引航的条件下,顺利达到天津港,不仅节约了航运时间,而且节约了燃油 和破冰引航费用,整个航程节约近百万人民币。

  东北航道和西北航道相比,东北航道目前已经达到商业通航的条件,实际情况也表明,已经有一些北欧国家的船舶往返于东北航道,俄罗斯已经瞄准东北 航道商业通航的商机,并以开发北极亚马尔半岛的油气资源为契机,在东北航道上建立起了新港口撒别塔,今后俄罗斯北极地区的油气或将从这里运出。

  西北航道整个经过加拿大北部群岛,这个航道比起东北航道不易于通航,因为它有多达十几条不同的航线,而造成这种状况的原因是这里岛屿众多,犹如 迷宫,船舶很容易迷失方向,而且北极地区海上多雾,天气变化多端,最为关键的是,浮冰会让船舶受阻,影响船期,这就是我在文章开头讲到的遭遇。2015年 7月初的那几天,我们几乎每天都去加拿大海岸警卫队伊卡卢伊特办公室,询问运输船的情况,开始警卫队的队员告诉我们说,运输船在从南方来的路上了,估计两 三天就到,后来又说运输船遭遇到坏天气,停在中途等天变好,天变好的时候,运输船又遇到浮冰被搁浅了,等待海岸警卫队破冰船的救援,这些消息让我们摄制组 很抓狂,直到有一天我们在做完一个采访拍摄后,走在回酒店的路上,突然一阵非常大的直升机轰鸣声传来,我发现有直升机在海边货场卸货,我们赶到海边货场拍 摄了卸货过程,又跑去海岸警卫队询问,他们告诉我们说有一艘海岸警卫队的破冰船在湾里破冰,为快要到达的运输船破冰,摄制组赶快打车到伊卡卢伊特附近,距 离湾里最近的山上进行拍摄。幸亏伊卡卢伊特是一个仅有6000人的小地方,只要有车去哪都方便,我们在一座山头拍到了破冰船破冰,直升机往返与破冰船和海 岸货场之间,装卸石油桶。这些画面是我们等了几天才等到的。


  加拿大努那武特极北社区几乎都在海岛上,这些社区之间不是通过飞机就是通过船舶进行货物运输。而基建材料和汽车等大件货物,都是通过船舶来运 输。极北地区属于苔原带,气候恶劣,没有树木等覆盖,所以建房修屋需要当地政府统一规划,居民想建设房屋得提前几年申请,而这些木材只有在夏季有船期的时 候才能运来。在这里冰情是影响船期的一个特殊因素,努那武特NEAS航运伊卡卢伊特市场部经理吉米告诉我们,2015年夏季的首次船期就延迟了,这就是刚 才文中海岸警卫队提到的运输船,这些情况对于当地的居民来说,似乎已经是司空见惯。


  华裔刘骥在伊卡卢伊特政府法务部门工作,他的爱人在当地经营着一家中国小商品商店,她早在一年前就从中国义乌下了订单,不过这个单子要等到来年 夏季才能运来,我们拜访她的时候,她说去年的这个时候,她的货物集装箱已经到了,不过今年(2015年7月)货物却迟迟不来,她每天都打电话到航运公司确 定货物运到的日期。

  在加拿大极北地区,摄制组见识到了冰情的变化,那是在巴芬岛东北部社区庞得因莱特,我们到的时候已经是傍晚,不过7月正是这个地区的极昼,几乎 就没有天黑的时候,太阳没有完全落下就再次升起,我们在海边拍到了大片的浮冰,然而第二天一大早我们再次赶到海边拍摄的时候,海面上已经看不到浮冰了,仅 仅几个小时,浮冰好似给巨大的黑洞吸走了一样,海面上碧波荡漾波光粼粼。



责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

纪录片 北极


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