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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:25:23
Tokyo Olympics logo, and user: like a tablecloth,



Tokyo Olympics logo, and user: tablecloth-the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Olympics-IT information

After the Plagiarism controversy and months selection, 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee announced on 25th Japan traditional Indigo color combination of a rectangle ", song, group lines" was selected as the new emblem. However, some in Japan Internet users do not buy it. Logo soon some people ridicule this design just released "too common".

Three rectangles

Tokyo Olympic Games organizers said the emblem stand out from the 4 options. "It consists of 3 different types of rectangular form, the design represented a different country, culture and way of thinking ... ... Pass out ' diversity collection ' of information. ”

According to pictures released Tokyo organizing Committee, the emblem colors for the Japan traditional Indigo color, rounded bottom is made up of rectangular combination "TOKYO 2020 (Tokyo 2020)" the English words to appreciate is the Olympic five-ring logo. Paralympic emblem similar to the emblem of Tokyo.

This emblem designed by 46 years old, old Asao. In an interview with reporters, he said: "just found out his design won, my mind went blank. I invested a lot of time and effort for this design, take it on as their children (devotion). ”

Never runs smooth

The twists of the Tokyo Olympic Games emblem. Last July, the Tokyo Olympics released Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games emblem design emblem by Japan designer Sano Kenji lang design, with simple geometric patterns to form a "t" shape. This emblem was then Belgium designer aoliweiye·Debi design logo for a local theatre "strikingly similar". Last September, the Tokyo organizing Committee announced that they had abandoned the logo, select the new emblem and commitment as soon as possible.

Kyodo News, Japan media had criticized the original emblem of the selection process is too closed, Tokyo organizing Committee established the special emblem of the selection Committee and thus greatly relax the eligibility for open 14599 works, and invite the public to participate in judging. Earlier this month, 4 works in the final selection stage, 19 judges then vote.

Japan times, Tokyo Olympic Games emblem Committee collected 39,712 online comments, 1804 postcard received comments.

Pub table cloth?

Agence France-Presse reported that the new Olympics logo, Japan Internet users seem to be mixed.

A Netizen in the micro-blogging site "Twitter" message, said the emblem was "too boring", just like "tablecloth Tavern" and still others wrote: "they chose the colors least bright one. This design, while insurance, but give the feeling of melancholy. "Friends in the Japan times guestbook ridicule:" this is my most favorite section (logo design). ”

However, others expressed support for the new emblem. "Twitter" message on road, this design Japan elements, "I think this is a good choice"; there is one think, this emblem design than the previous "improved a lot".

东京奥运会新会徽出炉,网友:像桌布 - 东京奥运会,奥运会 - IT资讯




根据东京奥组委公布的图片,会徽色调为日本传统颜色靛蓝色,在由矩形组合构成的圆形下方是“TOKYO 2020(东京2020)”的英文字样,再往下是奥运五环标志。东京残奥会会徽与奥运会会徽相似。










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