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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:25:29
Twitter CEO talk live: we have been doing for ten years,



Twitter CEO talk live: we have been doing for ten years-live, live streaming platform-IT information

According to foreign media reports, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey), comes to live in 2016 the company first quarter earnings call (Live), stressed that "we have been doing for ten years".

It is reported that the latest definition of Twitter itself can be summed up in one word: live. During the earnings conference call, when asked how to view Facebook into the live video and real-time conversation areas, West responded by saying "we've been doing for a decade".

"We firmly believe that Twitter's leadership position in the field of broadcasting", he stressed that "Twitter isn't just for live live events in real time, and is on the initiator and facilitator of the dialogue. With Twitter, users can see the latest events, this is the best choice for users to share experience with each other . "

He pointed out that "what Twitter really is? You can experience through its live to a big event. Typical celebrity Twitter users can provide users with unprecedented perspective on the events to the public, which cannot be experienced by users through other sites. Ordinary users connected through Twitter and celebrity, Twitter also encourages dialogue between its interactive, a unique experience for the user. This is what we have been insisted on doing things. "

But the strategy of trying to persuade shareholders is not an easy thing. On Twitter after the earnings call, its share price fell sharply, shows investors ' confidence in decline. More importantly, Facebook is moving into the field of live video and real-time conversation. The social networking company has its own live streaming service, the recent Facebook open to third-party services and devices the application programming interface, Live services continues to expand. In addition, Facebook has been launched by Twitter exclusive live sports.

Meanwhile, Dorsey continued to emphasize real-time live Twitter event to Twitter users, which users may be the first to get who won the Democratic presidential primary, the plane landed in the Hudson, the latest sports scores and SpaceX successfully recycling rockets at sea. He believes that Twitter's real time of events, openness is the advantages of other competitors can't match.

He stressed that "we are open and transparent, we are widely distributed, we are more efficient, so we know that the quickest way to events. Twitter users had reached 800 million, that number will continue to grow, we will continue to focus on broadcasting. We want to do is live our expertise and experience, and strive to do better through technology innovation for users with a better experience and enjoyment. ”

This is not the first time Twitter was defined as broadcasting and service platform for real-time conversation. Former CEO, dike·kesiteluo (Dick Costolo) Twitter analogue in the town square, and today, to some extent, Twitter is just a small town, and a large number of users flocked to Facebook in this big city. However, along with the introduction of instruments such as Twitter team Twitter Moments, Vine, and Periscope new service, attracted not only the customer, more keep adding new users.

For Twitter, it's time to make efforts to prove that they are not just "live" in the past ten years. In fact, Facebook has more users and the broader audience, Twitter to prove its leadership in broadcast required a lot of dedication. Whether through mergers and acquisitions, or to share in real time to provide users with more features, Twitter broadcast dominated strategy is key to its growth.

推特CEO谈网络直播:我们已经做了十年 - 网络直播,直播平台 - IT资讯

据国外媒体报道,Twitter首席执行官杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)日前在公司2016年一季度财报电话会议中谈及直播(Live)时强调称“我们已经做了十年”。



多西指出,“Twitter真正是什么?你可以通过其对一个大事件的直播来体验。Twitter所特有的名人用户可以为公众用户提供关于该事件前所未有的视角,这是用户通过其他网站无法体验到的。普通用户通过Twitter 与名人相连,Twitter也鼓励其之间的对话交互,为用户带来独特的体验。这就是一直以来我们所坚持做的事情“。




这并不是Twitter第一次被定义为直播以及实时对话服务平台。前任首席执行官迪克·科斯特洛(Dick Costolo)将Twitter类比于小镇广场,而在今天看来,在一定程度上Twitter仅仅是一个小城镇,而大量的用户则涌进了Facebook这座大城市。但是,随着Twitter团队不断推出诸如Twitter Moments、Vine以及Periscope等新服务,其吸引回来的不仅是老用户,更有不断加入的新用户。


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