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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:33:13
Chen zhongshi, famous writer died of illness, the representatives of the white deer



Chen zhongshi, famous writer died of illness representative | the white deer _ the death of Chen zhongshi | news

Chen zhongshi's information.

7:40, Mao Dun literature prize winner Chen zhongshi, famous writer, died in Xian due to illness, at the age of 73.

Chen zhongshi's personal data:

Famous contemporary Chinese writers, Vice Chairman of China writers ' Association. The white deer is his famous work, other collection of short stories by the representatives of the village, behind the old poplar tree to go, as well as on the set of the writing on this paper. Four novellas set in the early summer, and the sister of, the selected stories of Chen, the collected works of Chen zhongshi, anthology farewell of pigeons. In 1997 by the Mao Dun literature prize, which the white deer by the Ministry of education include "students must read" series, has issued more than 1.6 million volumes, was adapted for the Shaanxi Opera, drama, dance, film and other art forms. On December 15, 2006, "2006 Chinese writers in the first list of" blockbuster release, Chen to 4.55 million in royalties, topped 13th writer's rich list, causing widespread concern. (Manuscript sources: Tianjin daily)

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Chen's death

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著名作家陈忠实因病去世 代表作《白鹿原》|陈忠实|去世_新闻资讯

陈忠实 资料图。



  中国当代著名作家,中国作家协会副主席。《白鹿原》是其成名著作,其他代表作有短篇小说集《乡村》、《到老白杨树背后去》,以及文论集《创作感受谈》。 中篇小说集《初夏》、《四妹子》,《陈忠实小说自选集》,《陈忠实文集》,散文集《告别白鸽》等。1997年获茅盾文学奖,其中《白鹿原》被教育部列入“大学生必读”系列,已发行逾160万册,被改编成秦腔、话剧、舞剧、电影等多种艺术形式。2006年12月15日,“2006第一届中国作家富豪榜”重磅发布,陈忠实以455万元的版税收入,荣登作家富豪榜第13位,引发广泛关注。(稿件来源:天津日报)


陈忠实 去世


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