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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:35:08
Can’t believe: we will be the last generation to have the privacy of people who,



Can't believe: we will be the last generation to have privacy-information security, privacy and security-IT information

Recently, several Chinese Taiwan citizenship fraud suspect to be extradited back to Taiwan, once again raises concern for mobile security. In the era of mobile Internet, smart phone has become an indispensable element of modern lifestyle in this "fingertip society", finger-touch screen seconds it is possible to step into the grey area of information security, how to protect their own information into everyone around Key Biscayne.

"As a representative of Chinese mobile phone manufacturing companies such as Huawei have gain a large market share around the world, but at the same time, China's mobile phone security problems should not be ignored. "China Mobile phone safety, telecommunications expert Kan Kaili at the first Mobile Security Forum I feel.

Is not to be ignored, with the popularity of smart phones, fraud is also increasing due to disclosure of personal information, as the phone App will indiscriminately get the user precise information so accurate fraud resulting from disclosure of personal information, and even can be said to be "made to measure" of fraud will be more and more. Even expert quipped: "people of our generation, who will be the last generation to have privacy, disclosure of personal information has become a time bomb explosion. ”

Mobile phone information security situation, how to deal with? It must face up to the problems of the industry as a whole. In addition to the Government to step up the fight against outside, consumers raise their awareness of mobile phone safety, cell phone manufacturers must also assume more responsibility in online safety. Links to current high frequency of text messaging scam, manufacturers can make technology a user cannot open it directly links, but need to copy and paste, and other ways to achieve and so on.

Smart phones has become "the sixth organ", bank card cash flow information, the Internet, privacy, work information in all integrated in a small mobile phone, information security has become a daily life of the 1.3 billion mobile phone users in China just needs. Therefore, mobile phone manufacturers, not only to sell, to sell a security. Only standard information security into a smart phone can prevent fraud at the source.

不敢相信:我们将成为最后一代有隐私的人 - 信息安全,隐私安全 - IT资讯






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