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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:47:13
Bloomberg: the 10-person team deployment automation, robotic press,



Bloomberg: the 10-person team deployment automation, robot-robot-IT the article the article information

News yesterday, Bloomberg became a through automated technologies to report "Prime News" agency, hopes to take more time savings for business journalists. Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief yuehan·mikelaisiweite (John Micklethwait) announced in a message to employees on Wednesday, this data-driven news organizations set up a 10-man team, and let them decide how to automate deployment procedures within the company as a whole.

Bloomberg has used automated procedures to write news alert reports, customized news and trends, mikelaisiweite, automated programs will also "played an important role in the us a lot of new projects."

Memo wrote, "Daybreak allows customers to customize the morning news; Mover project through the computer tell us when a stock soaring or diving; Project Cyborg help us edit in this earnings season sent the front page of computer help us will be translated into other languages. But we've just touched the tip of the iceberg. ”

Bloomberg has 150 branches around the world, reporters more than 2000 people. While stressing the importance of automation technology, but mikelaisiweite said, if there is no human reporter guidelines, the use of automated programs will be very limited: Automation programs "can only achieve human level." Computers can generate or title of the article, but need a human to tell it where to look for what is, and to ensure the independence and transparency.

Before that, the associated press has begun to use robotics to determine trend reports and write sports news and results.

彭博社:10人团队部署自动化程序,机器人发稿 - 发稿机器人 - IT资讯

昨日下午消息,彭博社成为又一家希望通过自动化技术来报道“大宗新闻”的机构,希望借此为商业记者节约更多时间。彭博社总编辑约翰·米克莱丝维特(John Micklethwait)在本周三发给员工的邮件中宣布,这家以数据为驱动的新闻机构组建了一支10人团队,让他们来决定如何在整个公司内部部署自动化程序。


备忘录写道:“Daybreak可以让客户定制早间新闻;Mover项目通过电脑告诉我们一只股票何时暴涨或跳水;Project Cyborg帮助我们的编辑在这个财报季发送头条;电脑帮助我们立刻将新闻翻译成其他语言。但我们只是触及了冰山一角。”



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