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published in(发表于) 2016/4/30 5:47:59
Homemade real time operating system RT



RT-Thread 2.1.0 released domestic real-time operating system supporting Godson 1C cleverdragon boards-RTThread, Godson-IT information

RT-Thread RTOS is a well-known open source real-time operating system from China, by some professional developer, maintenance. Recently released their communities 2.1.0 full version, add a variety of new BSP support chips, including based on wisdom of the Godson-1 c long boards.

Download link:

Github version download:https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/releases/tag/v2.1.0

Baidu's Web site download:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgIAyWo

This experience for a long time, and some of the original goals also failed to complete (more POSIX support, including device select API interface, FD,socket, and so on). Raspberry pie similar to the BSP failed to support, and so on, which lasted nearly 1.5 years ... Full of regret!

Even so, 2.1.0 this version still has a large number of updates, in particular support for the new chip:

Kernel, component part changes:

* Enhance the event mechanism when an event is received, if the argument is empty, does not return received the type of event;

* Fixed device_open when the open_flag parameter;

* Better application module support;

* SD/MMC-driven component category supports SDIO WiFi card

* SD/MMC-driven components can support the eMMC category memory;

* Added BSD socket operations to VFS, allowing application read/write in the BSD socket interface;

* RTGUI regression, with the GUI engine, used for drawing operations (sketch, line, rectangle, circle, image, etc);

* Added nanopb transplantation into PAHO-MQTT transplant; upgrade FreeType to 2.5. version 4;

BSP changes include:

* Mr John microelectronics fh8620 (provided by rich John microelectronics companies related to BSP, while Community Edition IoT Camera Development Board adopts fh8620 chip)

* Join the Godson 1C, developed for Chi Dragon plates;

Godson 1C cleverdragon development boards

* Provided RT-Thread services X1000 transplantation of the Eagle is the MIPS32 architecture;

* Joined the first ARM Cortex-M7 transplant stm32f7-disco development boards support;

* Added nRF51822/nRF52832 transplants;

* Join NXP's i.MX6SoloX ARM Cortex-A9 in transplantation;

* Added AM335x/BeagleBone to develop integrated development environment, compiler support of IAR;

Thank you to participate in RT-Thread the development partners of the year!

Behind some of the changes and some of the ideas mentioned here under,

1. the future version, there are two, one is v2.2.0; another is v3.0.0; specific version number, you may want to look at future developments;

2. next year's development is mainly aimed at such points:

A). <> add device driver programming, including UART/SPI/IIC/SD_MMC, and so on, would like to do something as detailed as possible;

B). close to the POSIX standard, this should be said, bound to support, compatible with POSIX standards. Also want to write code in a way that in the future more and more standardized, without #include, without rt_kprintf. Still retained in some convenient place;

C). MPU version opened up branches, is based on the IoT Camera community development platform, in particular, MPU version and the application module is different, MPU version will provide system calls.

3. release, for the RT-Thread code package is released by rhythm will be similar to previous planning a quarterly version of the way in, publication rhythm slows down. But will consider a more community approach to development, such as online package manager, Package Manager online, downloaded different versions or the latest version of the kernel, module.

4. will offer more internship opportunities for online students to help improve RT-Thread communities, information, tutorials, finishing, etc. Students want to practice the open source community, or love embedded system you can contact us.

国产实时操作系统RT-Thread 2.1.0发布,支持龙芯1C智龙创客主板 - RTThread,龙芯 - IT资讯

RT-Thread RTOS是一款来自中国的知名开源实时操作系统,由国内一些专业开发人员开发、维护。最近其社区发布了2.1.0 正式版,新增加多种芯片的BSP支持,其中包括基于国产龙芯1C的智龙创客主板。




这个版本经历的时间比较长,并且原定的一些目标也还未能完成(更全的POSIX支持,包括device fd,socket等在内的select API接口等)。树莓派类似的BSP也未能有支持,等等,历时时间已接近1年半。。。满满的遗憾!



* 增强event机制,当接收事件时,如果参数置空,则不回传接收到的事件类型;

* 修正device_open时的open_flag参数问题;

* 更好的application module支持;

* SD/MMC驱动组件可以支持SDIO类别的wifi网卡;

* SD/MMC驱动组件可以支持eMMC类别存储器件;

* vfs中加入对bsd socket的操作,使得能够在bsd socket上应用read/write接口;

* RTGUI回归,以GUI引擎的方式存在,用于底层的绘图操作(绘点、线、矩形、圆,图像等);



*富翰微电子的fh8620芯片(由富翰微电子公司提供相关的BSP,同时社区版的IoT Camera开发板采用fh8620芯片)



* RT-Thread服务公司提供君正的MIPS32架构的X1000芯片移植;

*加入第一个ARM Cortex-M7移植,stm32f7-disco开发板支持;


*加入NXP的i.MX6SoloX中的ARM Cortex-A9部分移植;






a). <>中加入设备驱动编程部分,包括UART/SPI/IIC/SD_MMC等等,希望能够做到尽量详实;


c).开辟MPU版本分支,会是基于IoT Camera社区开发板平台,特别的,MPU版本和应用模块不同的地方在于,MPU版本将提供系统调用的方式。



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