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published in(发表于) 2016/5/1 8:23:52
Practical is the truth! Don’t be a novelty “magpie programmer“



Practical is the truth! Don't be a novelty "magpie programmer"-programmer, programming-IT information

I often think, a software developer in some respects and magpie-a notorious (IT news Editor's Note: Westerners don't like magpies) likes to steal shiny items to decorate their nests of birds are very similar. Like a magpie, by definition, software developers an unusually clever and curious animals. However, we are very, very easily distracted by shiny new toys.

I don't think reading like Scott Hanselman's Ultimate Developer Tool list inspiring. Instead, it makes me tired. Software of the world and its reform pace is relentless. All around us is filled with a variety of so-called something shiny and new, the concept itself begins to break down, over and over again and repeating these cliches until they become meaningless term. "Shine" and "innovative" eventually became commonplace, even commonplace. So the novel is no longer unique, shiny or fun. Eventually, you'll get tired of the endless pursuit of shiny new things.

Not only, I think so. Jeremy Zawodny also notes reduced gloss shiny new things:

A year ago, I unsubscribe from Steve's blog, because he was accustomed to write breathless fashion stuff, like writing the latest shiny things--often several times a day. I've seen too many people, just to keep up with this horse, and a speed of hype and forget to consider these shiny new things really can help achieve the grand blueprint.

Dave Slusher agrees:

[Robert Scoble] said, all e-mail sent to him too much, but these are not valid public relations. He suggested that we write a message on his Facebook wall. I have watched the Scoble of Facebook at that time, so I'm sure this is the case, he said many times. Can Twitter, don't email. Jaiku, not Twitter. Message, send messages, make phone calls, email, and do not send messages, do not call. That's enough! I tried to get in touch with him, I just think it's a magpie from the platform referred to the platform, said is garbage, make me feel tired. A year ago I gave up TechCrunch, but also because of the same feeling. I'm tired of the so-called alternative-the slightly different from the current way of doing things, and does not endorse this small change worth it is subversive to give it all to have. I officially give up something new and shiny.

And not just because science and technology news are endless. Software religious wars the ebb, but continually let us down this war, like turn aside the rock went into a fast-flowing stream. I bet David Megginson summed up this process sounds familiar:

1, the elite (master) developers find there are too many mediocre people are using their current programming language and began looking for something they can better distinguish it from those programming languages and unambitious colleague.

2, elite developers do not want to leave the beaten track, and want to find new, little-known, seldom used language.

3, elite developer promotes the development of new languages, they contribute code, prepare a variety of libraries and so on, and then spread the new language. Asian elite (senior) developers to follow in the footsteps of elite developers, have to learn a new language, opening the books, training, and marketing, and accelerate the development and testing of the language.

4, Sub-elite developers tend to have huge influence (elite developers tend to be lone heroes, tend to work independently in research projects, and not to be found in production and development team), they will promote the development of new language in the workplace.

5, focus on learning a huge developer community on a regular basis and believe that they have to buy books, take classes in order to learn a new language.

6, then back to the beginning, elite developers found that there are too many mediocre people are using their current programming language, so they began looking for other better difference and unambitious colleague to those of programming languages.

Now, please sit down, because I'm going to tell you some bad news. You're interested in Ruby on Rails? That was last year's indicator, we are marching in the other direction.

If you think that, from a statistical perspective, the vast majority of programmers have yet to experience any form of dynamic languages--not to mention the Ruby--that would be ridiculous. Some dynamic languages have been penetrated into Java and. NET fortress and gradually with varying degrees of success. These so-called thought leaders in before anyone had a chance to leave this virtual ghost towns.

I became a programmer, because I love the computer, to love computers, you must be keen to change. I do just that. But I think the magpie developer sometimes change their craft is damaged. Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas's view is that the Pragmatic Programmers (practical programmer) is an important part of the last wave in the Ruby, which said in a copy of the 2004 IEEE column is very detailed.

Users don't care if you are using a J2EE,COBOL, or something else. They only want you to provide the functionality they want . So, you need to help them find out what they really need is, then imagine the system is like.

With his head or blindly. Chase's cutting-edge technology, might as well focus on [COBOL] for yourself or your customers to build an effective system. Not only easy to use, easy to understand and quick to deploy. Framework using a mixture of technologies: technologies for modeling, techniques used for code generation, and some reusable components, and so on. Pragmatic is the most fundamental principles of our work aimed at in order to complete the work, and not only because the novel or trendy were fans all shook up.

When we try to use versatile application framework to end all other application frameworks, we (as an industry) will lose.

Not quite enough, if not the brightest, newest stuff to decorate your home. As long as the effective and able to meet you and your users, then who cares what technology you use?

New things are beautiful, it has a kind of still holds partly concealed mystery. Don't unknowingly let the new, shiny things becomes your goal. Don't be a magpie developer. Selectively pursue something shiny and new , will help you become a better developer.

实用是真理!别做一味求新求异的“喜鹊程序员” - 程序员,编程 - IT资讯


我一点也不觉得阅读类似Scott Hanselman的《Ultimate Developer Tool list》鼓舞人心。相反,它令人疲劳。软件世界前进的改革步伐是无情的。我们的周围充斥着各种所谓闪亮和新的东西,其概念本身开始瓦解,一遍一遍又一遍地重复这些陈词滥调,直到它们成为无意义的名词。“闪亮”和“新颖”最终成为平凡,甚至是司空见惯。于是,新颖不再唯一,闪亮也不再有趣。最终,你会厌倦于无休止地追逐闪亮的新事物。

并不只有我这样认为。Jeremy Zawodny也注意到正在减少光泽的闪亮新事物:


Dave Slusher表示同意:

[Robert Scoble]说过,大家发给他的电子邮件太多了,而这些都是无效的公共关系。他建议我们将消息写在他的Facebook墙上。那个时候我已经关注了Scoble的Facebook,所以我肯定这样的话他说过多次。能Twitter,不要email。能Jaiku,不要Twitter。留言,发信息,打电话,发邮件,再到不要发邮件,不要打电话。够了!我没有试过与他取得联系,我只是觉得这只一贯的喜鹊,从这个平台讲到那个平台,讲的都是垃圾,让我觉得厌烦不已。一年多前我之所以放弃TechCrunch,也是因为相同的感觉。我已经厌倦于那些所谓的另辟蹊径——略为不同于当前的做事方式,以及不认可这种微小的改变值得我们颠覆性地抛弃一切来拥有。我正式宣布放弃追逐更新、更闪亮的事物。

这不仅仅是因为科技新闻是无穷无尽的。也是软件宗教战争潮涨潮落的必然,但是这场战争不断地让我们失望,就像偏离正路的岩石跑到了一条快速流淌的溪流。我敢打赌,David Megginson概括的这个过程听上去非常熟悉:







现在,请你坐好,因为接下来我要告诉你一些坏消息。你对Ruby on Rails感兴趣?那是去年的风向标,我们现在已经朝别的方向行进了。


我之所以成为一名程序员,是因为我爱电脑,要热爱电脑,你必须热衷于改变。我正是如此。但我认为喜鹊开发人员有时改变自己的手艺反而是一种损害。Andy Hunt和Dave Thomas的看法是,Pragmatic Programmers(实用型程序员)是Ruby中最后一波改变的重要组成部分,这在一份2004年的IEEE column中说得非常详细。






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