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published in(发表于) 2016/5/3 5:38:39
Villa owners to fill Lake provoked outrage, CPPCC National Committee members no one dare tubes



Villa owners to fill Lake provoked outrage by CPPCC National Committee members no one dared tube | illegally built villas _ news

Original title: law enforcement dismantle "dilly" convict into a persistent

Why villas illegally built disaster

Zhao Yu Chen Yujun

On April 26, the newspaper publishes the stream garden Villa 9th destroyed Green Lake filled provoked outrage reported, causing public concern. The vehement opposition of the residents, the sustained attention of the media, 9th, the illegal construction of the Villa began to tear down, many people praised for the Government's enforcement point. But there are a lot of people questioned from covering unauthorised start to reflect on the first day, why no movement for a long time? Even the Lake to occupy, cover illegal construction: why people are so picky? Villa construction has become the norm in this city, and spread disaster situation, why Villa set as unauthorised prevailed, and why is it difficult to remove? What is the deeper reason?

Reporters learned from the stream garden property management company, 9th villas, a total of three layers, covering about 450 square meters, which cost up to tens of millions of Yuan. In addition, reporters also found that illegal construction similar to the Villa 9th, nor a case in the stream garden, Villa 18th occupy the Lake is still in a State of construction. "Such a big house is not enough for you? Why should illegal? How much area does have enough? "Residential property owners, Mr LEE said that, in the process of building, residents repeatedly find Villa 9th, hoping to shut down immediately. "But, the other side is strong, does not listen to us, said must be built up, who stopped neither. They say homeowners have the background, has been through all aspects of, and even advised us not to reflect, reflect is not good, no one dares to pipe. "Indeed, in the early days, the owners searched the various functions of the Department, no one has effectively stopped. Mr Li said he later heard about, the villa owners were Yilong decoration company's Mister WONG, a CPPCC National Committee member, was also named "moral models".

"Blame the road not only take illegal, even public lakes are surrounded. Blame law enforcement authorities drags his feet never actually moves. Original owner relations, background, encounter. "During the interview, many residents grumbling. In order to halt the illegal construction of Villa 9th, inhabitants many times to give up a break, even had to use work time to contact various departments, so much trouble. "If we reflect so persistent, if followed up, media attention, the illegal construction of the Villa can remove? "Aunt Liu was Villa retirement home as unauthorised removal of" hero "to see the results today, she is satisfied and sad," If the law enforcement authorities to take decisive action earlier, we are not so easily? "She said, Villa construction has become a common phenomenon, some villas as unauthorised overrun with even," buy villas, are rich and have money, natural social relations are broad, many people who are also social positions. These are people who should be the elites of society, leading the social ethos of positive, but they compete, wealth, race to illegal structures. It is clear that their social background is deep, they cover the illegal construction, dismantle the natural difficulties. Hoped that the relevant departments can break down resistance, and even increase the intensity of exposure to these people, they have nowhere to hide in the Sun, who would later offence...... "

Qing XI who is 9th, the owner of the Villa? In an interview, the reporter got a Villa 9th agreements with residents, reads "the yellow sign", and what residents call the yellow so only the last word "sounds with words." Villa 9th a door on the wall, hanging "tiankuo holding a sign reading". Reporters learned that "broad holdings" subsidiary, core business is "Yi long decoration." According to online information, Huang Yilong decoration company's boss. However, reporters asked Villa field personnel, the other side is not willing to answer "does yellow Villa master" problem. Call tiankuo holdings, hope and yellow contact to verify the situation, a staff member said, she will reflect it. As of press time, the reporter has not received a call back.

Reporter then contacted Hexi District people's political consultative conference, said CPPCC National Committee members are recommended by the industry, and more of people's political consultative conference CPPCC organizations and services. Management is mainly look at the duties of members functions for life does not have administrative powers, if there is only education and guidance. Hexi District people's political consultative conference CPPCC members to understand the situation that have been involved in this matter, understanding or communication with the members of the CPPCC National Committee, requires functions of the CPPCC members cooperate with relevant departments to properly handle the matter.

Costs are too low, is one reason villas illegally built crazy hard to control. Unauthorized building demolition process, "unauthorized building demolition costs borne of" one thing often overlooked. And the high cost of demolition, often even greater than the construction costs. Reporters learned that two or three years ago, Hexi District law enforcement authorities dismantled a high-level illegal, unauthorized building demolition costs at more than 300,000 yuan. According to reporter observed, the Villa 9th unauthorized building demolition, only workers employed by the Government, nearly 30 people, also deployed several mechanical car, not only labor costs low. In fact, relevant laws and provisions of earlier, not only forced removal costs should be borne by an unauthorised party, and "10% of the 5% per cent of construction project cost". In this regard, the comprehensive enforcement of the rule, officials said. "Illegal construction will agree to remove good, under normal circumstances, do not pay demolition costs. In practice, it is usually Government finances is going to pay. Any unauthorised person, the city paid for a precedent? Now at least I have no control over. "Repeated contact liqizhuang Street, Xiqing District, also admits that the current demolition costs are underwritten by the Government.

"Villa buy tens of millions of Yuan, he was paid a million demolition fee? Is he to blame, why should we taxpayers to ' pay '? "Stream gardens that residents hope Villa 9th against law enforcement agencies can be built as a typical case, strictly enforce the law, unauthorised removal costs are borne of a breakthrough. "Only take illegal consequences for offenders, and let them swallow bitter pill in order to play to the deterrent effect. ”

Source: Tianjin daily

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Illegally built villas

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别墅业主填湖惹众怒 被指系政协委员无人敢管|违建别墅_新闻资讯

  原标题:执法拆除“磨磨蹭蹭” 屡禁不绝成老大难


  赵煜 陈玉军

  4月26日,本报刊发了《清溪花园9号别墅毁绿填湖惹众怒》的报道,引起市民广泛关注。在居民的强烈反对 声中,在媒体的持续关注下,9号别墅的违建开始拆除,许多市民为政府的执法点赞。但也有不少市民提出疑问:从盖违建第一天就开始反映,为何长时间没有动 静?连湖面都敢圈占,盖违建的人为何如此有恃无恐?本市的别墅区违建已经成为常态,甚至有蔓延成灾的态势,别墅区搭违建为何盛行,又为何难拆?深层次的原 因是什么?

  记者从清溪花园物业公司处了解到,9号别墅总共三层,面积约450平方米,其售价高达数千万元。此外,记者采访中还发现,类 似9号别墅这样的违建,在清溪花园也非个例,18号别墅一样圈占了湖面,目前仍在施工状态中。“这么大的房子还不够用吗?为什么还要违建?是不是多大的面 积都嫌不够用?”小区业主李先生说,建设的过程中,居民们多次找9号别墅方面,希望能立即停工。“但是,对方很强势,根本不听我们的,说必须要建起来,谁 拦着也不管用。对方说房主有后台,已经打通了各个环节,甚至劝我们别反映了,反映也不顶用,没有人敢管。”果然,在建设初期,业主们找遍了各个职能部门, 都没有人过来有效地制止。李先生说,他后来才打听到,这座别墅的房主是科艺隆装饰公司的老总黄某某,一名政协委员,还被评为“道德模范”。

  “怨不得有这么大的道行,不但搭违章,连公共的湖面都要围起来。也怨不得执法部门磨磨蹭蹭一直没有实际举动。原来房主有关系、有背景,有恃无恐。”采访 中,很多居民牢骚满腹。为了制止9号别墅的违建,居民们多次放弃休息,甚至不得不利用工作时间联系各个职能部门,费尽周折。“要不是我们这么执著地反映, 要不是媒体的跟进、关注,这个别墅的违建能不能拆?”退休在家的刘大娘是别墅违建拆除的“功臣”,看到今天的结果,她既满意又伤心,“如果执法部门能早些 拿出果断的行动,我们是不是就不用这么费劲了?”她说,别墅区违建已成普遍现象,有的别墅区违建甚至泛滥成灾,“买别墅的,都是有钱人,有了钱,自然社会 关系也就广了,很多人还身兼社会职务。这些人本应该成为社会的精英,引领社会积极向上的风气,但是,他们却互相攀比、炫富,竞相违章搭建。很显然,这些人 的社会背景较深,他们盖了违建,拆除起来自然难度就大了。希望相关部门能破除阻力,甚至对这些人加大曝光力度,让他们在阳光下无处可藏,看以后谁还敢违 法……”

  清溪花园9号别墅的主人到底是谁?采访中,记者拿到了一份9号别墅方面与居民签署的协议,上面写着“代黄某某签”字样,与居民 口中所称的黄某某仅最后一个字“音同字不同”。9号别墅一进门的墙上,挂着“天阔控股”的牌子。记者查询得知,“天阔控股”的子公司中,核心企业正是“科 艺隆装饰公司”。而网上资料显示,黄某某正是科艺隆装饰公司的老板。不过,记者询问别墅现场人员,对方均不愿意回答“黄某某是不是别墅主人”的问题。记者 致电天阔控股集团,希望和黄某某取得联系核实情况,一名工作人员表示,她会将情况反映上去。截至发稿,记者仍未接到回复电话。

  记者随后 联系河西区政协,相关工作人员表示,政协委员是由行业进行推荐,而政协对政协委员更多的是组织和服务。管理方面主要是看委员的履职职能,对于生活方面则没 有管理权力,如有问题只能教育引导。河西区政协已找涉及此事的政协委员了解情况,在了解过程中还与该政协委员进行了沟通,要求该政协委员配合相关职能部门 妥善处理此事。

  违法成本过低,也是别墅区违建疯狂难以控制的原因之一。拆违过程中,“拆违费用的承担”一事往往被人忽视。而拆除费用高 昂,甚至往往高于建设的成本。记者了解到,两三年前,河西区执法部门拆除一户高层违建,拆违费用在30多万元。而据记者观察,此次9号别墅拆违,政府仅雇 用的工人就有近30人,还出动了几辆机械车,仅人工成本就不低。其实,相关法律早有规定,不但强制拆除费用应由违建方承担,还可处“建设工程造价百分之五 以上百分之十以下的罚款”。对此,市综合执法局法制处相关负责人说。“违建方能同意拆除就不错了,一般情况下,都不掏拆除费用。实际操作中,通常都是政府 财政来埋单。本市有没有违建人掏钱的先例?至少我现在不掌握。”记者多次联系西青区李七庄街道办事处,相关人员也坦承,目前的拆除费用也是由政府垫资。

  “买得起几千万元的别墅,他掏不出上万元的拆除费用?是他惹的祸,为什么要我们纳税人来‘埋单’?”清溪花园居民称,希望执法部门能将9号别墅违建一事 视为典型案例,严格执法,在违建拆除费用的承担方面取得突破。“只有让违法者承担违法后果,让他们自吞苦果,才能起到震慑效果。”


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222



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