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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/5/4 3:50:12
Groups to buy another bank card information from hackers, amounting to millions of Yuan involved,



Groups to buy another bank card information from hackers, involving up to million-hacker, bank cards, fraud-IT information

Illegal access to other people's credit card information, and forged bank cards of the others, in Anhui, Jiangxi and other places through ATM machines to withdraw more than 500,000 yuan. Recently, Jurong city, Jiangsu Province Prosecutor's Office on suspicion of credit card fraud on Chen Qinghai, Chen Xin-Hua, the compassionating are prosecuted.

One day in August 2015, Jurong, Liu received a number of withdrawals from Bank messages, but his bank card and put it on, and did not withdraw. When he realized that might be encountered when Telecom fraud, more than 140,000 yuan in cash on the card has been removed. Mr Liu alarm.

The investigation, police found the victims at the local card away from the body, whereas withdrawal as far away as the provinces; withdrawn, taken in ATM withdrawals, and the larger the amount of each cash. So, police will withdraw as the focus object of investigation, finally locked the suspect Chen Qinghai, Chen Xin-Hua, daiyongren, Chen Yu (dealt with).

August 2015 between September, Chen Qinghai QQ chat in the process, learned that a "Fortune" shortcuts: to buy someone else's bank card information from hackers, including a bank card password and accounts, balances, track information, copying other bank cards. Chen Qinghai in touch through online chat software after Chen Xin Hua, yongren, who, through access to information such as bank card track information using technical equipment, copying someone else's bank card.

So you only withdraw link. In order to reduce the withdrawal of "dangerous", they will withdraw the site selection in places such as Anhui, Jiangxi, and take the form of ATM withdrawals.

After the incident, from 3 suspects who police detained over more than 20 bank card, card has millions of Yuan funds flowing. Among them, Chen Qinghai province involved in the crime, 25, involving more than 530,000 yuan and Chen Xin China involved in the crime, 24, involving more than 510,000 yuan in lieu of the compassionating involved in the crime, 6, involving more than 240,000 yuan.

团伙向黑客买别人银行卡信息,涉案金额达百万元 - 黑客,银行卡,诈骗 - IT资讯







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