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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:47:52
Environmental Inspectorate: 4 false capacity replacement project in Tangshan, in violation of rule under haze



Environmental Inspectorate: Tangshan 4 capacity replacement project fraud violates the provisions governing haze

Long-term poor air quality in Tangshan, after living in the country. Visual information in China

Central environmental protection during the inspection group stationed in Hebei, found that 4-iron alloy project capacity of Tangshan City instead of false, resulting in Ferroalloy production capacity of 500,000 tons, in violation of relevant provisions of air pollution control in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

On December 31, 2015, to February 4, 2016, the Central Inspectorate of environmental protection of Hebei province environmental protection inspector. According to the design, organization and coordination of the Central Inspectorate of environmental protection work led by the Ministry of environmental protection and responsible.

May 5, Central Environmental Inspector group to Hebei provincial, and provincial government feedback Inspector views two days, environmental Department in informed of 12 article "inspector about problem clues" in the pointed out that,, Tangshan City, Cao feidian meadow district tengda technology limited annual 80,000 tons nickel Ferroalloy project and Tangshan Nickel Gold industrial limited nickel alloy production and the processing project, and Guye district, Tangshan City, Ding Cheung manganese industry limited annual 300,000 tons manganese Department alloy project, and leting dry billion industrial limited annual 40,000 tons nickel Ferroalloy project ring assessment report are Yu 2013 10 Months later by the Hebei provincial Department of environmental protection for approval.

But the Inspector found, Tangshan industrial co-NI alloy nickel gold production and deep processing project capacity replacement for the hangu steel company 1 350 cubic meters of blast furnace (400,000 tons of ironmaking capacity). Caofeidian district on January 18, 2016, the Government report said, Tangshan City, due to the blast furnace has been listed as the city's capacity reduction sequences, cannot be conducted as planned capacity replacement, are currently implementing capacity alternative.

Guye district, Tangshan City, Ding Xiang limited annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of manganese alloy replacement objects even of Guye district metal processing plant project capacity of 1 300 cubic meters of blast furnace (ironmaking capacity 342,000 tons), the blast furnace was not included in the base of the iron and steel industry of Hebei province structural adjustment programmes, not as an alternative to capacity, Tangshan City development and Reform Commission also believes that the project alternative does not complete, belonging to the new capacity. Guye District Government has provided two capacity exchange agreement but upon enquiry, corporate officials say agreement; 300,000 RMB transaction fee for cash payment and signature of receipt from (even of Guye district metal processing plant General Manager whose name is Ma, but Ma Junyou signature on the receipt).

Leting dry million industrial limited annual production capacity of 40,000 tons of nickel-iron alloy project capacity replacement for Heng, Tangshan industrial Ltd 2009 demolition 1 of 315 cubic meters of blast furnace (350,000 tons of iron-smelting capacity), but the BF was not included in the base of the iron and steel industry of Hebei province structural adjustment programmes, and in 2009 it has been removed and cannot be used as replacement capacity. Leting County, Tangshan City development and Reform Commission, and the Government has also admitted that the project alternative does not complete, is a new capacity.

Tenda technology limited annual production capacity of 80,000 tonnes of nickel-iron alloy item was not replaced and with Hebei province environmental protection Bureau, NDRC, caofeidian, Tangshan City Government confirmed, the project in the EIA report on Tangshan caofeidian district Tenda technology co-NI-Fe alloy production and deep processing project capacity replacement letters suspected of forgery.

Require 4 Ferroalloy projects is not complete capacity alternative and even fraud in the process, resulting in Ferroalloy production capacity of 500,000 tons. Violation of the Jing-Jin-JI and the surrounding areas to implement air pollution control rules for the implementation of the plan of action.

Surging News (www.thepaper.CN) previously reported long-term poor air quality in Tangshan, after living in the country. Informed the Environmental Protection Department of the 2014, 2015 air quality is the worst ten cities, Tangshan is ranked fourth from the bottom. On April 18, informed the Ministry of environmental protection in March 2016 air quality is the worst ten cities, Tangshan ranked next to last.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-05-06 18:52:04
环保督察组:唐山4个产能替代项目造假 违反治霾规定

唐山空气质量长期不佳,居于全国靠后位置。视觉中国 资料图

  中央环保督察组进驻河北期间,发现唐山市4个铁合金项目产能替代不实,导致铁合金产能新增 50 万吨,违反京津冀大气污染防治相关规定。


  5月5日,中央环保督察组向河北省委、省政府反馈督察意见两天后,环保部在通报的12条“督察有关问题线索”中指出,唐山市曹妃甸区腾达科技有限公司年产 8 万吨镍铁合金项目和唐山镍金实业有限公司镍合金生产及深加工项目、古冶区唐山市鼎祥锰业有限公司年产 30 万吨锰系合金项目、乐亭县乾亿实业有限公司年产 4 万吨镍铁合金项目环评报告均于 2013 年 10 月以后通过河北省环境保护厅审批。

  但督察发现,唐山镍金实业有限公司镍合金生产及深加工项目产能置换对象为汉沽钢铁有限公司 1 座 350 立方米高炉(40 万吨炼铁产能)。曹妃甸区政府于 2016 年 1 月 18 日出具报告称,因唐山市将该高炉已列为全市压减产能序列,无法按原计划进行产能替代,目前正在落实产能替代指标。

  古冶区唐山市鼎祥锰业有限公司年产 30 万吨锰系合金项目产能置换对象为古冶区国连金属加工厂 1 座 300 立方米高炉(炼铁产能 34.2 万吨),该高炉未列入《河北省钢铁产业结构调整方案》基数,不能作为替代产能,唐山市发改委也认为该项目替代方案未完成,属于新增产能。古冶区政府虽提供两家企业产能置换协议,但经问询,企业有关负责人均说不清协议内容;30 万元交易费用竟为现金支付,且收据签名还有出入(古冶区国连金属加工厂总经理姓名为马俊有,但收据上签名却为马俊友)。

  乐亭县乾亿实业有限公司年产 4万吨镍铁合金项目产能置换对象为唐山市恒安实业有限公司 2009 年拆除的 1 座 315 立方米高炉(35 万吨炼铁产能),但该高炉未列入《河北省钢铁产业结构调整方案》基数,且于 2009 年就已拆除,不能作为替代产能。唐山市发改委和乐亭县政府也承认该项目替代方案未完成,属新增产能。

  腾达科技有限公司年产 8 万吨镍铁合金项目未进行产能替代,且经与河北省环保厅、唐山市发改委、曹妃甸区政府等确认,该项目环评报告书中《关于唐山市曹妃甸区腾达科技有限公司镍铁合金生产及深加工项目产能置换的函》涉嫌伪造。

  4 个铁合金项目未按要求完成产能替代,甚至在替代过程中弄虚作假,导致铁合金产能新增 50 万吨。违反了《京津冀及周边地区落实大气污染防治行动计划实施细则》。


(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-05-06 18:52:04

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