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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:48:11
Hunan officials as husband was promoted to Deputy Division level make the venue



Hunan officials as husband was promoted to Deputy Division level make venue | promoted _ news

Intends to promote husband wife into the meeting spoiler

Xinhua female cadres by party a serious warning

Hua Sheng online May 6 (new Hunan client reporter He Weihuang Kuang Pei-liang) on May 6, the reporter learned from the Commission for discipline inspection, Xinhua, the County's female cadre du Zhu Qiying on obstruction of official duties was a serious warning inside the party.

The morning of October 26, 2015, loudi municipal organization Department to judge the cadres, Xinhua, democratically recommended water tankers town Party Secretary Yang Haibo was recommended as the unit directly under the Deputy leadership candidates. Yang Haibo du Office Director Zhu Qiying on the wife, after learning of the news, serving to Yang Haibo said they did not agree with the loudi. That afternoon, the group went to Yang Haibo unit water tankers town on its site visits and held the whole town cadres and workers of democratic appraisal by the General Assembly. At the meeting, Zhu Qiying rushed in without permission of the case, violation of meeting procedure without authorization under standing on the podium, to participate in the evaluation of the study on behalf of cadres and workers, about his family, that itself does not support the idea of serving her husband Yang Haibo loudi and requires the presence of participants do not recommend Yang Haibo loudi. Zhu Qiying expressed their views, and under its influence, the venue there were some disagreed with the assessment promoted Yang Haibo, investigation of the municipal organization Department assessment has been forced to end, resulting in a larger negative impact.

Zhu Qiying being a Communist Party member and discipline inspection and supervision cadres, trespassing investigation and evaluation meeting of the General Assembly, disturbing the work order, which visits evaluation terminates, 2003 issued by the Chinese Communist Party disciplinary regulations were violated provisions of the 163th and constitute impediments to the enforcement of the party and State functionaries in accordance with age of corporate behavior. On November 23, 2015, the discipline Inspection Commission to make a decision, Xinhua, Zhu Qiying a serious warning inside the party, while criticism of bobozaixian education. On March 3, 2016, the water tankers town clean "both" interviewed by the poor implementation was the County and county-wide communications.

In this regard, loudi city, head of the discipline Inspection Commission recently serious said: "as the discipline inspection and supervision cadres, should lead to comply with discipline, implementation of the decision of the organization. Zhu Qiying acts seriously violated party discipline, should be seriously dealt with, adjust the position. Each of the party members, especially leading cadres to strictly observe party discipline rules, focus on the family tradition! ”

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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  组织拟提拔老公 妻子进会场搅局


  华声在线5月6日讯 (新湖南客户端记者 贺威 黄首记 旷佩靓)5月6日,记者从新化县纪委获悉,该县上渡办事处女干部朱奇英因妨碍公务受到党内严重警告处分。


  朱奇英身为共产党员、纪检监察干部,擅闯考察测评大会会场,扰乱考察工作秩序,致使考察测评工作终止,违反了2003年颁发的《中国共产党纪律处分条例》 第163条的规定,构成妨碍党和国家工作人员依纪依法执行公务的行为。2015年11月23日,新化县纪委做出决定,给予朱奇英党内严重警告处分;同时, 对杨海波进行批评教育。2016年3月3日,水车镇因党风廉政建设“两个责任”落实不力被县委约谈,并全县通报。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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