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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:54:37
Li Shishi steal AlphaGo six-game winning streak: the precise calculation of chess begins,



Li Shishi steal AlphaGo six-game winning streak: chess began to calculate-AlphaGo, Weiqi, Li Shishi, man-machine war-IT information

United Kingdom local time on May 4, the founder DeepMind hassabis said on Twitter: "Li Shishi in alpha stream have won every game after the man-machine war, exciting! ”

Man-machine war ended but DeepMind and AlphaGo teams have been concerned about the chess tournament. DeepMind founder hassabis wrote on Twitter: "Lee Sedol has won every single game he has played since the #AlphaGo match Inc. using some new AG-like strategies - truly inspiring to see! "(Li Shishi won the man-machine war use the alpha stream after every game, exciting! )

? Li Shishi new face

After Li Shishi in the man-machine war, after a simple trim, back to the game of go has now made six in a row, beating rivals including Jin Zhixi, Kang Dongyun, puyongxun world championship-level chess player. Li Shishi said in an interview: "I've decided to stop playing by feel, calculated as accurately as possible. ”

Li Shishi six-game winning streak against: maixin Cup finals win against Jin Zhixi, ING Cup defeat Liu Zhiyuan, Lin Lixiang, Kang Dongyun, respectively, maixin Cup semi-final victory over puyongxun, maixin Cup three-game finals first game Sheng Yuan Shengqin.

李世石偷师AlphaGo六连胜:下棋开始精确计算 - AlphaGo,围棋,李世石,人机大战 - IT资讯


人机大战虽然结束,但DeepMind和AlphaGo团队一直关注着围棋赛事。DeepMind创始人哈萨比斯在个人推特上写道:“Lee Sedol has won every single game he has played since the #AlphaGo match inc。using some new AG-like strategies - truly inspiring to see!”(李世石使用阿尔法流赢得了人机大战后的每场比赛,振奋人心!)




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