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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:25:15
Henan police catch a prostitute who was killed in action by high-voltage electric shock, at the age of 37



Henan police catch a prostitute who was killed in action by high-voltage electric shock at age 37 | police sacrifice _ news

The dead civilian police


# Night depth # (section co-ordinating Shuo Zhu Shunzhong journalists) today, the legal evening news reporter from gushi County, Henan province, the Public Security Bureau was informed that, May 6, 22:03 P.M., gushi County public security management Brigade squadrons Lieutenant Lu Hung-kui "sea cloud bath" catching the illegal person is high-voltage electric shock, rescue is not valid because duty, at the age of 37.

The legal daily (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter was informed that, recently, the unified deployment gushi County Public Security Bureau in accordance with the public security organs at higher levels, focusing on the problems of social security campaign, focusing on the masses feel strongly about in places of public entertainment special focused on all kinds of criminal acts. May 6, at 22 o'clock in the evening, Lu Kui led, red squadron of civilian police in public order problems in concentration and control of operations, found that "sea cloud bath" massage room prostitution activities were being carried out, in the course of making an arrest, Lu Hong Kui was the bath Center platform on the second floor on the west wall of the high-voltage electric shock, rescue is not valid sacrifice.

# Night depth # (section co-ordinating Shuo Zhu Shunzhong journalists) today, the legal evening news reporter from gushi County, Henan province, the Public Security Bureau was informed that, May 6, 22:03 P.M., gushi County public security management Brigade squadrons Lieutenant Lu Hung-kui "sea cloud bath" catching the illegal person is high-voltage electric shock, rescue is not valid because duty, at the age of 37.

The legal daily (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter was informed that, recently, the unified deployment gushi County Public Security Bureau in accordance with the public security organs at higher levels, focusing on the problems of social security campaign, focusing on the masses feel strongly about in places of public entertainment special focused on all kinds of criminal acts. May 6, at 22 o'clock in the evening, Lu Kui led, red squadron of civilian police in public order problems in concentration and control of operations, found that "sea cloud bath" massage room prostitution activities were being carried out, in the course of making an arrest, Lu Hong Kui was the bath Center platform on the second floor on the west wall of the high-voltage electric shock, rescue is not valid sacrifice.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Police at the expense

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Legal evening news
河南民警抓嫖行动中遭高压电击殉职 年仅37岁|民警牺牲_新闻资讯



  #法晚深度即时#(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 记者 王硕)今日晚上,《法制晚报》记者从河南省固始县公安局获悉,5月6日晚22时03分,固始县公安局治安大队管理中队副中队长芦红奎在“浩海云天洗浴中心”抓捕违法行为人时被高压电击,经抢救无效,因公殉职,年仅37岁。

  《法制晚报》(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)记者获悉,近日,固始县公安局按照上级公安机关统一部署,集中开展了社会治安突出问题整治行动,重 点对群众反映强烈的公共娱乐场所内存在的各种违法犯罪行为进行集中专项治理。 5月6日晚22时,芦红奎带领中队民警在开展社会治安突出问题集中整治行动中,发现“浩海云天洗浴中心”按摩房有人正在进行卖淫嫖娼活动,在实施抓捕过程 中,芦红奎被该洗浴中心二楼平台西院墙上的高压电击,经抢救无效牺牲。

  #法晚深度即时#(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 记者 王硕)今日晚上,《法制晚报》记者从河南省固始县公安局获悉,5月6日晚22时03分,固始县公安局治安大队管理中队副中队长芦红奎在“浩海云天洗浴中 心”抓捕违法行为人时被高压电击,经抢救无效,因公殉职,年仅37岁。

  《法制晚报》(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)记者获悉,近日,固始县公安局按照上级公安机关统一部署,集中开展了社会治安突出问题整治行动,重 点对群众反映强烈的公共娱乐场所内存在的各种违法犯罪行为进行集中专项治理。 5月6日晚22时,芦红奎带领中队民警在开展社会治安突出问题集中整治行动中,发现“浩海云天洗浴中心”按摩房有人正在进行卖淫嫖娼活动,在实施抓捕过程 中,芦红奎被该洗浴中心二楼平台西院墙上的高压电击,经抢救无效牺牲。

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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