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published in(发表于) 2016/5/10 5:20:22
1220 kilometers per hour, super high-speed rail against the natural musk,



1220 kilometers per hour, super high-speed rail against the natural musk-super high speed rail-IT information

Elon Musk to build future transportation system, in addition to the now very popular outside of the Tesla electric car, Hyperloop is an important part of the super high speed rail project. Hyperloop recently released called "passive Maglev" technology prototypes, said new technologies than at present in Europe and the Chinese tradition of using Maglev technology is cheaper and more secure.

Passive Maglev technology was proposed by physicist Richard Post in 2000, this technique uses no power cycle tracking system, compared to traditional magnetic levitation technology both in complexity and the cost of infrastructure, are more expensive.

According to Elon Musk in 2013 introductionHyperloop speed can reach 1220 km/h, and can be in a variety of weather conditions in seamless connections between cities. In theory, travel between San Francisco and Los Angeles, Hyperloop is only 30 minutes .

"Use of passive magnetic levitation technology, will be there along with track power station, which is more suitable for low-cost systems. "Hyperloop Bibop Gresta, Chief Technology Officer, said. "From a security perspective, this system also has a huge advantage, even if experiencing any type of power failure, the system can continue to be suspended in the ground, and when speed drops below the minimum value, to be in contact with the ground. ”

时速1220公里,马斯克的超级高铁简直逆天 - 超级高铁 - IT资讯

Elon Musk想要打造的未来交通运输系统,除了现在非常火爆的特斯拉电动汽车之外,另外一个重要的组成部分就是Hyperloop超级高铁项目了。而最近Hyperloop公布了名为“被动磁悬浮”技术的原型,表示新技术要比目前在欧洲和中国等地区使用的传统磁悬浮技术更便宜、更安全。

被动磁悬浮技术是由物理学家Richard Post在2000年提出的,这项技术使用了无动力循环跟踪系统,相比之下,传统的磁悬浮技术无论在复杂程度还是基础设施的造价上,都要更昂贵。

根据Elon Musk在2013年的介绍,Hyperloop的运行速度可以达到1220公里/小时,并且可以在多种天气下在城市之间无缝连接。从理论上来说,旧金山到洛杉矶的旅行,Hyperloop其实只用30分钟

“利用被动磁悬浮技术,将可以无需在沿途使用跟踪发电站,而这个系统更适合建立低成本的系统。”Hyperloop首席技术官Bibop Gresta表示。“从安全方面来说,这个系统也拥有巨大的优势,就算遭遇任何类型的电力故障,这套系统也能继续悬浮于地面,之后当速度降到最小值的时候才会与地面接触。”

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