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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/5/12 7:05:22
Chinese officials: “black lung“ icon not cigarette case, deviations from the traditional culture



Chinese officials: "black lung" icon not the Pack does not match the traditional culture | black lung | skeletons | cigarette case _ news

Legal evening news (text/Xinhua Chen Si) some of the provisions of national legislation on cigarette packs printing bad lungs, mouth rot, skeletons and other "heavy" warnings, Deputy Director of the national people's Congress, the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau Duan Tieli said that warnings printed on cigarette packets is not in China's cultural traditions, and there are no plans to add icon.

In order to reduce the dangers of tobacco, Thirteen-Five planning framework proposed in the draft specific measure, articulate 45-year plan period will "vigorously promote the smoking in public places." Meanwhile, the desire to reduce public smoking and tobacco, some of the provisions of national legislation on cigarette packs printing bad lungs, mouth rot, skeletons and other "heavy" warnings. This afternoon, the national people's Congress, Deputy Director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau Duan Tieli in the acceptance by night (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter, said in an interview, China is in accordance with the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on tobacco control, performance, and there is no default. Warnings printed on cigarette packets is not in China's cultural tradition, and there is no intention to increase picture.

In addition, most smoking is strictly prohibited in the history of Beijing last year with top cover all smoking in public places, Duan Tieli admits smoking ban tobacco sales were affected. Affect the specific situation are currently being evaluated. However, Duan Tieli said that this is normal, and tobacco also belong to General merchandise, reduced demand, sales naturally decline. If more local smoking nationwide, will also likely impact of tobacco sales.

In 2015, China wholesale links after the consumption tax increase on cigarettes, all wholesale price increase on cigarettes 6%, retail cigarette prices rose 10%. Duan Tieli said that price increases are not the only way of tobacco control. "We've measured, from the point of view of tobacco control, now, we at the international level is not low price, cigarette prices as a percentage of national income is not low. "Tieli said that commodity prices are normal, but currently have no plans to again rise.

According to the law late (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter, currently, over 45 countries of the world have adopted legislation on the graphic health warnings. Nearly 20 countries have explicit legal provisions require tobacco packaging to use of 50% area of cigarette packs graphic warning signs. For example, Thailand law, the skeleton, lungs, impotence and other warnings must be accounted for half of the cigarette case. Even China's Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and other places on cigarette packaging, also there are many "flavors" pictures. In contrast, China's cigarette packaging is "tolerance". Requires both sides of cigarette packs a warning only, the cigarette case and warning area is the implementation of the who Framework Convention on tobacco control, the minimum-no less than the limit set out in 30%.

Even more impressive is that domestic enterprises should the cigarette on cigarette packaging of "duplicitous". Dress up domestic cigarette case "bright", while the exports to foreign cigarette cases "ad nauseam". For example, double happiness cigarettes sold in Hong Kong, on the cigarette packs include "smoking can lead to impotence" pattern in Thailand, and Australia and other countries have strict legal requirements for cigarette packaging, sale of Chinese cigarettes on cigarette packs are printed with "heavy" pictures.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Black Lung skull cigarette cases

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Legal evening news
中国官员:“烂肺”图标不上烟盒 不符传统文化|烂肺|骷髅|烟盒_新闻资讯

  法制晚报快讯(文/记者 李洁 陈斯)针对一些国家立法规定在烟盒上印制烂肺、烂口、骷髅等“重口味”警示图标,全国人大代表、烟草专卖局副局长段铁力表示,在烟盒上印警示图标不符合中国文化传统,且目前没有增加图标的打算。

  为降低烟草危害,十三五规划纲要草案中拟增加具体措施,明确提出十三五期间将“大力推进公共场所禁烟”。与此同时, 为降低公众吸烟及购买烟草的欲望,一些国家立法规定在烟盒上印制烂肺、烂口、骷髅等“重口味”警示图标。今天下午,全国人大代表、国家烟草专卖局副局长段铁力在接受法晚(微信公号ID:fzwb_52165216)记者采访时表示,中国是按照世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》履约的,并没有违约。在烟盒上印警示图标不符合中国文化传统,且目前没有增加图片的打算。



  另据法晚(微信公号ID:fzwb_52165216)记者了解, 目前,世界上有超过45个国家已经通过关于图形方式健康警示的立法。近20个国家有明确的法律规定,要求烟草包装使用不少于烟包面积50%的图形警示标志。比如,泰国法律规定,骷髅、肺叶、阳痿等警示图标必须占到烟盒的一半。就连中国台湾、中国香港等地的香烟包装上,也同样有许多“重口味”图片。与之相比,我国对烟盒的包装却很“宽容”。仅仅要求在烟盒正反面有警示语,且警示语所占烟盒面积也执行的是世卫组织《烟草控制框架公约》中规定的最低限——不小于其所在面的30%。

  更令人称奇地是, 国内的一些香烟企业竟然在烟盒包装上搞“两面派”。国内的烟盒打扮的“光鲜亮丽”,而出口到国外则将烟盒做的“令人生厌”。比如,在香港地区售卖的红双喜香烟,烟盒上印有“吸烟可以导致阳痿”的图案;在泰国、澳大利亚等对烟盒包装有严格法律要求的国家,销售的中华烟其烟盒上也都印有“重口味”的图片。


烂肺 骷髅 烟盒


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