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published in(发表于) 2016/5/12 7:06:21
Officials in Zhangjiakou



Zhangjiakou City officials: grasslands road fees provincial government support of compliance | grasslands road _ news
The morning of 10th, the zhangbei grasslands Road Service Center, a man dressed in "road law enforcement Brigade" clothing men standing in the middle of the Road stopped a passing vehicle and told the passengers to head the ticket can by road. Beijing News reporter Wu photo

Survey: Highway delineation received travel tickets, what do you think about it?

The Beijing News (reporter Guo Chaowu) to zhangbei "grassland days" about the charges, the Hebei provincial price Bureau said to the media for the first time, said delegation of administrative permissions to zhangbei, Hebei province, zhangbei enables him to make tickets for grasslands road pricing.

Zhangjiakou said provincial government support for the charge

Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province, zhangbei grasslands road May 1 entry yesterday, Zhangjiakou City officials to the Beijing news reporters to grasslands road charging, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province, and the two levels of Government support, and attitude is very clear.

Scenic area in Hebei province, according to the article 35th of the regulations: "scenic ticket prices by Government price departments, in conjunction with the financial, housing and urban-rural construction, and other relevant departments to develop. "So, as approved by the County, Zhangjiakou City, city-level scenic areas, zhangbei zhangbei why tickets for grasslands road pricing power in it?

Yesterday, the price Bureau of Hebei province, said Liu Zhiguo, Deputy Director to the Beijing News, subscription management service, price list of sectors are pricing management in Hebei province, pricing list is in Hebei province, after the provincial government approved and submitted to the national development and Reform Commission approved consent. "According to the list of pricing management in Hebei province during this one, except inside the province, outside the area of the tube, other scenic authorized districts and cities, counties, to enlarge the counties to develop. "Liu Zhiguo said Hebei provincial delegation of a portion of the administrative powers to the district level of Government, this county is to enlarge the counties. County of zhangbei is the powers of the province has the right to develop grasslands road scenic ticket prices. Meanwhile, Liu Zhiguo said cost pricing is subject to audit, the price hearing requirements link, and these links are hosted by have the pricing power of the Government. Therefore, he said, held in zhangbei grasslands road price hearing is not illegal.

Zhangbei admitted charges on the retention or irregular

Zhangbei price Bureau head of other media also said in an interview yesterday, the Hebei provincial government announced the pricing of a directory without the (scenic) subjects, only the area the subject is similar to zhangbei County Department of Finance made reference to the area the subject only. "While none of us have consulted provincial price Bureau, Manager said, ' scenic area is the scenic area '. So we transition here. "The above said in a media interview, Director, road, Zhangjiakou City Government has approved previously for municipal scenic area.

Beijing News reporter the day before yesterday, when visits to the Prairie road, found a 50-Yuan tickets on the "maintenance of environmental resources", in this regard, the zhangbei price Bureau official said that price Department approval is the ticket. "Don't know what they are considering, and we reply is called ticket. Estimation is just started charging there may be no specification of the problem. Inappropriate we'll reform perfect. "Price Secretary Bao Wang, zhangbei in the" international "said in an interview.


Power County is not a road toll pass

Competence of the zhangbei grasslands road pricing, school of Government, said Li Guoping, Deputy Dean of Peking University, from the current Highway Act, and regulations of the scenic upper law, zhangbei cannot give "grassland days" set ticket prices, even though the powers of counties in zhangbei in Hebei province, but the expanded part of the administrative authority is not extended.

According to the Hebei provincial government to expand the part of the County (City) management of permissions for Ji Zheng [Document 2005]8, zhangbei County of Hebei province is the first extended permissions. Document also clearly stated, "to enlarge the counties (cities), with parts of the districts and cities of the same economic and social management of permissions. "In other words, zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, in some administrative matters with the same permissions.

But according to the scenic area Ordinance and the scenic area in Hebei province Ordinance, County, Zhangjiakou City, right on the scenic setting prices.

Li Guoping believes that empowerment, was earlier a group of Hebei province, zhangbei County. To enlarge the counties in accordance with local economic and demand for an exploration of the process of urbanization, expanding the part of local governments at the county level administrative permissions. He said powers expanded permission also have border of the County, such as pricing power is part of the delegation, is not to say that there is no scope any application. "Whether or not to expand its powers, even with administrative rights at the provincial level, nor do. ”

Li Guoping said, "Meadow road" from the beginning of the construction, its nature is a through highway, funded by the local government building, was brought to residents living along the transportation is convenient. "This road is different from scenic road, scenic road is the first area, visitors pass road, and this road is opposite. "He said, if it is a road, it can only be in accordance with the nature of the road charge tolls according to law, according to China's law on road, the current toll actually is in illegal occupation of road resources.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Grasslands road

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The Beijing News
张家口官员:草原天路收费合规 省政府很支持|草原天路_新闻资讯
  10日上午,张北草原天路服务中心,一名身穿“天路执法大队”字样服装的男子站在道路中间拦停路过车辆,告诉乘客需要按人头买票方可通过天路。新京报记者 吴江 摄


  新京报讯 (记者郭超 吴为)对于张北县“草原天路”收费一事,河北省物价局首次向媒体表态,称河北省向张北县下放部分行政权限,张北县有权制定草原天路的门票价格。




  昨天,河北省物价局经营收费管理处副处长刘志国向新京报记者表示,河北省价格部门实行的是定价目录管理的方式,河北省的定价目录是经过省政府审核批准, 并报国家发改委审定同意的。“依据河北省的定价目录管理,在旅游这一块,除了省里面管的景区外,其他的景区就授权设区市、直管县、扩权县等来制定。”刘志 国说,河北省下放了一部分行政权力到县一级政府,这样的县就是扩权县。张北是省的扩权县,有权制定草原天路风景名胜区的门票价格。同时,刘志国表示,要定 价就须经过成本审核、价格听证等规定的环节,而这些环节均可由有定价权的政府来主持召开。因此,他表示,张北县召开的草原天路价格听证会也不违规。


  张北县物价局负责人昨天接受其他媒体采访时也表示,河北省政府定价的公布目录里面没有这个(风景名胜区)科目,只有景区这个科目类似,所以张北县财政局 只能参照景区这个科目来进行。“同时这件事我们咨询过省物价局,主管领导说,‘风景名胜区就是景区’。所以我们就这样过渡过来了。”上述负责人在接受媒体 采访时说,此前张家口市政府已经批复了天路为市级风景名胜区。

  新京报记者前日到草原天路实地探访时发现,一张50元的门票上写着“环境 资源维护费”,对此,张北县物价局负责人说,物价部门批复的是门票。“不知道他们是出于什么考虑,我们批复的就是叫门票。估计是刚开始收费可能还存在不规 范的问题。不合适的我们再整改完善。”张北县物价局局长王葆在接受“国际在线”采访时表示。

  ■ 解读



  根据河北省政府关于扩大部分县(市)管理权限的意见 冀政[2005]8号文件,张北县是河北省第一批扩大权限的县。文件中也明确说明,“对扩权县(市)赋予与设区市相同的部分经济和社会管理权限。”也就是说,张北县在部分行政事务上具有与张家口市相同的权限。


  李国平认为,张北县是比较早一批成为河北省扩权县的。扩权县其实是根据地方经济和城市化进程需求进行的一种探索,扩大县一级地方政府的部分行政权限。他 表示,扩权县享有的扩大权限也是有边界的,如定价权是部分下放的,不是说没有范围的随便适用。“不管是不是扩权县,就算是具有省一级行政权限的,也不能这 么做。”

  李国平说,“草原天路”从建设之初,其性质就是一条通行公路,由地方财政出资建设,作用是为沿线的居民带来交通便利。“这条路 跟景区里的路还不一样,景区的路是先有景区,为了游客通行才有了路,而这条路则相反。”他说,如果是路,那只能是按照公路的性质依法收通行费,根据我国的 《公路法》,目前这种设卡收费行为实际就是在非法占用公路资源。

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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