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published in(发表于) 2016/5/12 7:15:42
This British airline aircraft tires for several “parties“,



The British Airways Jet tire good "party"-tires, British Airways, Airbus-IT information

IT information news on May 12, the most recent "I'm good" became Internet catchphrases, British Airways plane seemed to catch the cool, it's not, its tires really "party".

According to the aviation pioneer (Aviation Herald) reported that the United Kingdom airline flying from Hong Kong to London, a Airbus A380 jetliner during takeoff, the crew receives a tire pressure warning, but they did not choose to terminate the flight, the plane finally arrived at London's Heathrow International Airport, the crew found during inspection of the aircraft tires had a problem.

A total of 18 of the aircraft tires and one tire was serious, directly into the square.

So what do tires "party"? The view was expressed that when a flat tire outside temperature can make it "party", the view was expressed that the constant friction with the ground when landing "contributed". Kumar Mysore aviation safety experts think it is weight distribution problem. "Weight distribution on flat tires caused by effects and different forces squeeze toy rubber ring the same way. In specific cases, the A380 tires just turned into a square, and the Boeing 747 would not be so.

这家英航客机的轮胎好“方” - 轮胎,英航,空客 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月12日消息,最近“我好方”成为了网络流行语,英航的一架客机看起来也要赶这个时髦,这不,它的轮胎真的“方”了。

据航空先驱(Aviation Herald)报道,英国航空公司由香港飞往伦敦的一架空客A380客机在起飞时,机组人员收到了轮胎压力的警告,不过他们没有选择终止飞行,飞机最终安全抵达伦敦希思罗国际机场,机组人员在检查飞机时发现其轮胎出现了问题。


那么轮胎是怎么“方”的呢?有人认为轮胎漏气时外界温度的作用使它“方”了,有人认为降落时与地面的不断摩擦也“做出了贡献”。而航空安全专家Kumar Mysore则认为是飞机重量分配的问题。“重量分配对漏气轮胎产生的效果和用不同的力量挤压橡胶圈玩具同理。在特定的情况下,A380的轮胎刚好变成了方形,而波音747则不会如此。

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