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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 6:48:30
Li keqiang promoted to a “quality revolution“



Li keqiang promoted to a "quality revolution" | _ Li news

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On May 11, the State Council Executive meeting, deployment of industrial consumer goods rose varieties, quality, brands, better meet the needs of mass consumption upgrading. Since Prime Minister Li keqiang in the first mention in this year's Government work report "craftsman spirit", a is closely related to public life "quality revolution" apparent. Worth noting is that State Council press release on first use "quality revolution" that reference, set the tone for the next work.

According to statistics, in the production of consumer goods in China at present, there are more than 100 kinds of products output ranks top in the world. Among them, household electrical appliances, footwear, textile, chemical fiber, garments production accounted for more than 50% of the world, light industry and textile exports accounted for more than 30% of the world, is a true consumer product manufacturing, consumption and export powerhouse. Industrial scale so great, but it can hardly be called manufactured powerhouse, defects of insufficient effective supply of consumer goods has become increasingly prominent, product mix, brand development, product quality, the gap with the developed countries can not be avoided.

Another important reality is that China's rise is a sizable middle class, its consumption is from "" to "excellent", from food and clothing to a well-off transition. When huge industrial size fully docked with the large consumer groups, there will be a low-end product of excess capacity on the one hand, on the other hand in the pursuit of high quality consumer flow to the outside. Prime Minister many times referred to people going abroad to buy rice cooker, toilet case, which concerns contained in it is not difficult to understand.

From assumption of the Prime Minister urged to build China's economy "upgrades" for China's economy to develop high-end, today formally proposed the "quality revolution", he is a consistent development of innovative ideas.

The "quality revolution" of course first thing, artisan spirit upon availability to a specific company. This Executive had made that very clear: give full play to the market. In other words, the effective supply of rice cookers, have to rely on enterprises, the Government should not direct. Government must also be responsible, is the effective supply of policy and institutional environment. For industrial consumer goods rose varieties, raise quality, brand, the Executive Council: one is to improve market access, elimination of unnecessary approval and directories and unreasonable charges. Second, cultivating and carrying forward the spirit of the artisan of excellence, guide enterprises to set up the business philosophy of quality first, reputation first, based on the mass production of consumer goods "quality revolution". Third, create a fair and competitive business environment, promoting domestic consumption and international standards on the subject. Four is to strengthen supervision in full swing "two randomized, open" manner, crackdown on counterfeit, preventing bad money drives out good money.

In short, promoting the "quality revolution", and reform. When the Government uses the artisan spirit planned and promoted "pipe service" reform, create and protect good market environment, effectively reducing the transaction costs in the system, enterprises can craftsman spirit focused on product, the "quality revolution" will become the Grand view.

Realm of the ancients speak very good article: "to the vast and subtle." China's economy to develop high-end, described as "publicized". To achieve this goal, for the Government, reforms should be "subtle"; to the enterprise, products to be "subtle".

Standing on the day of the urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta development plan was also adopted. A certain sense, it can also be seen as a city of the "quality revolution". Internally, the Yangtze River Delta city group belongs to the high-end, is one of the towns of the most developed areas in China. But to internationally, compared to cities such as Shanghai, Tokyo, London and New York, there is a gap between the degree of international competitiveness and international; compared to the urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta and other world-class cities, quality of development also needs to be improved.

How to develop? Macro-scale urban agglomeration, its quality and micro-scale of consumer goods have the same points: but by innovation. The meeting proposed that a reform to create a new heights, replicated the FTA, independent innovation demonstration zone of mature experience, in terms of the transformation of government functions, system and mechanism innovation, pioneering. Second, we must strive to be open to new participants, and to attract foreign capital, gathering international talents. Three to lead in the development of the new economy, implement innovation-driven development strategy, create a public undertaking, the highly anticipated innovative ecological. Four to provide new support for ecological protection. Five to create a joint development of new models.

Development of the urban agglomeration "publicized", and also need to reform application of policy "subtle". Reform is the source, building reform as a "brand", the product quality, urban quality, from to.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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Li keqiang

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Chinese Government NET


  5月11日的国务院常务会议,部署促进消费品工业增品种、提品质、创品牌,更好满足群众消费升级需求。自从李克强总理在今年《政府工作报告》中首提“工匠 精神”,一场与大众生活息息相关的“品质革命”呼之欲出。值得注意的是,国务院常务会新闻通稿中首次使用“品质革命”这一提法,为接下来的工作定了基调。

  据统计,目前我国生产的消费品中,有100多种产品产量居全球首位。其中,家电、制鞋、棉纺、化纤、服装等产能占全球的50%以上,轻工、纺织出口占全球的30%以上,是名 副其实的消费品制造、消费和出口大国。产业规模如此巨大,但却难称制造强国,消费品有效供给不足的缺陷日益凸显,品种结构、产品品质、品牌培育等方面与发 达国家的差距不容回避。

  另一个不可忽视的现实是,中国正在兴起一个规模可观的中产阶层,其消费需求正从“有”向“优”升级,从温饱向小康转变。当巨大的产业规模不能与庞大的消费群体完全对接,就会 出现一方面低端产品产能过剩,另一方面追求中高端品质的消费流向境外。总理多次提及老百姓出国购买电饭煲、马桶盖等事例,其中所含的隐忧不难理解。


  “品质革命”当然首先是市场的事,工匠精神要着落到一家家具体的企业身上。这一点常务会上说得很明白:充分发挥市场作用。也就是说,电饭煲的有效供给,还得靠企业,政府不该 直接管。政府应该也必须管的,是政策和制度环境的有效供给。针对消费品工业增品种、提品质、创品牌,此次常务会提出:一是完善市场准入,取消不必要的审批 及目录和不合理收费。二是培育和弘扬精益求精的工匠精神,引导企业树立质量为先、信誉至上的经营理念,立足大众消费品生产推进“品质革命”。三是营造公平 竞争营商环境,推进国内消费品与国际标准对标。四是强化监管,全面推开“双随机、一公开”监管方式,严打假冒伪劣,防止劣币驱逐良币。



  当天常务会还通过了 《长江三角洲城市群发展规划》。某种意义上说,这也可视为一场城市的“品质革命”。国内看,长三角城市群无疑属于高端,是我国城镇化最发达的地区之一。但 若放到国际上,上海与纽约、东京、伦敦等城市相比,国际竞争力和国际化程度仍存在着差距;长三角城市群与其他世界级城市群相比,发展质量也有待进一步提 高。

  如何发展?宏观尺度 的城市群,其品质提升其实与微观尺度的消费品有相同之处:惟靠改革创新。会议提出,一要打造改革新高地,复制推广自贸区、自主创新示范区等的成熟改革经 验,在政府职能转变、体制机制创新等方面先行先试。二要争当开放新尖兵,大力吸引外资,集聚国际化人才。三要带头发展新经济,实施创新驱动发展战略,营造 大众创业、万众创新良好生态。四要以生态保护提供发展新支撑。五要创造联动发展新模式。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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