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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 7:19:09
Hackers of the World contest ended: Surface,Pro,4 virtuoso props



Hackers of the World contest ends: Surface 40% virtuoso Pro props-hacking contest, GeekPwn-IT information

On May 12, hosted by the security team KEEN hacker contest GeekPwn Macau the world over, more than 10 major routers, intelligent remote control, intelligent cameras, anti-hacker safe, intelligent software and hardware products are individually compromised, security geeks have once again shocked the world.

From Pavilion technology of players, with 10 paragraph router project and the small Ant camera project holding go 420,000 bonus, became this times game of big winner; from Tencent network defense group of Surface Pro project, with high difficulty of technology content get 150,000 single bonus and 50,000 "most PA Technology Award" bonus; and from California University of Cao Yue team to its world rare of TCP hijacked technology get of 100,000 single bonus and 50,000 yuan of "most brain hole Award".

High school small meat love cracking techniques female hack random remote control Intelligent remote control

The youngest players of the game is the two 16 year old high school student, they demonstrated how to use mobile phone hijacking UAVs, drones not controlled by remote control while taking off and landing, and does not command automatic return. Although the final judges from the angle of strict vulnerability criteria determined the item does not belong to the security vulnerabilities of UAV, but two juvenile enthusiasm for cracking techniques won this competition "geek spirit Award".

While the only female hacker attack targeting in smart home, she broke the nest-controlled Intelligent remote control via infrared remote control of appliances can be hijacked. Imagine if remote start blankets or bath and may even cause a fire.

"Vows to play smart and not smart Safes" "Uncle hacker" will be safe to play with in between hands, not only hijacked the "SAFEOK anti-hacker safe" password, can also be transformed into "alarm clock"-a specific time is not up, it could naturally. Cerebral hole is wide open in this project because of its spirit of reform was named "Coolest Show Award".

Top hacker contest the difficulty level of the project appeared to be the best fighter technology award

Once Pwn2Own hacker contest in another world championship team appeared in GeekPwn competition, they won the "best fighter technology award". Microsoft products Surface Pro 40% for they of dazzle technical props, show has real world senior continued sex threat attack APT technology: through using Windows and Adobe Reader of vulnerability, from Tencent network defense group of players can completely control Surface Pro--"hacker" to victims sent has a malicious of PDF file, dang victims open this PDF file, Surface camera in site shooting of image that was upload to " Hacking "computers.

California doctoral student past number one hacker attacks remote arbitrary taking of communication

Most startling, from United States University of California doctoral student Cao Yue can be referred to as "network infrastructure" TCP/IP protocol stack implementation of remote hijacking vulnerability shows. In the early 90 's Internet development, kaiwen·mitenike uses the TCP protocol implementation is not perfect, "any Internet session hijacking techniques" and famous today, Cao Yue's team targets have continued to improve the TCP protocol, discovering vulnerabilities so heavyweight, no doubt the information security research in the world have significant reference value.

Cao Yue in GeekPwn the game demonstrated his "magic": the attacker after the IP address of the victim informed of any part of the world, which may be remotely hijack their communications. In the display, on the victim's computer screens are browsing the news page and suddenly jumped out of a fake login page, follow the prompts to enter your account number and password, the same content will appear on the computer player Cao Yue . Common means of cyber-crime in the news (such as Trojan horses, phishing, fraud) different is that victims do not need to make any mistake – will become the attacker of the lamb.

There are more than 4 billion possible serial numbers as well as more than 60,000 possible port, which combine to form the unpredictability is the cornerstone security of TCP/IP protocol. Cao Yue succeeded in achieving within a short time was able to detect TCP connection port and the serial number of the technologies, which means that almost all Android and Linux systems on the Internet, can be attacked at any time, anywhere, hijacked the address.

Tens of thousands of home Wi-Fi can be anytime invasion

This competition Awards players Pavilion 10 router on the market technology projects, including Cisco routers, 360 router, TP-link router, Netgear router, ASUS routers and other 10 router to break one by one. According to the live demo, Android phones are connected to the router have vulnerabilities, while working in the formal application software download, regular software will be replaced with the implantation of the Trojans and malicious programs , allows an attacker view victims can send and receive text messages, control, mobile phone features, called cell phone cameras . In addition, Pavilion Technologies also found loopholes in the ASUS router service is exposed to the Internet, an attacker can be anywhere in the world to launch remote attacks, router that affected tens of thousands of units.

世界黑客大赛落幕:Surface Pro 4成炫技道具 - 黑客大赛,GeekPwn - IT资讯


来自长亭科技的选手,凭借10款路由器项目及小蚁摄像头项目捧走42万奖金,成为本次比赛的大赢家;来自腾讯网络攻防小组的Surface Pro项目,凭借高难度的技术含量获得15万单项奖金以及5万“最霸技术奖”奖金;而来自加州大学的曹跃团队以其世界罕见的TCP劫持技术获得的10万单项奖金和5万元的“最大脑洞奖”。

高中生小鲜肉钟情破解技术 女黑客随意远程操控智能遥控器





曾经在另一个世界黑客大赛Pwn2Own夺冠的团队也现身GeekPwn大赛,他们获得了“最霸技术奖”。微软产品Surface Pro 4成为他们的炫技道具,展示了真实世界中高级持续性威胁攻击APT技术:通过利用Windows和Adobe Reader的漏洞,来自腾讯网络攻防小组的选手可以完全控制Surface Pro——“黑客”给受害者发送了一个恶意的PDF文件,当受害者打开这个PDF文件,Surface摄像头在现场拍摄的影像即被上传到“黑客”的电脑。







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