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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:03:07
About 40 countries to support positions, South China Sea, foreign media say China initiative



About 40 countries to support position foreign media say China dominate the South China Sea South China Sea | _ news

Original title: about 40 countries to support position foreign media say China, South China Sea to take

"Global times, stationed in United States and the Singapore correspondent Xiao Da Xin b" 12th signing of the Doha Declaration recognized the Arab country following to support China's stand on the issue of the South China Sea, land generous at the 13th, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said that Gabon's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs has also recently wrote to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, express the same attitude.

"China's position is gaining the understanding and support of more and more countries. "Referred to arbitration cases are expected in the South China Sea in the Philippines recently ruled that international public opinion seems to be smelling, battle for the South China Sea" war "is quietly. Australia says 13th report, China now dominates in both military and diplomatic, and Beijing continues to show's success in these two areas.

12th ministerial meeting of the Sino-Arab cooperation forum at its seventh session adopted by China and the Arab League's 21 Member States jointly signed by the Doha Declaration. Expressed in the Declaration, the Arab countries under bilateral agreements with relevant countries and regions, China supports the consensus through friendly consultations and negotiations, the peaceful settlement of territorial and maritime disputes, emphasizing "should respect the sovereignty of States and the United Nations Convention on the law of the Contracting States shall enjoy the right to free choice of dispute resolution".

"Wrongs", Lu Kang 13th said at a regular press conference, recently, Mauritania and Venezuela Government also issued a statement, calling for direct negotiation to solve the South China Sea issue through negotiations. Gabon's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs has also recently written to the Foreign Ministers Wang Yi and expressed support for China's stance on the issue of South China Sea. According to statistics, the recent period of time, China's South China Sea stance publicly expressed support for the country amounted to some 40 countries.

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported that the "allies" from Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. "Germany of sound" said, 12th, in face United Kingdom Reuters "support China of are is small" of questioned Shi, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs article method Division Director Xu Hong said, "judge a thing of merits, not is listening to who voice has more big, this not Rumble", "some Western national in on sea arbitration case published on China adverse of views, but Western National this group itself does not can representative whole international social".

Singapore the Straits Times 13th commented that in the arbitration case pending the outcome of the South China Sea, China is looking for as many supporters. Officials from both sides are busy-the United States Defense Ministers Carter on the South China Sea cruise of the United States aircraft carrier, visits the Philippines; Assistant Secretary Russell 12th just completed to Laos, Viet Nam and Malaysia visits; President Obama later visited Viet Nam. Chinese military officials have boarded the yongshu reef, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi to visit Malaysia and Indonesia, Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited much denser State. The Straits Times quoted Australia said maerkemu·daiweisi, senior analyst, the strategic policy Institute, if the sea is a hope, everyone in under the South China Sea may result in the arbitration case, around the conditions laid out in the next stage.

In seeking support at the same time, China once again, its position on South China Sea arbitration case. United Kingdom 13th reported in the financial times, China's upcoming arbitration issued a sharp condemnation of the South China Sea. Director of the Law Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Xu Hong said, arbitration in the Philippines is a typical abuse of the compulsory arbitration procedure under the Convention, the Nanhai arbitration case has now turned into a "show".

The other hand, Chief of staff of the video call "agreed to strengthen risk control of South China Sea." United States "business Insider" 12th said that, in order to avoid continued escalation of tension in the South China Sea, Member of the Central Military Commission, the Central Military Commission, Chief of the joint staff Fang fenghui night was invited by the President of the American Federation of Humpty Dumpty encrypt a video call. Fang fenghui, said no country in the world than China attached more importance to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and hope that peace and stability in the South China Sea. Current tensions in the South China Sea is not caused by the Chinese side, to avoid damage to military relations of the two countries. Dunford said the US side is willing to work with the Chinese side to strengthen dialogue, establish an effective risk management mechanism, work together to maintain stability of South China Sea through peaceful means, and hoped that the South China Sea to all parties to exercise restraint to prevent escalation of tensions.

Australian military officials met in the South China Sea issue is also one of the topics. United Kingdom, Reuters said on 13th CMC joint staff, Deputy Chief of staff, Mr Sun Jianguo told the visiting on the day of the Australia defence force Deputy Commander of Griggs, and between China and Australia in the South China Sea issue is not, and should not be a problem. 12th, Prime Minister of Australia Mr Turnbull supported United States recent cruise operations in the South China Sea. Website reviews the Australian strategic policy Institute said Australia, the key is to balance China's increasing regional influence of rights and Australia between relationships. Support for order and rules is an important option, but not to China's show of force over reaction is also important.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
The South China Sea

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约40国支持中国南海立场 外媒称中国占据主动|南海_新闻资讯

  原标题:约40国支持中国南海立场 外媒称中国占据主动

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责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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