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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:03:10
Autopsy results after about two weeks of Lei Yang, bid farewell to the remains to the families cry,



Autopsy results after about two weeks of Lei Yang family bid farewell to the remains to tears autopsy _ | | Lei Yang case news

May 14 at 2 o'clock in the morning, Lei Yang remains complete anatomical work. Experts commissioned by the families of witnesses, Zhang Huiqin in Chinese people's public security University Professor accepts crime group, 37th (app ID:zhonganzu37) officers, said in an interview, macroscopic examination of the body of work now is over, next in pathology and poison examination, Lei Yang will be checked whether the violent deaths and other problems.

  Families bid farewell to the remains to tears

Chinese people's public security University, Professor Zhang Huiqin to North 37th (app ID:zhonganzu37) officers said himself to Lei Yang family delegate, approved by the public prosecutor's Office, as an expert witness. The morning of May 13, from hailar, Inner Mongolia to Beijing, to witness the autopsy of Lei Yang.

She recalls that the autopsy lasted a total of about more than 10 hours, starting from May 13, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon until the 14th end around 2 o'clock in the morning, all viewed by Beijing Municipal Public Prosecutor's Office, forensic experts, such as full, autopsy and expert card signed inform undertakings related to the per capita, commitment to the work and conclusions of the charge.

Before the autopsy, Lei Yang family had proposed to visit the remains of the requirements agreed by the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate, as more relatives, family Attorney arrangement are divided into two groups bid farewell to the remains. "After the family watched the remains, MOM and dad got down on his knees, hugged me and cried, I said I want to believe. "Zhang Huiqin said, Lei Yang family emotional here," since the families trusted me, I said before that sentence, as good as one might expect, fulfilling, worthy of their own conscience, conscience of the forensic. ”

According to reports, the Beijing judicial expertise center sent a total of more than more than 10 teams of forensic experts, responsible for the autopsies of Lei Yang.

  Lei Yang about half a month after the autopsy results concluded that

Zhang Huiqin said from the 13th starting at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, staff in charge of autopsies including the first Lei Yang's body CT and x-ray imaging, and thereafter remains into the autopsy room, Anatomy and surface inspection until after 5 o'clock in the afternoon, "extremely carefully, every hair must be brushed aside. ”

She said that currently only macroscopic observation with the naked eye, still cannot determine the cause of death of Lei Yang, pathological examination of the follow-up organs for Lei Yang and poisoning tests, autopsies need to use a process of elimination to Lei Yang's cause of death is obtained, about half a month to 20 days will have the results of an autopsy.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Lei Yang autopsy

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雷洋尸检约半个月后出结果 家属告别遗体落泪 |雷洋案|尸检_新闻资讯










责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

雷洋案 尸检


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