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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:03:13
Big traffic accident in Chongqing, Henan province, a total of 11 people died



Big traffic accident in Chongqing, Henan were killed and 11 others _ | | traffic accident in Chongqing news

Chongqing vehicle collision

Minibus collided in xinxian County of Henan 6 dead, 24 injured

May 14 at 15 o'clock, G65 Bao Mao Chongqing high-speed water downward direction out of town K1632 Grand to car crash happened, nanchuan, leaving 5 people dead and 26 wounded, 7 of them seriously injured. Including a collision between a bus and a tanker. The injured have been rushed to hospital for treatment and the cause of the accident is under investigation. (Li Hongmiao CCTV journalists)

  News: minibus collided in xinxian County of Henan 6 dead, 24 injured

New County of Henan province, according to the bulletin, today about 1:25 P.M., national road G230 gold Lanshan Street Office in xinxian County mountain gate, a large road traffic accidents occurred. Grades for Yu AE6067 van and on to grades for Yu S91138 medium buses collided, causing 6 deaths and 24 people were injured, the injured has been sent in xinxian County people's Hospital for treatment. At present, the driver has been public security organ control, accident-related work is ongoing. (CCTV reporters Wang Bing)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Chongqing traffic accidents

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河南重庆分别发生较大交通事故 共死亡11人|重庆|交通事故_新闻资讯


河南新县中巴车货车相撞 致6死24伤

  5月14日15时许,重庆G65包茂高速界水段下行出城方向K1632大观至南川发生多车追尾事故,造成5人死亡,26人受伤,其中7人重伤。其中包括一客车和一油罐车发生碰撞。目前伤者已被送往医院进行救治,事故原因正在调查中。(央视新闻 记者 李洪淼)

  新闻链接:河南新县中巴车货车相撞 致6死24伤


责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

重庆 交通事故


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