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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:07:02
Microsoft, Amazon executives “porn intermediary crimes“ charges



Microsoft, Amazon executives "porn intermediary crimes" charges-Microsoft, Amazon, porn-IT information

On May 14, according to the United States Seattle, local media reported, across the United States Bellevue prostitution case continues in the State of fermentation, Microsoft's Director of global health samite·weiermani (Sumit Virmani), the Director of Amazon's software development weiweike·asitana (Vivek Asthana) have "porn intermediary crimes" (promoting prostitution) charges Is said to have worked in the Bellevue luxury apartment complex several times "recruitment" victims of prostitution.

Investigators confirmed that since April 2012 since coming aboard, Arvind Virmani Appy and Jaytee aliases have been used, comments submitted more than 70 pieces of prostitution. When asked about Arvind Virmani's employment status, Microsoft's PR department spokeswoman would not comment, as a matter of law enforcement agencies. In addition, the spokesman or even confirm whether Arvind Virmani is still working at Microsoft. Astana is used, "United States captain" pseudonym, prostitutes at least 29 times.

In addition, the case already has 12 men and 1 woman were arrested and are subject to a number of charges. Local prosecutor Dan·sateboge (Dan Satterberg) said the sex workers were forced to Bellevue luxury apartment for prostitution, they are victims of sex trafficking. Sateboge said: "we think the accused vulnerable weak against commercial sexual exploitation of immigrant women. ”

According to local police, the women were forced to engage in prostitution, to the Asian criminal groups to help them travel to United States debt. These women will not face any charges, but the "prostitution" guests will be prosecuted, including public safety and military technology of the Manhattan company WesTek make·enfeierde Marketing boss (Mark Enfield). He has a pseudonym "ItsMe" prostitution, is also charged with "pornographic intermediary."

微软、亚马逊高管因“色情中介罪”受到指控 - 微软,亚马逊,色情 - IT资讯

5月14日消息,据美国西雅图当地媒体报道,横跨美国多州的贝尔维尤卖淫大案还在持续发酵,微软公司全球健康总监萨米特·维尔马尼(Sumit Virmani)、亚马逊前软件开发总监维韦克·阿斯塔纳(Vivek Asthana)相继因“色情中介罪”(promoting prostitution)受到指控,据说他们曾在贝尔维尤高档公寓区多次“招募”卖淫受害者。


此外,此案已经有12名男子和1名女子被捕,并受到多项罪名指控。当地检察官丹·萨特伯格(Dan Satterberg)称,这些性工作者被迫在贝尔维尤高档公寓区从事卖淫,她们都是性拐卖受害者。萨特伯格说:“我们认为这些被告对弱势无力的移民女性进行商业性剥削。”

当地警方称,这些女子被迫从事卖淫活动,以便偿还亚洲犯罪集团帮助她们前往美国的债务。这些女子不会受到任何指控,但“买春”客人将被起诉,包括提供公共安全和军事技术的曼哈顿公司WesTek Marketing老板马克·恩菲尔德(Mark Enfield)。他曾化名“ItsMe”召妓,同样被控犯有“色情中介罪”。

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