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published in(发表于) 2016/5/14 8:08:01
United States release “toilet“ instructions: allow transgendered students choose their own toilets,



United States release "toilet" instructions: allow transgendered students choose their own toilet-toilet-IT information

United States Government Friday released a transgender student guide to toilets in public schools across the United States, urged all schools to allow transgender students in accordance with their own sexual identity to choose a toilet.

United States Department of Justice and the Ministry of education said in a letter sent to public schools across the United States, today the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education issued a joint directive to help educators provide the information they need to ensure that all students, including transgender students to go to school in a discrimination-free environment inside.

This legal guidance said that If the school was told that a student was transgender, education must be in accordance with the students on their knowledge to treat their gender. Federal officials said schools can be treated with surgery, students are not required to provide proof, or provide a birth certificate .

Although the directive is not legally binding, but the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of education warned in the letter that received federal funds to support public schools, universities and colleges, if they limit students ' sex selection can only be based on the birth certificate toilet or dressing rooms, they will most likely be losing federal education funding.

United States Attorney-General luolitai·linqi (Loretta Lynch) said in a statement, our school system does not allow any form of discrimination, including discrimination against transgender people.

The Guide came out, immediately opposed by Republican officials. The Washington Post reported that conservative Virginia Fairfax County School Board said Elizabeth Schultz, this guide may have against some students ' religious beliefs. She also challenged the Federal Government on a variety of issues are too arbitrary: "is there anything else the Federal Government does not rely on rigid command to implement? ”

Republican presidential nominee Trump (Donald Trump) also said that he thinks that such things should be up to each State to decide, "they also have the ability to make such a decision. ”

The other hand, some human rights groups, LGBT organizations this guide welcomes, called it a "groundbreaking". Fox News reported that homosexual transsexuals Chad Griffin, President of the human rights organization Human Rights Campaign said, this is a really serious moment, not just for transgender people is important for all young people, it sends this message: every student should be treated equally, teachers and school support.

For now, United States for transgender toilet is becoming increasingly fierce debate on the issue. In March of this year, North Carolina enacted a Bill called HB2, who fail to undergo surgery, and through the legal procedures for those who change their gender on their birth certificate, not according to their gender identity to choose between public health and must be selected according to gender on a birth certificate.

美国发布学校“如厕”指导:允许变性学生自主选择厕所 - 学校,厕所 - IT资讯





美国司法部长洛丽泰·林奇(Loretta Lynch)在一份声明中说,我们的学校系统不允许有任何形式的歧视,包括对变性人的歧视。

该指导一出,立刻遭到了共和党官员们的反对。《华盛顿邮报》报道说,弗吉尼亚Fairfax郡学校委员会保守派人士Elizabeth Schultz表示,这份指导可能侵害了一些学生的宗教信仰。她同时质疑联邦政府在各种事务上都太过专断:“还有什么事情是联邦政府不靠硬性命令来推行的?”

共和党可能的总统提名人特朗普(Donald Trump)也表示,他认为此类事情应该由各州来做决定,“他们更有能力做这样的决定。”

另一方面,一些人权团体、LGBT组织对该指导表示欢迎,称其是“开创性的”。福克斯新闻报道,同性恋变性人人权组织Human Rights Campaign总裁Chad Griffin称,这是一个真正重大的时刻,不仅对于变性的年轻人、对于所有年轻人都有重要意义,它发出了这样的信息:每个学生都应受到平等对待,得到老师和学校的支持。


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