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published in(发表于) 2016/5/15 6:14:21
Chinese Ambassador Xie Feng condolences rescued Singapore ship crew members



Chinese Ambassador Xie Feng condolences rescued Singapore ship crew members

News Agency, Jakarta, May 15 (Xinhua Gu Shihong) Chinese Ambassador Xie Feng 14th condolences recently rescued in Singapore ship crew members.

According to the Chinese Consulate General in Surabaya 15th disclosure, contact the Consulate General of 14th Singapore tanker ship, MV Hai Soon 12th 11 Chinese crew members, conveyed Chinese Ambassador Xie feng and the concern and sympathy of the Embassy for the crew and asked about their health and living conditions, further understanding of the situation.

Crew on Ambassador Xie feng, Indonesian embassies and Consulate General in Surabaya of deep gratitude for the concern and sympathy, expressed through marine risks, but consulates concerned so that they feel the warmth of the motherland and bring them strength and security.

According to crew introduced, Singapore tanker ship "MV Hai Soon 12th" May 6 from Singapore away from the port of departure, intended to go to Australia off the coast to Japan fishing supplies of fuel. 7th night boats by Indonesian pirates, the crew being held in the cabin inside the restaurant. 9th, the ship found and rescued by the Indonesian Navy. 10th escorted by ships in the Indonesian Navy sailed into the port of Surabaya, Ujung base, entered the investigation phase of the case. 11 Chinese crew in good health at present. Indonesian Navy presence on the boat will be on duty to protect ships and crew safety.

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-05-15 12:02:38
China News Network

  中新社雅加达5月15日电 (记者 顾时宏)中国驻印尼大使谢锋14日慰问日前被解救的新加坡船中国船员。

  据中国驻泗水总领馆15日披露,该总领馆14日再次联系新加坡MV Hai Soon 12号油槽船的11位中国船员,转达中国驻印尼大使谢锋及使馆对船员们的关心和慰问,询问了他们的身体及生活状况,进一步了解相关情况。


  据船员介绍,新加坡油槽船“MV Hai Soon 12号”5月6日从新加坡离港出发,拟赴澳大利亚外海给日本渔船补给燃油。7日晚,船只遭印尼海盗劫持,船员们被关押在船舱餐厅内。9日,船只被印尼海军发现并获救。10日船只在印尼海军护送下驶入泗水乌戎港基地,该案进入调查阶段。目前11名中国船员身体状况良好。印尼海军派驻人员在船上值班,保障船只和船员安全。

(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-05-15 12:02:38

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