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published in(发表于) 5/18/2016 5:44:02 AM
China Venezuela oil loan agreement have some risk



Expert: China Venezuela oil loan agreement still risks China | | Venezuela | loans _ news

Original title: Board Upgrade "oil loan" agreements China: finance mutually beneficial

Reporter Lan Yelong Bai Yunyi

17th, Venezuela entered its third day, delayed the economic emergency. "Just like in economic tensions in Venezuela loses oxygen. "The 16th local time, Venezuela for economic migeer·peileizi, Vice-President said Venezuela and China reached a new agreement. United Kingdom, Reuters said both sides "oil loan" agreements to upgrade, the new agreement more favorable terms. In 17th of Ministry of Foreign Affairs routine reporter will Shang, China Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hong answered global Times reporter on this thing of questions Shi said, currently cannot provides about specific project and funds of situation, but said "in the Board financing cooperation is both financial institutions and enterprise carried out of commercial cooperation, about funds main for Board economic social development project and two between of cooperation project, to both brings has real of benefits".

According to Reuters, concurrently as Venezuela Perez, Minister of trade and industry said in an interview in his Office, "today we can announce that Venezuela and China have reached a new commercial terms, these terms for Venezuela made adjustments to the actual" new loan agreements, including lending long, total investments and non-financial terms have been greatly improved. But he gave no further details, such as the total funds.

Reuters commented that, over the past ten years, China to Venezuela to provide loans, which to be paid in the manner of crude oil. However, due to the global drop in oil prices, the exchange of Venezuela is becoming increasingly heavy, more favourable agreements with China to Venezuela a lot of good.

"Consider to current international oil changes, both agreed according to equality of principles, discussion enhanced two financing cooperation mechanism flexibility of effective way", Hong 17th in answered global Times reporter questions Shi said, in the Board mutual for important of trade cooperation partners, China may and Board party in equality of based Shang, continues to carried out including financial cooperation zainei of the field pragmatic cooperation, promote both common development.

According to Al-Jazeera television reported on 17th, Perez said in an interview, new agreements with China, deep cuts in imports, coupled with the new depreciation of the exchange rate will help Venezuela get out now "very complicated" situation. Currently Venezuela is facing serious economic difficulties: the severe shortage of food and drugs, inflation up to 3 digits, domestic business activity declining. The country's 13th President, announced late 14th to extend economic state of emergency for 60 days. 17th, Venezuela opposition calls against the measure.

In this case, some worried China to Venezuela's loans are at risk? According to estimates by Perez 16th until the end of 2017, Venezuela's economy is difficult to get out of the recession. Official figures show that 9 months before 2015 Venezuela imports about US $ 28 billion. I.L. Peretz says 2016 national funds for imports will be only $ 16 billion. The associated press reported on the 14th, ITP Venezuela South America's first high-speed rail link has been virtually shut down. This was started in 2009 Tina-Ana Branch railway was originally scheduled for completion in 2012, now works for over 4 years. Engineering stagnation is Venezuela caused by shortage of funds.

In this regard, China institutes of contemporary international relations, Latin American director Wu Hongying, 17th in an interview with the globe and Times reporter, said that China and Venezuela reached a new "oil loan" agreements while there is some risk, but Venezuela still has normal repayment ability, and there is no default on debt of any State. For China, Venezuela remains an important strategic partner, when it is in a recession need external assistance, China needs to give due support, which helps to maintain momentum for future cooperation between the two countries.

Source: global times

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
China Venezuela loan

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  原标题:中委升级“石油还贷款”协议 中方:融资合作惠及双方

  记者 蓝叶龙 白云怡

  17日,委内瑞拉宣布延迟经济紧急状态进入第三天。 “恰似给处于经济紧张局面中的委内瑞拉输了氧气一般。”当地时间16日,委内瑞拉主管经济的副总统米格尔·佩雷兹这样形容委中两国达成的一项新协议。英国 路透社称,双方对“石油还贷款”协议进行升级,新协议条件更为优惠。在17日的外交部例行记者会上,中国外交部发言人洪磊回答《环球时报》记者关于此事的 提问时说,目前不能提供有关具体项目和资金的情况,但表示“中委融资合作是双方金融机构和企业开展的商业性合作,有关资金主要用于委经济社会发展项目和两 国间的合作项目,给双方带来了实实在在的好处”。

  据路透社报道,同时兼任委内瑞拉工业贸易部部长的佩雷兹在办公室接受采访时说,“今天我们可以宣布,委中两国已经达成新的商业条款,这些条款针 对委内瑞拉的实际情况做出调整”,新贷款协议中包括借贷时长、投资总额以及非财政方面等条款都得到大幅改善。但他没有透露资金总额等进一步细节。


  “考虑到当前国际油价变动,双方同意按照平等互利的原则,探讨增强两国融资合作机制灵活性的有效方式”,洪磊17日在回答《环球时报》记者提问 时说,中委互为重要的经贸合作伙伴,中方愿与委方在平等互利的基础上,继续开展包括金融合作在内的各领域务实合作,促进双方共同发展。

  据卡塔尔半岛电视台17日报道,佩雷兹在接受采访时说,与中国的新协议、进口数量的大幅缩减,再加上新贬值后的汇率,将有助于委内瑞拉走出现在 “极为复杂”的局面。目前委内瑞拉正面临严重的经济困难局面:食品药品严重短缺、通货膨胀高达3位数、国内商业活动日益下滑。该国总统13日晚宣布,从 14日开始延长经济紧急状态60天。17日,委内瑞拉反对派号召反对这一措施。

  在这种情况下,一些人担忧中国给委内瑞拉提供的贷款是否面临风险?据佩雷兹16日估计,直到2017年底前,委内瑞拉的经济恐怕都难以走出衰 退。官方数字显示,2015年前9个月委内瑞拉的进口总额约为280亿美元。佩雷兹说,2016年委全国用于进口的资金将只有160亿美元。美联社14日 报道称,中国援建委内瑞拉的南美洲第一条高速铁路已几乎停摆。这条2009年开始建设的蒂纳科-阿纳科铁路原计划在2012年完工,现在工程已超期4年。 工程停滞是委内瑞拉方面资金短缺造成的。

  对此,中国现代国际关系研究院拉美所所长吴洪英17日在接受《环球时报》记者采访时说,中国和委内瑞拉达成新的“石油还贷款”协议虽然有一定风险性,但目前来看委内瑞拉依然有正常还款能力,且没有拖欠任何国家债务。对于中国来说,委内瑞拉依然是重要的战略合作伙伴,当其处于经济衰退需要外部援助 时,中国有必要予以应有的支持,这有利于保持未来两国的合作势头。



中国 委内瑞拉 贷款


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