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published in(发表于) 5/18/2016 5:47:20 AM
Sister why programmers so rare? ,



Sister why programmers so rare? -Programmers-IT information

IT is today's hot industries, yet so few programmers sister, why on earth does? The video below will answer us.

Is a name for Girls Who released the video Code organization, the organization is dedicated to helping young women in the field to obtain professional skills, degree and employment opportunities for nonprofit organizations. Frank account of women in the areas of computer, this video all the disadvantages, including monthly "official holidays" cause mood fluctuations, thus making learning more complex programming difficult, and some women use their eyelashes and hair is too long for an excuse and, worse, a woman raised her chest too plump, write code to block the keyboard, it is really laughable.

In fact, the video was Girls Who Code for some of female programmers in one-sided view of the community of sarcasm , female programmers at work and there is no significant disadvantages, but society is unfair.

为什么程序员妹子如此稀少? - 程序员 - IT资讯


发布该视频的是一个名为Girls Who Code的组织,该组织致力于帮助年轻女性在计算机方面获得专业技能、学位和就业机会非营利性国际组织。该视频坦诚交代了女性在计算机方面的种种劣势,包括每月“例假”导致的心情起伏,从而使学习较为复杂的编程成为难事,还有的女性以自己睫毛和头发太长为借口,更有甚者,一位女性提出自己的胸部过于丰满,写代码挡住键盘,实在令人啼笑皆非。

实际上,该视频是Girls Who Code对一些社会上对女程序员一些片面观点的讽刺,女程序员在工作上并没有太大劣势,只是社会的看法有失公允。

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