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published in(发表于) 5/19/2016 6:20:49 AM
Guangxi Xinhua Bookstore former General Manager Li Xiaoyong bribery trial-court sentenced 11



Guangxi Xinhua Bookstore former General Manager Li Xiaoyong bribery trial-court sentenced 11

Li Xiaoyong received a court sentence of the accused. Huang Hui Wu photo
CNS, Fangchenggang, May 19 (reporters Li Min and and Ayaakira and Wu and and)-May 19, Guangxi fangchenggang city intermediate people's Court of Guangxi Xinhua Bookstore group limited original according to law, Deputy Secretary, General Manager Li Xiaoyong bribery case judgment, Li Xiaoyong bribery of the accused, was sentenced to 11 years and fined 500,000 yuan.
The Court found that since 2009, Li Xiaoyong of the accused to use its Presidency of the Guangxi education press Director of the duty then, for book publishers Li Lijie investment class assignment project selected in Guangxi Province Department of education list of places in primary and secondary schools free supplementary purchase, and lang education books limited, Guangxi and help Li Lijie shares, from 2011 to 2014, a total of 9 times during taking bribes from Li Lijie amounts to 6.75 million Yuan.
Courts believe that accused Li Xiaoyong as a Member State, used his position and illegally accepting other people's property, for the benefit of others, their behavior constituted the crime of taking bribes. Li Xiaoyong of the accused taking bribes from others of 6.75 million Yuan, a huge amount according to law shall be sentenced to imprisonment of at least ten years or life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property. Li Xiaoyong truthfully their crimes after the arrest, sincere repentance, and exit most of the illicit money, may be given a lighter punishment, then made the decision in accordance with law.
In addition, Li Xiaoyong exit 3.88 million yuan of money, shall be confiscated according to law, legally turned over to the State Treasury by the attachment of organs; Li Xiaoyong exit their houses, two parking spaces, according to law the auction, the proceeds after deducting related expenses for tuizang, and the gap continues to be recovered and turned over to the State Treasury.
(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2016-05-19 15:52:44
China News Network

被告人李小勇接受法庭宣判。 吴凰汇 摄

  中新网防城港5月19日电  (李敏军 费文彬 吴凰汇)5月19日,广西防城港市中级人民法院依法对广西新华书店集团股份有限公司原党委副书记、总经理李小勇受贿一案作出判决,被告人李小勇犯受贿罪,被判处有期徒刑十一年,并处罚金人民币五十万元。



(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2016-05-19 15:52:44

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