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published in(发表于) 5/19/2016 6:21:04 AM
Hubei built the world’s largest Kuan Kung, Dragon’s knife up to 70 m



Hubei built the world's largest Kuan Kung, like Dragon's knife up to 70 m (photo) | | Hubei Kuan Kung _ news
Icon of Jingzhou, Guan Gong began lifting handles.
About 40 metres long parts of the shaft has been slowly lift off the ground.
Handle position will eventually be hung at the end of the ground to a height of about 50 m.
Body parts of the whole shaft and hoisting overall connection welds.
Under the blade in the hilt again, 70-metre final spell Dragon's knife.
70-metre-long Qing long Yan Yue DAO domineering exposed.

Original title: the world's largest Qing long Yan Yue DAO, Kuan Kung is like lifting the shaft 70 meters arrogance exposed

A few days ago, Jingzhou, Guan Gong Broadsword icons hoisting project officially started. After a period of intense construction work, the blade part of the installation has been completed. Jingchu network reporters learned from the project headquarters, May 18, Saint sword hilt parts of lifting, welding engineering has been launched.

Noon 13:00 Xu, cooperation of the two cranes, about 40 metres long parts of the shaft has been slowly lift off the ground. According to the design requirements, handle parts will eventually be hung at the end of the ground to a height of about 50 m, until the entire shaft and hoisting the body part through connections welded, under the blade, handle and then on, 70-metre final spell Dragon's knife.

"Taking into account the construction of Jingzhou during weather changes, we have prepared several sets of plans, is now sprinting. "The official told reporters that the construction site, whole icons the welding point between Broadsword and a total of three, one bearing the greatest, the most critical one high off the ground, lifting work as a whole more difficult. Currently, engineering technicians and workers is to push the link operation, ensure that the entire icon Broadsword installation project was completed safely on schedule. (Source: Jing-Chu Ren Zhongjie network reporter Kevin correspondents)

  Earlier reports: the world's largest statue of Guan Gong show true "Fuwa" father of Han meilin, mountain

On February 24, the icon of Jingzhou, Guan Gong, Guan Gongyi Park paint jobs to advance to an elevation of 34 metres, dismantling the scaffold to 40 metres above sea level, this world's largest body of Guan Gong statue bronze statue showing true, prestige first.

Icon height of 48 meters, together with the base, a total of 58 m; a total weight of more than 1200 tons, its exterior more than more than 4,000 pieces of pure bronze; Wu Sheng Broadsword in his hand that is only 136-ton, a 500-ton crane smoothly lifted ... ... In the Jingzhou ancient city Southeast, the beautiful banks of the moat, this statue of Kuan Kung icons, eyebrows like scimitars, standing, with a majestic eye, its foot was tour of Hubei Province investment company Jing Guan Gongyi Park Brigade Group invested 1.5 billion yuan to build.

The same day, Jingchu network reporters on the stairs, climb up the elevation of 40 meters of the top of the scaffolding, workers see sculpture is being operating. Site owner Liu Jiahu introduction, icon of the main project had been completed, currently in the stage of sanding, paint, paint starts at the top, more than 40 people at the same time work has been advancing down 24 meters, reaching 34 meters above sea level. "Expected to be completed in April painted and complete demolition and scaffolding, in June opened to tourists. "Liu Jiahu said.

Just a few days ago, Kuan Kung icon designer Han meilin, 80, who had come to Jingzhou, field trip guide icon development, and spoke highly of the progress of the project, that icon of Jingzhou, Guan Gong while the process is the most complex, but the fastest and the most successful. Mr Han meilin, a national level artist, Professor of fine art College of Tsinghua University, Beijing Olympic Mascot "friendlies" creator, 2016 CCTV mascot "Hong Hong" (Netizen nicknamed monkey saire) Designer. Icon of Jingzhou, Guan Gong 58 large sculptures made his life in the largest bronze works, has become his mountains and the real strength of the attestation.

In order to carry forward the Guan Yu culture to enhance the "cause of Jingzhou" image of the city and Jing Brigade Group also hired the Beijing Olympic Games, Nanjing Youth Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies team for the planning, creation, planning and production of large-scale live-action drama of the ceremonies into the city, the Liu Bei in both entertainment and indoor large multimedia show of Kuan Kung's world, to play King, depth of interaction, increase popularity.

"Companies hire top national-level planning, planning, creative team, the distinctiveness and uniqueness as scenic attractions of construction and upgrading of the breach, in Jingzhou is the song ' tale '. "Jing Wu Changyin told Chu, Chairman of the travel group network reporter, Jing Guan Gongyi Park in the travel group is currently under construction as a breakthrough point, efforts to create a historical town in the three countries and creative industrial town King's pattern of twin cities, dedicated to the Jingzhou ancient city into the traditional Chinese virtues of city and public cultural centers and tourist destinations in the world. (Source: Jingchu network reporter Sun Yongjun)

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Kuan Kung, Hubei

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China economic NET
湖北建全球最大关公像 青龙偃月刀达70米(图)|关公像|湖北_新闻资讯

  原标题:全球最大关公像吊装刀柄 70米青龙偃月刀霸气外露



  “考虑到施工过程中荆州的天气变化,我们准备了多套预案,现在正在全力冲刺。”施工现场负责人告诉记者,整把大刀与圣像之间的焊接点共有三处,其中承重最大,也最关键的一处离地较高,为整个吊装工程增加了难度。目前,工程部的技术人员和工人们正在全力推进各环节作业,确保整个圣像大刀吊装工程如期安全完工。(来源:荆楚网 记者柯文 通讯员任仲杰)

  此前报道:全球最大关公雕像渐露真容 “福娃之父”韩美林封山作


  圣像净高48米,连同基座,共58米;总重量1200余吨,外贴4000多片纯青铜;仅武圣手中大刀即重136吨,需500吨级吊车才能顺利吊 起……在荆州古城东南,美丽的护城河畔,这尊关公圣像剑眉挺立、目露威严,它的脚下,正是鄂旅投公司旗下荆旅集团投资15亿元建设的关公义园。

  当天,荆楚网记者拾阶而上,爬上标高40米的脚手架顶部,见到雕塑工人正在紧张作业。工程现场负责人刘家虎介绍,圣像主体工程已经完工,目前处于打 磨、上色阶段,其中上色自顶部开始,40多人同时作业,已向下推进24米,达到标高34米处。“预计4月份完成上色,全部拆除脚手架,6月份向游客开 放。”刘家虎说。

  就在前几天,关公圣像的设计者、80岁的韩美林先生专程来到荆州,实地考察指导圣像建设情况,并对工程进展作出高度评价,认为荆州关公圣像虽然工艺最 复杂,但进度最快、最顺利。韩美林先生是国家一级美术师、清华大学美术学院教授、北京奥运会吉祥物“福娃”的创作者,也是2016央视春晚吉祥物“康康” (网友戏称猴赛雷)的设计者。而荆州关公圣像是他毕生所做58座大型雕塑中最大的青铜作品,也成为他的封山之作和真正实力的鉴证。


  “公司聘请全国顶尖级的策划、规划、创作团队,以独特性和唯一性作为景区、景点建设与改造升级的突破口,在荆州唱响‘双城记’。”荆旅集团董事 长吴昌银告诉荆楚网记者,荆旅集团目前正以在建的关公义园为突破口,努力创建三国历史古城与文创产业新城交相辉映的双城格局,致力于将荆州古城打造成为中 华传统美德之城、全球关公文化中心和著名旅游目的地。(来源:荆楚网 记者 孙永军)

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

关公像 湖北


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