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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 5/20/2016 5:39:07 AM
Heavy rain this weekend in Guangdong Province, part of a river or super police flood



Heavy rain this weekend in Guangdong Province Guangdong, part of a river or super police flood | | rainfall _ news

Original title: partial rivers in Guangdong will have heavy rain this weekend, or are super police flood

Information times (Xinhua correspondents Huang Xi lights Guangdong Shui Xuan) this strong new round due to heavy rains at the weekend coincided with the astronomical tide, hejiang, suijiang, Lianjiang and other small rivers Super police flooding may occur. Yesterday, the provincial prevention is always held Chamber of Commerce, which discussed a new round of heavy rains defense and sent a working group to guide the work of defense in heavy rain.

Conference believes that interaction of the upper trough and shear line, from 19th to 22nd, Guangdong will have a wide range, strong rain heavy rain process. Which, 19th night Guangdong Northwest partial North area has in the to rain local storm with lightning, and Gale, strong convection weather; 20th at 8 o'clock to 21st at 8 o'clock, province since North to South appeared storm, Guangdong, and Pearl River mouth area has storm, and with 8 level or above thunderstorm Gale, strong convection weather, local cumulative rainfall over 200 mm, most rain strong 50-80 mm/hours; 21st at 8 o'clock to 22nd at 8 o'clock, Eastern, and Heyuan, and Meizhou, to has storm local storm, Some cities and counties have about 8 a short thunderstorm, the strong rain 50-80 mm/hour. During heavy rainfall coincided with the astronomical tide backwater, the Pearl River Delta and other coastal areas may occur in severe urban waterlogging, caused flash floods and geological disasters in mountainous area, he Jiang, and suijiang, and Lianjiang, Wu, and the Pajiang River, Jiang and other smaller rivers Super police flooding may occur.

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

Article keywords:
Guangdong strong rain

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Information times

广东本周末将有强降雨 部分江河或有超警洪水|广东|强降雨_新闻资讯


  信息时报讯 (记者 黄熙灯 通讯员 粤水轩) 本周末强势来袭的新一轮强降雨恰逢天文潮,贺江、绥江、连江等中小河流可能发生超警洪水。昨日,省防总召开会商会,研究部署新一轮强降雨防御工作,并派出工作组赴各地指导强降雨防御工作。

  会商认为,受高空槽和切变线共同作用,19日至22日广东将有一次范围广、雨强大的强降雨过程。其中,19日夜间广东西北部偏北地区有中到大雨局部暴雨伴有雷电、大风等强对流天气;20日8时至21日8时,全省自北向南出现暴雨,粤北、珠江口地区有大暴雨,并伴有8级或以上雷雨大风等强对流天气,局部累计雨 量超过200毫米,最大雨强50-80毫米/小时;21日8时至22日8时,粤东、河源、梅州等地有暴雨局部大暴雨,部分市县有8级左右短时雷雨大风,最 大雨强50-80毫米/小时。强降雨期间恰逢天文潮顶托,珠三角等沿海地区可能发生严重的城市内涝,山区易引发山洪地质灾害,贺江、绥江、连江、武江、潖 江、梅江等中小河流可能发生超警洪水。


广东 强降雨


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