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published in(发表于) 5/21/2016 9:41:52 AM
China set up women-only security screeners at the airport, many women have no objection



China set up women-only security screeners at the airport and many women against female _ | | security channel news

Passengers from Beijing Capital Airport Terminal d, 3rd District station.

Reference news, May 21 US media said, Mao Zedong once said that "women hold up half the sky", but the Chinese women are often subject to discrimination.

According to the United States the New York Times, May 19, and now, some airport managers are to provide dedicated security channel for women--and some would say this is the dwarf female practice.

Reports that after three months of trial operation, Beijing Capital International Airport, Shenzhen, Kunming and Wuhan airport, the official increase women-only security channel.

These channels are marked with pink "women-only" English letters.

The official explanation is that women usually do not want to be male security personnel searched the security check. In women's channel, security personnel are women.

A security officer told the media that women often carry a make-up bag, you need to open scrutiny. Subtext is saying they will drag down other (male) simple speed of passenger clearance luggage.

The policy background is now official always has a protection of women from all over humiliating or unfriendly experiences impulses – but who regard this impulse for the resurgence of paternalism. Some indexes of Chinese women's social status, including income, seems to indicate that as China's economy becomes more prosperous, and slower pace of advancement of women.

However, many women, this distinction does not object to airport; they say private channel, providing faster customs clearance.

Reported that the State-run bus company in the central city of Zhengzhou has recently launched women-only cars during peak travel hours to reduce women face harassment of, when this measure is grumbling among predominantly male because they have to wait for a bus. (Compile/Guo Jun)

Source: references

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Security lines at women

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中国机场设女性专用安检通道 许多女性不反对|安检通道|女性_新闻资讯


  参考消息网5月21日报道 美媒称,毛泽东曾经说过“妇女能顶半边天”,但中国的女性却常常受到区别对待。










责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

安检通道 女性


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