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published in(发表于) 5/21/2016 9:42:22 AM
Deflagration event 6 dead, 7 injured in Zhengzhou, a plant explosion ignited clothing factory



Zhengzhou deflagration event 6 dead, 7 injured in factory explosion ignited clothing factory

Zhengzhou city fire brigade on May 21 news on 13:21, 119 command Center received a report of Zhengzhou city, high-tech development zone Sycamore Street and peach road intersection a six-story garment factory building burst into flames, fire quickly mobilized near the squadron officers and soldiers rushed to the scene of Zhengzhou disposal. Now the fire has been controlled, 2 injured have been rushed to hospital for treatment and the cause of the fire is under further investigation. Beijing, reporters saw at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the scene of explosion building fire was put out, but still a few flames out from the building. A witness at the scene said many people flee to the roof after the incident was surrounded by smoke, 1 of them jumping. Photo explosion garment factory building fire has been under control of the fire. Liu Peng, photo video: a garment factory exploded in Zhengzhou community two miles away heard the explosion source: China News Network
CNS, Zhengzhou, May 21 (reporter Liu Peng)-fire brigade, 21st night of Zhengzhou city said, to Zhengzhou high-tech explosion has 6 dead and 7 injured. Cause of a precision equipment factory exploded, ignited an adjacent garment factory.
News, May 21 13:21, gaoxin Sycamore Street and peach road intersection one standard factory buildings and six layers of precision equipment factory exploded and ignited an adjacent garment factory. Zhengzhou fire brigade after receiving 140 soldiers deployed 26 fire engines rushed to the scene quickly disposed of 16:04 fires have been put off. The crash over an area of about 700 square meters.
As of press time, the accident has killed 6 people, 7 people were injured, the specific reasons are still under investigation.
(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-05-21 22:32:07
China News Network
郑州爆燃事件致6死7伤 系设备厂爆炸引燃服装厂

  郑州市消防支队5月21日下午消息,当日13时21分,郑州市119指挥中心接到报警,高新技术开发区梧桐街与碧桃路交叉口一服装厂楼房六层爆炸起火,郑州消防迅速调集临近中队官兵赶赴现场处置。目前火势已被控制,2名伤者已被送往医院进行救治,火灾原因正在进一步调查之中。 中新网记者下午3时许在事发现场看到,爆炸大楼火势基本被扑灭,但大楼内仍有零星火苗窜出。现场目击者称,事发后多人逃到楼顶被浓烟包围,其中1人跳楼。图为爆炸起火的服装厂大楼火势已被控制。 刘鹏 摄 视频:郑州一服装厂爆炸起火 市民两公里外听到爆炸声 来源:中国新闻网

  中新网郑州5月21日电  (刘鹏)郑州市消防支队21日晚间发布消息称,郑州高新区爆炸事件已至6死7伤。事发原因系一精密设备厂爆炸起火,引燃了相邻的服装厂。


(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-05-21 22:32:07

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