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published in(发表于) 5/21/2016 9:43:50 AM
XI Jinping, congratulatory messages with President Saddam Hussein of Pakistan



XI Jinping, congratulatory messages with President Saddam Hussein of Pakistan

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 21-XI Jinping with Pakistan President mamunuen·housaiyin 21st on the diplomatic ties between the 65 anniversary of the congratulatory messages.

In his message, he said, China and Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership. Establishment of 65 years, bilateral relations withstood the test of changes in international situation and their respective domestic situations, constantly moving forward. In recent years, the relations have maintained a strong momentum of CMB, all-round pragmatic cooperation and positive progress in the cultural exchanges of the two countries. China regards Pakistan as promoting "along the way" an important partner in building, construction of economic corridors will lay the solid foundation for creating the CMB fates. I attach great importance to bilateral relations, and is willing to work with you, and create a better future for bilateral relations.

In his message, Al-Hussein said, for 65 years, China has always been Pakistan's "iron man", steadfast friends and trusted partners. Their partnership based on mutual respect, on the basis of mutual trust and shared values, has a long history and development. Pakistan and the 65 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic, we review the past and look to the future, convinced of the enduring friendship of the two countries and broad prospects. As the leaders of the two countries with ancient civilization and modern, we have a duty to make bilateral friendship from generation to generation.

The same day, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to XI Jinping sent a congratulatory telegram.

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-05-21 14:02:06

  新华社北京5月21日电 国家主席习近平同巴基斯坦总统马姆努恩·侯赛因21日就中巴建交65周年互致贺电。




(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-05-21 14:02:06

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