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published in(发表于) 5/31/2016 8:24:52 AM
Hong Kong media: increase in the number of pandas, the threat level was downgraded to vulnerable



Hong Kong media: increase in the number of pandas under threat level was downgraded to vulnerable | | pandas endangered animals _ news

Reference news, May 31, local media said, a source told the South China Morning Post on Sunday said, because the increased number of wild species, Chinese Panda threat level from the "endangered" was downgraded to a "vulnerable".

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, May 30, published, entitled the national treasure, the good news: Giant Panda or the number is no longer "endangered" reports, learn about this matter, the sources said, the International Union for conservation of nature (IUCN) is considering changes in red list of endangered species, the giant panda.

A year ago, the International Union for conservation of nature completed a number of pandas and Habitat assessment, but has not been a formal decision. The organization is on the risk of extinction of endangered species in the world governing body, and the threat is divided into 7 levels.

The sources said that at present, giant pandas are thought to have a high risk of extinction in the wild, although assessment is that its reduced level, as "vulnerable".

Source says: "scientific point of view, in ever increasing numbers in the wild, natural habitats are also expanding. ”

The assessment results are consistent with China's fourth Giant Panda survey last year. According to data from the National Forestry Bureau, by the end of 2013, national wild Giant Panda population up to 1864, captive population reached 375.

Lu Zhi, a Professor of conservation biology at Peking University said that although the data well, Panda habitats are still more affected by "splitting" of threats Habitat intensive human activity divide the land into smaller, more independent small block.

Lu said: "when the mountain began construction of roads, the original Habitat is gradually lost. While the Habitat as a whole region in expanding, but we lost the best of those. ”

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Giant pandas endangered animals

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China News Network
港媒:大熊猫数量增加 受威胁等级降为易危|大熊猫|濒危保护动物_新闻资讯

  参考消息网5月31日报道 港媒称,一名消息人士对《星期日南华早报》表示,因为物种野生数量增加,中国国宝大熊猫的受威胁等级可能从“濒危”降为“易危”。

  香港《南华早报》网站5月30日刊登题为《国宝喜讯:大熊猫数量增加 或不再“濒危”》报道,对此事有了解的消息人士说,国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)正在考虑改变大熊猫在濒危物种红名单中的等级。





  北京大学保护生物学教授Lu Zhi说,虽然数据表现不错,熊猫栖息地仍更受到“分裂”威胁,栖息地密集的人类活动将大片土地切成更小、更独立的小块。


责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

大熊猫 濒危保护动物


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