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published in(发表于) 6/1/2016 8:00:27 AM
Mr Huang has taken the initiative to pay 800 million Yuan, and received 11 months ’ remission



Huang has taken the initiative to pay 800 million Yuan for 11 months ' remission | | commutation of Wong Kwong Yu _ news

Award show, Huang has taken the initiative to pay fines and confiscation of property of 800 million; after the commutation of sentences should be performed until February 16, 2021

On May 31, the Beijing second intermediate people's Court issued the criminal orders, GOME founder Huang guangyu, once again get a reduced sentence for 11 months. After the commutation, Huang guangyu, sentences should be performed until February 16, 2021.

2008 prison of Huang guangyu, the sentence has been twice for 21 months. In December 2015, the second intermediate people's Court of Beijing municipality on public hearing criminal Huang commutation case shows that in 2012, Huang had been commuted for ten months. On December 7, 2015, the penal institutions to recommend his sentence minus one year.

Ruling published yesterday shows that Huang guangyu, commutation of the final for the second time by a proposed cut to 11 months a year.

"Huang has taken the initiative to pay 800 million Yuan"

The criminal ruling shows, "Huang guangyu, criminals have taken the initiative to pay the fine and the confiscation of personal property amounted to 800 million Yuan and paid illegal income of 23.6694 million Yuan. Effective judgment the property penalty payments have all been completed. ”

Mr Huang was born in 1969, 47 years old. In 1987, he founded the company officially. In 2004, the Eagle in Gome's backdoor listing in Hong Kong, Wong Kwong Yu won that same year to 10.5 billion yuan of wealth hurun "China rich list" list.

November 23, 2008, Mr Huang was detained by Beijing police on suspicion of economic crimes. There were reports that case is very complex.

9:30 on November 27, 2008, information Office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau confirmed that Mr Huang was arrested for economic crimes, are under police investigation. According to media reports, Huang guangyu case and the Ministry of public security Minister Assistant Zheng shaodong, Ministry of public security Investigation Bureau Vice Director Xiang Huaizhu, Vice President of Guangdong Province people's political consultative conference Chen Shaoji, Zhejiang Province discipline inspection Wang Huayuan, former Mayor of Shenzhen Xu zongheng, former Deputy Police Chief Zhu Ying, Shanghai and other senior officials have been implicated.

On February 12, 2010, the second branch of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate to Huang guangyu arrested for crime of illegal business operations, insider trading and corporate bribery crimes to prosecute the Beijing second intermediate people's Court.

August 30, 2010, final sentence, Wong Kwong Yu for the crime of illegal business operations, the crime of insider trading and bribery was sentenced to 14 years, gold also was fined 600 million Yuan, the confiscation of 200 million Yuan.

Prize while in prison, Mr Huang "integral" up to 65 min

Criminal rule book says, Beijing second prison suggested that Huang in jail, the sentence commuted, observes discipline, participate actively in learning and work, prison reform activist Award for the second time, we recommend commutation. The Court considers, Huang shows true repentance during the execution of punishment of offenders, in line with the statutory conditions of commutation, may be commuted.

According to people familiar with the commutation process, the "prison reform activist Award for the second time" is an important condition for Huang commutation.

Criminal rule book says, the prisoner since the end of January 2012 to September 2012, the cumulative effective score to reach 62 points, assessing rewards management level II reign, prison reform activist award; the prisoner from October 2012 to the end of May 2013, cumulative effective score 65 points, assessing reward administrative named pipe, prison reform activist award.

Criminal rule book says, these facts, witness depositions, the sentence commuted, commutation of synthetic materials, certificates, rewarding form, scoring assessment materials, review sheets, issued by the Executive Board of the court statements of case and confiscated money uniform receipts on record supporting.

Beijing News reporter learned from a lawyer, Huang guangyu, currently over half of the sentence has been, according to the rules can apply for parole.

Huang commutation memorabilia

November 23, 2008, Mr Huang was detained by Beijing police on suspicion of economic crimes.

On August 30, 2010, the Court ruled that Wong Kwong Yu for the crime of illegal business operations, the crime of insider trading and bribery was sentenced to 14 years.

In 2012, Huang was named "transformation model", 10-month reduction.

May 2015, there are rumors that Huang will end of 2015 from prison, being the United States denies.

On May 31, 2016, Huang's sentence again for 11 months.

February 16, 2021 as Huang after the commutation of sentences should be performed.


"The sentence in half may apply for parole"

Beijing zhongzhou lawyer wangzhong said, the law stipulates practical enforcement of sentences shall not be less than half of the original judgment sentence, counted from November 2008, to November 2015, Huang's sentence was more than half over. After half term of imprisonment, there are two methods, or to achieve the early release from jail, a sentence, a parole.

"In theory, the time served over half of them will be able to apply for parole." Wangzhong lawyer said Huang did not comply with the conditions of probation, parole relatively vague, saying "good sentence commuted, scrupulously abide by the provisions" will be eligible for parole, but the success, there are still many uncertain factors, depend according to the actual situation of the judiciary found that commutation provisions, official one year after the entry into force of the judgment, it may apply for a reduction of sentence.

"Implementing medical parole must sentence in half and unable to take care of in order to perform, or in the current circumstances, it is difficult to parole or execution. "Has long been in the justice system, now Dr Wang Hui of the Beijing University of technology to teach, said in an interview, did you hear that Huang was suffering from severe diseases, are unlikely to go for medical treatment, a way to early release from jail.

However, GOME Group continued contributions to the disaster area in recent years, apart from Huang and his wife pay a big fine, but also spending huge sums of money and securities settlement, plus it did well in prison, which can be used as factors of the judiciary for consideration for parole.


Commutation of messages have "help" associated company shares

Starting from the end of 2014, spread news of Huang guangyu was released from prison. May 2015, the media reported Mr Huang is expected to release that year. On May 11, 2015, Hong Kong stocks rose 17% of GOME, meanwhile, Gome's stock on the a-share market in Zhongguancun, Shandong jintai, trading company are triple.

Every time this kind of news media and the Internet platform continued after the capital market will appear "Huang shares" rising phenomenon. The Xinhua News Agency said, GOME shareholders and institutional investors in the course of fruitful, become the biggest beneficiary this message.

May 31, Mr Huang's commutation message out, to close, Hong Kong stocks rose 1.09% of GOME, GOME holding group, major shareholders of listed companies in Zhongguancun 3.16%.

Interview/Beijing News reporter Chen Yanxu Wei Li Yu Tong

Beijing news graphics/Yan Zhang

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Huang commutation

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The Beijing News
黄光裕已主动缴纳8亿元 再获减刑11个月|黄光裕|减刑_新闻资讯









  2008年11月27日9点30分,北京市公安局新闻办证实:黄光裕因涉嫌经济犯罪,正在接受警方调查。据媒体报道,黄光裕案与公安部原部长助 理郑少东、公安部经侦局原副局长相怀珠、广东省原政协副主席陈绍基、浙江省原纪委书记王华元、深圳市原市长许宗衡以及上海市公安局原副局长朱影等高官均有 牵连。










  2008年11月23日 黄光裕因涉嫌经济犯罪被北京警方拘查。

  2010年8月30日 法院宣判,黄光裕因非法经营罪、内幕交易罪和单位行贿罪被判处有期徒刑14年。

  2012年 黄光裕被评为“改造标兵”,减刑10个月。

  2015年5月 有传言称黄光裕将于2015年年底出狱,后遭国美方否认。

  2016年5月31日 黄光裕再次获得减刑11个月。

  2021年2月16日 为黄光裕减刑后应执行刑期。

  ■ 焦点



  “理论上,服刑期过半就可以申请假释”。王忠律师说,黄光裕并没有不符合假释的条件,假释规定相对模糊,用句俗话说“认罪悔罪态度好,认真遵守 规定”就可申请假释,但能否成功,还有很多不确定因素,要靠司法机关根据实际情况判定,而减刑的规定是,判决正式生效后满一年,就可申请减刑。



  ■ 看点





  采写/新京报记者 陈彦旭 王巍 李禹潼


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

黄光裕 减刑


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