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published in(发表于) 6/1/2016 8:00:58 AM
United States white woman insulting assaulted Chinese student, has not been accused of racial discrimination



United States white woman insulting | insult | assaulted Chinese student is not accused of racial discrimination discrimination _ news

Serious assault by police to prosecute suspected of luteliji. (Picture provided by the police)

Original title: Chinese students take the train was insulting assault case was not charged with hate crime

Beijing, June 1, according to the United States newspaper reported that 10 days ago in the United States on the light rail trains of Tempe, Arizona was a white woman to racist verbal abuse, then beaten to a coma State State University female students in China Shi Xiaolin (Xiaolin Shi, transliteration) local time 30th called for the overseas Chinese community to put pressure on the Prosecutor, requested the Prosecutor to hate crimes and racial discrimination charges to prosecute suspects.

Shi Xiaolin said in an interview on 30th, the prosecution was not charged with hate crimes and racial discrimination of the suspects, which made her "very puzzled". She wanted to safeguard their rights and interests, and you seek support from the local Chinese community. Shi Xiaolin said prosecutors currently prosecute suspects on charges of "serious assault" (Aggravated Assault) and "assault" (Assult).

According to Shi Xiaolin recalled, 20th, to 11:00 this month, Shi Xiaolin with a classmate in a riding light rail train being 22 years old white female luteliji (Kalie Rutledge) language that discriminated against Chinese provocation, insult, for as long as 20 minutes, and repeatedly shouted them "get back to their own countries", as luteliji hear Shi Xiaolin and Chinese students on the train said.

Shi Xiaolin said that when she and her classmates to get off the bus, luteliji with an estimated weight of about 20-pound bags of debris knocked down over her face and fist hitting his face which she fell unconscious, and temporarily lost consciousness. Luteliji blows lead Shi Xiaolin right eye left eye bone fractures, serious decline in eyesight, needed surgery, surgery costs about 7500 to 10,000 yuan (US $). Shi Xiaolin students luteliji's face was struck a blow.

On Thursday, Shi Xiaolin got miruikepa (Mricopa) County Prosecutor's Office informed, knew that only serious prosecution prosecution of suspects on charges of attacking two with assault. Shi Xiaolin said she knew the law on hate crimes punishable with serious assault is different, so she felt the prosecution unfair. When Shi Xiaolin received notice from prosecutors just swelling of the face, returned to normal power of speech. After the criminal proceedings, she would initiate civil proceedings to the luteliji.

Shi Xiaolin is Arizona State University (ASU) students of the College of letters and Sciences junior, from northern China, majoring in interdisciplinary studies. She said that apart from the Chinese student Jiang 玥 experienced shortly before being subject to white woman shot after rear-end out, Chou Hua has not experienced any local people, events that insulted the Chinese people.

Local Chinese community leaders United States President of Fujian overseas Friendship Association Yang Wentian said prosecutors prosecute suspected people "very hard to accept." He said, after receiving a letter for help Shi Xiaolin, Chinese community overnight organization has written to schools and the Office of the Prosecutor, indicated that the Chinese position and interest in the case, and called for a fair trial of the suspects in the justice sector, give the victim a confessed.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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美国白人女子侮辱殴打中国留学生 未被指控种族歧视|侮辱|歧视_新闻资讯


  原标题:中国留学生乘列车遭侮辱殴打 案件未控仇恨犯罪

  中新网6月1日电 据美国侨报报道,10天前在美国亚利桑那州坦佩市的轻轨列车上遭一名白人女子涉嫌以种族歧视语言侮辱,而后殴打致昏迷的亚州州立大学中国女学生石小琳(Xiaolin Shi,音译)于当地时间30日呼吁侨社向检察官施压,要求检察官以仇恨犯罪与种族歧视罪名重新起诉嫌犯。

  石小琳30日接受采访时表示,检方未以仇恨犯罪与种族歧视罪名起诉嫌犯,这让她“非常不解”。她要维护自己的权益,并发函寻求当地侨界的支持。石小琳说,检方目前起诉嫌犯的罪名是“严重攻击罪”(Aggravated Assault)与“攻击罪”(Assult)。

  据石小琳忆述,本月20日晚10:30至11:00,石小琳与一名同学在乘坐的轻轨列车上遭22岁的白人女子鲁特里吉(Kalie Rutledge)以歧视华人的语言挑衅、辱骂,时间长达20分钟,并多次叫嚷着让他们“滚回自己的国家”,原因是鲁特里吉听到石小琳与同学在列车上说中文。





责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

侮辱 歧视


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