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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:22:04
The dark rule of the press: to reveal the Internet hasn’t changed everything _ Sina news



The dark rule of the press: to reveal the Internet hasn't changed everything _ news

Qianlong network dedicated to analyzing the true rules of the media the press have recently raised the dark rule of academic and general industry concern.

Author visited numerous United States after scholars, the public and the media, changes that occurred under the impact of modern media on the Internet raises a deeper question: over the past more than 100 years of journalism-communication-advertising-profit models still have a future? Led multinational group, a listed company in the past more than 100 years as the main body, corporate news as the main mode of modern journalism comes to an end? Last more than 100 years caused by the mass media system in the face of digital individual, personal communication, personal expression of how the new media market deconstruction and reconstruction?

By China Social Sciences press published of monographs news dark rules: Internet does not change of all, in on United States for representative of modern media of operation model, and power model, and spread model for in-depth analysis Hou think, while, modern news industry through more than 100 years commercial, and company of, and advertising led of business road Hou, in new century came to digital of crossroads, faced with news mode and opinion field of remodeling. The other hand, the Internet has not changed the rules of journalism already in existence, into the Internet age, the game still by those "dark rule" manipulation.

The hidden rules of the press, as more than 90% of dark matter and dark energy in the universe, cannot be observed directly, determine the formation of the universe and change, business news is not a vacuum. In modern journalism, is full of competing interest, continued survival, profit, relationships, entertainment and their own ability to swirl in circles of social practice. Corporate management, the advertisements leading and secondary sales model to these basic elements of modern journalism, to shape it more than 100 years of glory and dream at the same time, also constitutes a paradox, make the news industry a huge bubble is filled with all kinds of dark rule. When analyzing the relationship between media and politics, the author puts more specific "employment news", "media money", "value" three media model, and deep thinking in the industry.

In the golden age of the mainstream media, internal problems with the media because the advertising industry's prosperity, in hot pursuit of capital markets, the public has no choice but to cover up, now, digital destroyed advertising bubble, financial crisis shattered the capital bubbles, commercial journalism has lost the trust and support of the public ... ... The contradictions and paradoxes of modern journalism is exposed to sunlight. The author believes that people are discussing the closure of newspapers, TV layoffs, they should see, accompanied by the emergence of a large number of nonprofit journalism, along with the media policy debates, the news industry is undergoing a major transformation and systematic reflection.

News dark rules to United States this world Shang most developed of news powers and most typical of modern news industry as main Anatomy object, while care occurred in China of media phenomenon, proposed has reality thinking: in micro-Bo micro-letter Shang "run" of, what is so-called new news doctrine claimed of since media products, also is those originally on "run" in or originally should "run" in newspaper, and broadcast, and TV, and professional news website, news institutions of media Shang of content?

Wang Xuefeng long-term engaged in newspaper news work, is domestic first a Internet concern who, two species experience Xia, in he seems, network actually has is media of another a performance form, or said is they of another a Zhang face, most netizens of voice still as stars like scattered in sky, they some very with light, but is because location of reasons and cannot into public issues depending on domain. Seen from another direction, was no longer needed and growing generation of mass media, they are immersed in their world and their imaginary world, public value and specification for public needs through their own set of v-micro-letter group, circle of friends, friends, and contacts with, hand-level communication is now the last synchronization to occur. As noted in the dark rule of the press, technology is creating a new control mechanism, it lets you become the standard for understanding the world and receive information, the information we receive is not balanced, but like spam over and over again. New technologies are forming a new "digital bubble". The impact of network and technology, also undermine the cornerstone of the social responsibility of journalism. More and more integration, less and less original, whether we live in a world that is more colorful or a stiff monotone??

News dark rules is not just in proposed problem, it more proposed has independent thinking: Internet and no change game, on each a a life in must crowd and social relations in the of individual, he most need of is and he about of information, commercial of large media put Earth variable flat of while, another a trend is makes Earth more like a small village, we live in village in, both shared large media of village culture, also share small village of personalized atmosphere.

Author pointed out that, is occurred of, is traditional media health and died on, less was note to of more deep change: news industry does not natural to is a "industry", and a "industry", increasingly more of news institutions and they by engaged in of spread, will was return into "social organization" or "public interests organization" of column, as social of overall and composition this a overall of different grouping, are will seeks has himself of public interests news platform, and willing to for they of survival provides funds, and resources. Media as a platform for expression of social groups, from directly advertising the property and the resulting product properties, public organizations become a balance of social forces and groups, in this framework, it is possible to find balance between mainstream values and real interests, find balance between long-term and short-term individual interests as a whole. (Lin Ying)

Source: Qianlong

Responsible editor: Li Liangliang

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千龙网讯 致力于分析现代媒体真实运行规则的《新闻暗规则》一书近日引起学界和业界普遍关注。

  作者在访问了众多美国学者、民众和媒体后,针对现代传媒在互联网冲击下发生的嬗变提出了更深层次的问题:过去一百多年的新闻生产-传播-广告-利润 模型是否还有未来?过去一百多年的跨国集团主导、上市公司为主体、公司化新闻为主要模式的现代新闻业是否到了终点?过去一百多年的大众传媒体系在面对数字 化造成的个体参与、个人传播、个性表达的新舆论场时如何解构与重构?

  由中国社会科学出版社出版的专著《新闻暗规则:互联网并未改变的一切》,在对美国为代表的现代媒体的运作模型、权力模型、传播模型进行深入分析后认 为,一方面,现代新闻业走过一百多年商业化、公司化、广告主导的经营道路后,在新世纪来到数字化的十字路口,面临着新闻模式和舆论场的重塑。另一方面,互 联网并未改变新闻业业已存在的规则,进入网络时代,游戏仍然由那些“暗规则”操纵。

  《新闻暗规则》提出,如同宇宙中90%以上的暗物质、暗能量,无法被直接观测,却决定着宇宙的形成与变化一样,新闻从来就不是真空中的事业。现代新 闻业,是一项充满利益角逐,不断在生存、利润、关系、娱乐和自身能力漩涡中打转的社会实践。公司化经营、广告主导、二次销售模式这些现代新闻业的基本要 素,在塑造了它一百多年来的光荣与梦想同时,也构成其内生的悖论,使新闻业的巨大泡沫充满着各式各样的暗规则。在分析媒体与政治关系时,作者更具体提出了 “雇佣新闻”、“媒介金钱”、“既有价值”三种媒体模型,值得业界深入思考。

  在主流媒体的黄金时代,传媒内在的问题因为广告业的繁荣、资本市场的追捧、公众的别无选择而得以掩盖,现在,数字化摧毁了广告泡沫,金融危机打碎了 资本泡沫,商业化新闻业更丧失了公众的信任与支持……现代新闻业的种种矛盾与悖论被暴露于阳光之下。作者认为,人们在讨论报社的关闭、电视的裁员时,更应 看到,伴随着大量非营利新闻事业的出现,伴随着媒体政策的大辩论,整个新闻业正在进行一场重大变革与系统反思。

  《新闻暗规则》以美国这个世界上最发达的新闻大国和最典型的现代新闻业作为主要解剖对象,同时关照发生在中国的媒体现象,提出了现实思考:在微博微 信上“跑”的,究竟是所谓新新闻主义声称的自媒体产品,还是那些原本就“跑”在或者原本应该“跑”在报纸、广播、电视、专业新闻网站等新闻机构的媒介上的 内容?

  王学锋长期从事报纸新闻工作,又是国内最早一批互联网关注者,两种经验下,在他看来,网络其实已经是媒体的另一种表现形态,或者说是它们的另一张 脸,大多数网民的声音仍然如繁星般散落在夜空,它们有些极具光亮,但却因为位置的原因而无法进入公众议题视域。从另一个方向看,正在成长的已经是不再需要 大众传播的一代人,他们沉浸在自己的世界和自己想象的世界,大众价值和大众规范需要通过他们为自己所设定的一个个大V、好友、微信群、朋友圈才能与之相接 触,过去的递级传播现在正同步发生。如《新闻暗规则》所指出的,技术正在制造新的把关机制,它让你过去的喜好成为了解世界和接受信息的标准,我们由此获得 的不是均衡的信息,而是不断重复自己喜好的垃圾信息。新技术正在形成新的“数字泡沫”。网络和技术形成的冲击,也在破坏新闻业的社会责任基石。越来越多的 整合者,越来越少的原创者,我们生活的世界究竟是越发多姿多彩还是日渐刻板单调??

  《新闻暗规则》并非只是在提出问题,它更提出了独立思考:互联网并没有改变游戏,对每一个生活在一定人群和社会关系中的个体,他最需要的是与他有关 的信息,商业化的大型传媒把地球变平的同时,另一种趋势正在使地球更像一个个小村落,我们居住在村落里,既共享大型传媒的地球村文化,也分享小村落的个性 化氛围。

  作者指出,正在发生的,是传统媒体生与死之上,少有人注意到的更深刻变革:新闻业并不天然地就是一种“产业”、一种“行业”,越来越多的新闻机构和 它们所从事的传播,将被归入“社会组织”或者“公共利益组织”之列,作为社会的整体和组成这一整体的不同分群,都将谋求拥有自己的公共利益新闻平台,并且 愿意为它们的生存提供资金、资源。媒体作为社会群体的表达平台,脱离其直接的广告经营属性和由此导致的商品属性,成为平衡社会力量和群体的公共组织,在这 一框架下,才有可能找到主流价值观与现实利益观的平衡,找到整体长远利益与个体短期利益的平衡。(林荧章)




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