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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:41:10
The company payroll: year 5 million thousand, million, million



The company payroll: year 5 million thousand million million Huawei | | payroll _ news

Summary: Huawei fled the heart of the discussion continues, the mainstream view, high prices forced Huawei. ”

In other words, if calculated in accordance with 40% down in 2015, 137.7 billion could buy 344.2 billion worth of real estate, Shenzhen 222.58 billion until 2015 as a whole new deal, Huawei employee income, enough to buy 1.5 in Shenzhen.

Don't worry! Look at the Shenzhen Huawei Payroll that high prices are not

Huawei fled the heart of the discussion continues, the mainstream view, high prices forced Huawei. These days the news that Shenzhen 15,000 companies relocating their operations in the near future, make the Mayor forced to refute rumors: media error reading.

All discussions on this issue are familiar, will rise a wave every few years, high prices taking young, high prices affect competitiveness, high prices taking enterprises ... ...

Did you go really high prices forced Huawei? Also is to say, mass of Huawei, venting dissatisfaction with the high prices? Emotions, while providing reliable data analysis?

Take this opportunity, and becomes the next, Huawei people how rich, whether home prices in Shenzhen taking Huawei.

  Year 5 million people

Huawei first a level 22 employee income, pay attention, ready to wipe the saliva towel first.

1, the wage

September 2014-June 2015, the standard monthly wage of 65,000 yuan (before taxes).

July 2015-August 2015 standard monthly salary is RMB 82,500 (before taxes).

2, dividends

2014-dividend amounting to 3,071,160 Yuan (after taxes), the payment period is April 1, 2015.

2013-dividends of 2,376,108 Yuan (after taxes), the payment period is April 1, 2014.

3, bonus

2014-bonus 464755 (after taxes), the payment period is April 20, 2015.

2013-bonus 464755 (after taxes), the payment period is April 16, 2014.

4, grant distribution

August 2013 to August 2015 overseas away from home allowance has revealed the amount 843,862 Yuan (taxes).

August 2013 to August 2015, the hardship has revealed the amount overseas, 81,957 (taxes).

August 2013 to August 2015, food allowances has revealed the amount overseas, 6261 (taxes).

In other words, this guy, 990,000 2015 annual salary tax one year ago (before taxes), dividend 3.07 million (after taxes), bonus 465,000 (after-tax), grant 466,000 (after taxes), the above 4 items add up to 5 million of income.

It is reported that the company employee, Vice President of sales in a certain area, level 22, Huawei has thousands of people, positions are generally Regional Vice Presidents and above, the product line Vice President level and above.

Huawei's replies to the Court revealed the income

  Million of more than 10,000 people

Huawei's implementation of the rank system, generally Bachelor's and master's graduates into the company rank is 13, Dr to level 15, 2 level, upgrade speed slightly faster overseas, but is more difficult the higher up the Mountains rise to level 17, 18 are generally lower and middle management staff, 21-22 to the President and the Vice President level.

Huawei's big dividend income, Huawei profit every year mostly to dividends and appreciation of situation, refunded to the employee. "Huawei 2 years after stocks in General, but now for 15 stocks with no employees have changed to TUP, similar to a stock, don't buy, but valid for only 5 years, penny per share are the same. ”

In 2015, Huawei's virtual stock dividends, 1.95 Yuan per share, gained 0.91 Yuan, total 2.86 Yuan. Employee stock quantity and Huawei term strong correlation, if the employee is 17-18, 03-04 years into the company, offering generally hundreds of thousands of smaller share, dividends about 60.7 million before taxes. If it is 2000 years ago, dividends can be over 1 million. About 23,000 people above level 20, dividend 2.0025 billion this year. Rank 21-22, dividends + appreciation of more than 5 million before taxes.

Bonus is of a piece, but this part of the different systems vary greatly, and performance is better.  Graduate of Huawei for 3 years later, year-end bonuses at around 150,000. In General, entry for 10 years, performance above average, ranking 16-17, earning 501 million before taxes. Rank 18 and above, check above average annual salary before tax of over 1 million, there are thousands of people, permanent outposting of overseas assistance, annual Super million estimated Super million before taxes.

2015 sufficient income to buy 1.5 Shenzhen Huawei employees new volume
Not counting dividends, Huawei last year spent on worker 100.8 billion

2015 according to Huawei, Huawei 2015 years of wages, salaries, benefits, time unit plans, after leaving close to 100.8 billion yuan to the total plan! With net profit of 36.9 billion (most of the bonus + stock appreciation to employees), Huawei has spent money on employees of 137.7 billion, 170,000 employees, annual per capita income of more than 800,000.

137.7 billion, what is a concept? Look at 2015, Shenzhen's annual new-home market transactions. "In 2015 year residential prices 32898 Yuan/square meter, sold 66450, 222.58 billion yuan turnover. ”

In other words, if calculated in accordance with 40% down in 2015, 137.7 billion could buy 344.2 billion worth of real estate, Shenzhen 222.58 billion until 2015 as a whole new deal, Huawei employee income, enough to buy 1.5 in Shenzhen.

In 2015, the first name is CR turnover in the Shenzhen real estate city of 11.3 billion, the second investment double seal 7.944 billion, top-Howe Bay Plaza sold 5.415 billion.  Huawei employee income, enough to buy 30 CRC City last year, 43 investment double seal, 63 it is necessary one. If 50,000 price, buy a 89 total 4.5 million, that Huawei has spent money on employees last year, enough to buy 76,000.

Huawei people go, bought the House where

Real estate circle know that Humanness is the most common purchase Shenzhen real estate groups, often little more than 10, held dozens of home buyers. Developers are about love and fear, is its strong purchasing power of love, and the consciousness of fear is holding negotiations, gang up to extra discount when buying a House, had a problem holding rights, for this reason, some worry about selling hot even indicated its welcome to Huawei buy.

It is reported that the stock dividend issued in April 2016 2015 Huawei, bonus is already in May to Zhang Huawei recently when the person most comfortable in hand.

You are sitting behind a computer keyboard, outraged over the network, worry that high prices drive the Huawei. In Tao's view, is entirely for Huawei people worry, typical of the Emperor did not worry eunuch worry. People are holding millions of in the whole of Shenzhen and Dongguan Songshan Lake, big sweep the floor.

Tao learned news is in Dongguan Songshan Lake, a projects, Huawei last week an employee bought 7 suite. In Longgang town, Golden Dragon recognition raised central m apartment on the weekend, Huawei recognized more than more than 20 discs. In longhua, many Huawei also pegged Hong Rong Yuan one city center.

In fact, Huawei bought wherever people are, when 02 Huawei many departments in Namsan Park North Office of science and technology, a large number of people buy old Huawei in Houhai Riviera. Huawei later moved to Sakata, vanke city ushered in many company owners. Beginning in 2012, Huawei Technologies, groups of people began buying property in Regency, Regency headquarters location because its terminal. Two years ago, Kaisa, bantian Town Plaza opened, infested with a large number of its people. Because permanent overseas, some Huawei people even buying properties in the major cities in the world.

Azure coast price from 4000 to 90,000, from 5000 to 50,005 vanke city, Songshan Lake from 7000 to 22,000, Kaisa city square is because lock events, monthly payments are from 20,000 to more than 50,000 before it had begun. Sometimes the world is so unfair, wealthier people more and more money. Family Huawei people work hard, earn higher salaries, bulkhead buying sedimentation value wealth, you can't afford to buy a House, but for the people worry about high prices.

Huawei people rich, and smart, from the House after you taste the sweetness on many dividends and bonuses get hand, buying real estate. Will also exchange experience and partner to buy a House.

Huawei people along the meiguan road, GuanLan, bought from longhuabantian, Songshan Lake, in Mission Hills, Lake Heron international settlements is Huawei bought most of a region. It is reported that according to the 2015 about 1st 7 released by the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the meiguan Expressway reconstruction of municipal traffic planning programme for the initial two-way 14 meiguanlu lane widening and reconstruction of municipal, in Heron Lake and planning around learning road and the two South view Road Interchange.

1th, gold villas, recently sold a townhouse, 194 square meters valued at about 15 million, buyers from Huawei. Prior to this, there are 5 Huawei bought gold to 1th, townhouses, 1300-1900 of the total price. This community push top the end of 2014, Huawei bought 40 sets, starting with 20,000 45,000 now, hasn't occupied burst to make double. Product size Villa at the top--gold Tin Yuet Wan, there are 3 Hawker Beechcraft Huawei bought. Field sales Director, said Huawei people buy Heron Lake said: "Huawei to 1th, walking five and the view of Boulevard ring road for about 10 minutes, future meiguan road on the road opening for knowledge, meiguan road for about 5 minutes. ”

It is reported that gold left in the College at present, 1th, 9 villas, including a 194 square meters of row 6, 220-square-meter double 3 sets RS 60,000-85,000 total 12 million to 19 million. 194 square townhouses real indoor area has about 420 flat, plus garden and parking space, total area of about 500.

Heron Lake International Settlements is Huawei in Mission Hills bought up regional

You talk about feeling, small series to cry a while ... ...

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
The company payroll

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华为工资单:年入500万者上千 年薪百万者过万|华为|工资单_新闻资讯



  别瞎操心!瞧瞧华为工资单 深圳高房价根本不是事儿


























  2015年,华为的虚拟股票分红,每股分1.95元,升值0.91元,合计2.86元。员工股票数量和来华为的年限强相关,如果是17-18级 的员工,03-04年左右进华为的,配股普遍小几十万股,税前分红大约60-70万。如果是2000年前来的,分红能过1百万。20级以上的大约2-3千 人,今年光分红有200-250万。职级21-22级的,税前分红+升值超过500万。

  奖金也是很可观的一块,但这一部分不同体系差别很大,和绩效也强相关。毕业后来华为3年的,年终奖一般在15万左右。  总体而言,入职10 年,绩效中等以上,职级16-17级,年薪税前50-100万。职级18级以上,考评中等以上,年薪税前都超100万,数目有数千人,加上海外常驻人员外 派补助,年薪税前超百万人数估计超万人。





  2015年,深圳楼盘成交金额第一名是华润城113亿,第二名招商双玺79.44亿,顶豪深圳湾壹号成交了54.15亿。华为员工收入,去年足 够买下30个华润城,43个招商双玺,63个深圳湾壹号。  如果按照5万价格,买一套89平总价450万,那华为去年花在员工上的钱,足以买7.6万 套。


  地产圈内都知道,华为人是深圳各个楼盘最常见的购房团体,往往少则十几个,多则几十个抱团购房。开发商们对华为是又爱又怕,爱的是其强劲的购买 力,怕的是其抱团谈判和维权意识,买房时抱团要额外折扣,出了点问题就抱团维权,为此,有些不愁卖的热盘,甚至明确表示不欢迎华为团购。




  其实,华为人是到哪里买哪里,原来02年时,华为很多部门还在南山科技园北区办公,大量老华为人买在后海蔚蓝海岸。后来华为搬迁到坂田,万科城 迎来了很多华为业主。2012年开始,一批批的华为人开始在松山湖买房,因为华为终端总部选址松山湖。前年,坂田佳兆业城市广场开盘,一大批华为人出没。 因为常驻海外,有些华为人甚至在全世界各大城市置业。

  蔚蓝海岸房价从4000变成了9万,万科城从5000变成了5万5,松山湖从7000变成了2.2万,佳兆业城市广场更是因锁盘事件,月供都没 开始就从2万变成了5万多。有时世界就是这么不公平,越有钱的人群,越来越有钱。人家华为人拼命工作,赚取高薪,闷头买房,沉淀增值财富,你买不起房,却 在替人家操心房价高。


  华为人沿着梅观大道,从龙华坂田一路买到观澜、松山湖,在观澜,鹭湖国际住区是华为人买的最多的一个区域。据悉,根据2015年7约1日深圳市 交委发布的《梅观高速公路市政化改造交通详细规划初步方案》梅观路将进行双向14车道的拓宽和市政化改造,在鹭湖周边规划了求知路和环观南路两个互通式立 交。

  金地1号院别墅,近期成交了一套联排别墅,194平米总价约1500万,买家来自华为的。在此之前,还有5位华为人买了金地1号院的联排别 墅,1300-1900多万的总价。这个小区2014年年底推高层时,华为人就一口气买了40套,2万入手现在4.5万,还没入伙就爆赚翻倍。顶端产品天 字号别墅——金地天悦湾,也有3位华为豪客购买。现场销售总监透露华为人买鹭湖的原因时说:“华为目前去1号院走五和大道转环观南路约10分钟,未来梅观 大道在求知路开口,走梅观大道约5分钟。”





华为 工资单


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