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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:16:27
Beijing issued Thunder blue alert, occasional Gale hail



Beijing blue lightning warning was issued to occasional Gale hail | | hail _ Beijing weather news
A weather map.

"Release lightning blue warning signal" municipal meteorological observatory on June 6 to 21 o'clock release lightning blue warning signals, expected to 7th, at 2 o'clock, thundershowers will occur in most parts of the city weather, larger short rain intensity, note precautions.

"Rainfall express" municipal meteorological observatory posted 6th from 15 o'clock at 20 o'clock precipitation (mm): rainfall is concentrated in the Western and Northern regions, Northeast 1.3, 1.2 in Southwest, Northwest of 0.8, yanqing thousand largest stores 45.6, yanqing is the most strong rain thousands of store 15-16, is 24.5 mm/hour. Southeast of town and there was no precipitation.

"Rainfall to to prevention" city Observatory 17 o'clock released forecast: currently West North mountain has appeared thunderstorm, is expected to today evening to tomorrow noon has small to rain, with lightning, Council to short Shi Gale and hail, tomorrow temperatures declined obviously, please prevention. specific forecast: today evening West North thunderstorm, Council to has short Shi Gale and hail; tonight to tomorrow day Yin turned small to rain with lightning, Council to short Shi Gale and hail. temperatures 18-25 ℃.

Source: Beijing Meteorological Bureau

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Beijing weather in hail

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北京发布雷电蓝色预警 局地有短时大风冰雹|北京天气|冰雹_新闻资讯


  【雨情速递】市气象台发布6日15时至20时降水量(毫米):降雨主要集中在西部和北部地区,东北1.3,西南1.2,西北0.8,最大延庆千家店 45.6,最大雨强是延庆千家店15-16时,为24.5毫米/小时。城区和东南部尚无降水。

  【降雨到 要防范】市气象台17时发布预报:目前西部北部山区已出现雷阵雨,预计今天傍晚到明天中午有小到中雨,伴有雷电,局地短时大风和冰雹,明天气温下降明显, 请防范.具体预报:今天傍晚西部北部地区雷阵雨,局地有短时大风和冰雹;今夜到明天白天阴转小到中雨伴有雷电,局地短时大风和冰雹.气温18到25℃.


责任编辑:张淳 SN182

北京天气 冰雹


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